Friendship status

For people i personally know I coordinate with them so we can both use lucky eggs if we want and both get the most out of it.

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Yeah but when does pokemon app “activate” next friend level? ther is no like timer… if i send you an gift does gift opening triger move to next friend level? im struggeling to get how it works and how to time it just right.

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As far as I can tell It happens at the time the gift is opened, so eggs need to be going before the gift is opened.

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I only have 2 Ultra Friends but I am 7 days away from getting 9 more.

It counts ONCE you see the screen which says a new Friendship level had been reached. If you just close the app once you opened the Gift, you’ll only get 50,000XP.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread)

It’s kind of like we got married, @Cup and I.


Um ok still have not got a ring lol


Uh ok you are the guy in this one :stuck_out_tongue:


@JoshHack and I just became Ultra Friends!


Thanks @JoshHack! You get 100k?


Yeah i did


A post was merged into an existing topic: Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Oh its good that I gave the gift then :wink:.

I see why you weren’t sending me any.

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Yeah sorry for that, i wanted to lucky egg the xp for maximum gains

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All good I don’t want to buy lucky eggs anyway


YAY! This is @mew1 :wink:


I’m up to 7 Ultra Friends and 2 days away from 4 more.

1st one will be @Pokemon, just 2 more days.

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