Routes feature discussion and discoverings

Will break the consecutive posts block for you.

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Again last night had the return trip not complete the Route despite reaching the Route end point. Took some screen shots and thinking of sending a bug report to Nianshit.
About to try the return trip some time in the next hour (having lunch at Cafe atm) and see if I can get screen shots that show a greater distance remaining as have seen previously. The joy have a day off work to get car serviced. Not racing to get my Route down after work before sun goes down (1hr window normally).

Got a screen shot of 2 Cells off my Route before lunch. Stopped at this point as normal and waited a little bit. No Cell so shutdown/restart. Still no Cell so Paused Route. Walked to the end under Pause. No Cell around End Point so returned to Pause Point. Unpaused and Cell appeared. Complete Route and collect Rewards.
I havenā€™t noticed yet but someone on our local Discord Records their Routes and has evidence of Elite Fast TM being given as Route completion Reward. Thatā€™s a good Reward making it worthy. Not sure if thatā€™s associated with Route Badge level. Iā€™m now on 23/100 for my home Route.

A few more random observations doing 1 Route by Car on way to work and walking my Home Route after work.

Iā€™m seeing the 2 Cells found more often than I would expect now Iā€™m taking the time to read the Pop up.
Furtherest out from end point Iā€™ve had a cell appear is 215m.
Regardless off acct the Cells are mostly appearing on the left side of my Trainer as Iā€™m facing the End Point.
The distance to go bug when Iā€™ve reached the end is random. When shutdown/restart after that has happened a have no way to check if Iā€™ve been credited the progress on the Route Badge as the only time to see the stats is when the badge pops up if it completes normally.

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The last days I have a new problem. After the first route of the day, everytime I try to choose another route, the game crashes and I have to restart. So, new rhythm is one route by day.

Today I had a Cell appear 300m from the end point. Much further out than anything Iā€™ve seen before.

New Route submitted and immediately accepted on one of the family accts. This completes a loop with my Route. There is a break of 30m between the two.
I can do this one by car too.

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I can confirm Elite Fast TMā€™s are in the reward pool for completing a Route.
There is no Route Badge progress required to trigger these. Got one on the second time doing the new Route this morning before work.

Today I got cell 120, still 130 on my way to get the 100%-Form.

Iā€™ve got 67 Cells so far.
I donā€™t get to do a Route(s) every day.
When I do get time I donā€™t do enough to make sure I get 3 Cells every time.

I had another Route submission off my main go live Saturday. This oneā€™s nowhere near home and I have to go out of my way to do it. Still have 2 others waiting for acceptance.
I submitted a new Route on another family acct that starts where my first one ends and finishes close to where my first one starts that runs parallel but on the opposite side of the creek. That one was immediately accepted into the game.

Since the last Game update and announcement they made improvements to the Routes feature Iā€™ve noticed the following:
The Route icon colours in orange once youā€™ve done the length required and it asks you if you want to complete the Route.
Cells are spawning much closer to end point now.
The shutdown/restart trick to get a Cell to appear is not working anymore.

New to me: I started this morning a Route with 1300 meters and at the end I got 3 cells in one catch.

Yeah that is possible. Probably very rarely occurs, though.

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Have herd it rumoured that 3 was possible but yet to actually see. I had a brief period where I was getting 2 semi regularly. Since the update I havenā€™t seen my main get 2.

Also other things noticed since that last update:

  • the Cells donā€™t appear until Iā€™m within 50-60m from the end point.
  • if I donā€™t get a Cell. Shutdown/restart is not resulting in a Cell appearing.
  • Iā€™m seeing more Route done without getting a Cell.

First Route submitted on every family account along with mine was basically instantly approved.
I wonder if theyā€™ve exploited that.
I submitted 3 others a week after my first one over 3 weeks ago and only one has be accepted. Others are in the que.

I submitted my first route 12 days ago and itā€™s still under review.

The system includes data calculated.
Only the first route of the day can have three cells, because of the limit of three per day.
Only the first and second can have twoā€¦
And if you have done two routes with one cell, the only thing you can pray for is that the next has a cell.

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Today Iā€™ve caught cell number 150!! Only 100 on the wayā€¦

Unless itā€™s just a bad patch Iā€™m going through over the last week Iā€™ve noticed the Cell drop rate has decreased. This has happened across four accts not just one.
Previous to the update that saw the Route completion button I would regularly get 3 Cells from 3 Routes. Now Iā€™m only getting 1 or 2 Cells mostly from 3 Routes walked. Iā€™m no longer seeing regular 2 Cell pickups from 1 Route.
I canā€™t confirm if itā€™s completely gone from the reward pool but Iā€™m not seeing Elite Fast TMā€™s anymore either.
The cynic in me says this is a ploy to try make me do more Routes than just the 3 convenient ones near home.

Iā€™m a long way off getting the 250 required and collection has slowed to a crawl with the recent drop reduction. Not that it really matters as my Dogā€™s IV is trash which for the way I play means I wonā€™t use the resources until I get a much better one. The next question is how/when will we get a chance to get better IV dogs or the introduction of a mechanic to make crap IV better?

I think this biā€¦ will be treated as Mew or Mewtwo. Maybe one day a new (payed) investigation will come with a new dog, but Iā€™m quite shure it will be again only a singular catch without garanty of good IV.

Ah, and I still need only three routes to get my cells.

Your most likely correct with the Dog being like all of of the other once every no and then appearance Pokemon.
Guess Iā€™ll never get the final evolution.

Wasnā€™t there a James Bond Film: Never say never againā€¦? :joy: