Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

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This is mine! Just need 2 new friends!

Hi! Please add me :slight_smile: Canada
(Share Pokémon GO Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)):



2494 4564 4168

if anyone wants to traid gifts every day add me i will send gifts to anyone who will send me
my trainer code is: 1104 3289 3713

hey if anyone wana traid daylie gifts add me
my trainer code is: 1104 3289 3713

Friend request sent. User name jurassicjudoka

Please add!

Hey guys, here’s my code:
1935 3165 2741

Thank you all for the Friend requests. I didn’t expect such a response. I will send gifts when I can.

7783 8288 9795

9929 7025 5083 pls add my friend, he just started and could really use some help.Also I got a lot requests from all of you and I would be really thankful if you could help him as You helped me :wink:

Help! I need more friends to help with missions. I also will send gifts and I play almost everyday! :grin:

2509 2709 8554

Add me 9378 0078 1430

7786 2155 7708 Need friends add me

1 Like

5102 1069 0140

Add me: 1933 5738 5164 daily gifts. Give and receive.

Addicted daily player. Add me for easy XP.