The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

I sometimes have to catch - for example - a Legendary for others because they aren’t that good at throwing and whatever I do, the Ball just doesn’t want to land into the cirlce, indeed. Maybe it is also because I am used to my own phone, though. Anyways, for some devices it can be pretty hard, indeed :sweat_smile:. Especially tablets.

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It takes much longer to catch Darkrai than Giratina Origin when you want it to stay at center, attack and throw the ball at it

It certainly takes longer to catch when nineteen “Great” curve balls in a row landed with Golden Razz, and it still ends up fleeing. What a crock. :roll_eyes:

Darkrai and Kyoge would have to be the most frustrating Raid Bosses to catch.
So much time wasted sitting idle waiting for the most appropriate time to throw.
In order to reduce wasted time I now alternate between Nanab - Grazz. Less time wasted waiting and less wasted throws either getting inpatient or stuffing due to waiting.
It’s surprising how many are still getting caught on the Nanab which often has me questioning the whole Berry type percentage chance increase being a big con on us the players.
What if Berry type really added nothing. Just think about that for a bit.

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I can’t add a post of my latest Battle Sim for Darkrai as it’s coming up with a too many replies in a row error and that I need to wait until someone else replies in the How Much Damage can you do thread.

To be fair, all of Who is actually going to use the pokestop reviewing thing? (Wayfarer) AND MORE seems to be fit into this topic as well xD

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Sick of ghosts mooching to the side of the screen… or pulling the figure-of-eight shuffle… or leaping out of balls multiple times.

I’ll be glad when this event is dead and buried :woman_zombie::zombie:

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Yeah, the catch driffloon event and then the make 9 nice throws in a row was very frustrating.

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128 freaking Spiritomb quests before my girfriend had her shiny one…
I have 5 after the same amount…

We had to go full ham all-in every day for the entire event to get her her own shiny. This wasn’t fun.
At least now i can give her one and she can trade her own one for something special. And i can trade 3 more for something special.

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How often people want cheap advertisements on this forum… last 5 days we have deleted 7 users for spamming to promote their stuff.

I think it is actually more than seven. For a long time I barely had to use my moderation function and now bots or advertisers are spamming like crazy.

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Since I complained so much here about missing raids I got invited to when I was out of remote passes and had to chase all over to hit bag full, make space, go back and buy passes only to get back too late to join, let me thank Niantic for adding a feature to let us buy passes on the spot when we’re trying to join a raid but are out of passes.

I haven’t tested what it will do when I try that with a full bag. That may still sting. But at least when I have room but no pass, it will let me buy passes and go in. Woo hoo. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It still bugs the hell out of me that blowing a raid pass on Absol or Shinx doesn’t get an advantage in the shiny odds. I’m sure I’ve raided each of 'em over a hundred times with no shiny result. My only shiny Absol came from an egg.

That’s a good point. Using Raid Passes on stuff that can be Hatched or caught Wild should have a slight increase in the catching a Shiny.
I gave up wasting Passes chasing Shiny on all Raids below T5 quite a while ago. Shinx is the only one I’ve got from a Raid. I still don’t have a Shiny Mawile and only hatched first Shiny Absol a week ago.

I’ve lost around half of my home spawns in the latest shuffle-em-up. :cry:

Now I get between 5 to 7 an hour depending on where I am in the house. I can’t complain too much though… for much of the time I’ve been playing I didn’t get any.

You win a few, you lose a few :man_shrugging:t2:

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The game nerfed the number of items from gifts significantly, many times I only got 1-3 items (mainly healing items) besides stardust and the useless stickers. Due to the pandemic still going strong around the world, items from gifts especially pokeballs should be increased, on top of opening more gifts daily.


Yep. And even getting more gifts to open often goes along with sending more gifts, which is a problem if you are stuck for days in a place not within range for any pokéstop or gym.


Yeah, and also when you go thru your friend list, you kind of know which friends of yours would send/open gifts daily and who wouldn’t.

The micro bag management for egg spots has made Gift opening much more difficult than it needs to be.
The sooner they end the nonsense trials that let’s face have all been some get the new features earlier than others and have bonus spaces the better so we can all play some what normal again.

If the new gen 6 common mons like Fletchling, Bunnelby, Litleo are said to be as “common” as those in previous gens, why are their catch rates are much lower than those in previous gens?