Routes feature discussion and discoverings

I don’t get hung up on having to fill the Dex so it’s a bit of a non issue for me.

At this rate I can probably say never :grinning:

A question for those who have a bit more experience with routes than me…

What are these (circled in red) numbers/sections meant to display?
I’ve done this route 4 times (I think) certainly not 24 times or 0 times. Does your game show anything different here? :man_shrugging:t2:

Yes mine do show different but I also have been puzzled as to what the numbers actually align with.
None of the numbers match up with the one that shows on the Route badge when completing a Route either.
The numbers aren’t live either. Apparently they are on a 7 day update cycle.
Sorry no I’m of no real help.

This was my first one created and the first Route in the area.

This was my second one that became live 2 weeks after my first one. Other Route went live in the area between my 2. They are rubbish and poorly thought out.

This is my third one that hasn’t been in long. This one makes a return trip on the opposite side of the creek to number 1.

From rough memory the Badges for all three are around as follows:
Route #1 80/100
Route #2 25/100
Route #3 10/100

There are 7 Routes all up in the area. I haven’t bothered with any of them as none were made with much thought.

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Still not getting 3 Cells a day from my 3 most convenient Routes on any acct.
So in the interest of some r&d I decided to have a much closer look at 2 of the other 5 in the area.
The one I did, well 2 as there is another for the return trip 30m shorter.
Very small sample but made me laugh when all accts got a Cell. Best thing from it was this area is currently a Togetic nest. Didn’t know these were a nesting Pokémon. The only reason to walk these again is for the Togetic atm. Once they are gone there’s no reason to do them again.
There’s 2 issues making them poor Routes:

  1. They are both named exactly the same. This is annoying when you have a list of 7 Routes and trying to select the one you want. (Remember 1 Cell per per Route per day)
  2. The only Poi’s to spin and collect Balls along the way are the start and end points.
    Gave both a 1 star rating and I can’t help fix the lack of Poi issue as there is nothing valid along the track through the park to nominate.

There are now rumors going this might get you banned so I suggest avoiding segmenting Routes until more is known.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

I haven’t done any routes and intend to have nothing to do with the “feature”. I was content to have the Zydog without any cells. But I might just get rid of the dog. [But, of course, we’re not allowed to do that. Good grief.]

You should be safe following Routes, submitting them however is a risk. Same with submission with PokéStops. Best part is, we’re doing Niantic’s work for free, and they reward us with bans. :man_facepalming:

Oh, how far have they gone downhill…

I’m yet to read anything on banning associated with Route creation yet. I don’t follow other forms of social media full stop so my sources of info are somewhat limited.

Just spit balling here. Are the bans more associated with making multiple Routes from one section? This may be hard to describe in words.
Let’s say there is a section with 7 Poi (A-G)
from point A to point G. Given enough distance to meet the criteria a number of Routes basically following near exactly the same path could be created.
Route 1. A-G
Route 2. A-F
Route 3. A-E
Route 4. B-E
Route 5. B-F
Route 6. B-G
There are other combos but I won’t go on.
Hopefully people can follow what I’m trying to explain.
This is what should be stopped and possibly have submitters suspended/banned for further submissions.
Hopefully a 3km continual walk that can be made as 3-4 smaller Routes is not the target for this action.
I’ve got a feeling some of the now 7 that come come up when I’m at 1 of my Route starting points fall into this category. They were created by others. Unknown if they were in the Wye waiting for approval when mine were submitted and immediately accepted. I need to study them in more detail as none are exact like for like but my include a very high percentage of some path content.

From the thread I read nobody really knew what was going on but there is a chance submitting these will get you banned yes. I can’t say if you can actually get banned for doing so but it doesn’t seem unlikely at all.

Splitting a bigger route into multiple smaller ones could be a target too. Wouldn’t recommend doing this just yet. I’m closely following the news on the recent ban waves so if I know more I’ll share it here.

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I have now 180 different route badges, but I haven’t create any by myself.
The worst I’ve seen was a double circle, first ring clockwise 4 kilometer long, and after the same ring anti-clockwise again 4 kilometer.
I really don’t understand how this has been accepted…

The interesting thing with these creative duplicates is were they created by the same person or a different person?
It was easy to see how the whole thing was going to become a big tangled spaghetti mess.
Not sure how the whole thing can be cleaned up either?

I’m now in 221 route-badges and I need 21, yes twentyone, cells more and I can show the 100% Zygarde. And I’m really tired to run every day for the three cells I can catch

My Cell collection has stalled a bit of late. No time to walk my 2 near home most of last week and weekend. Rolled my ankle at work Monday so no walking Routes this week. Not at work rest of this week after Monday so haven’t done my driven Route for 4 days either.

Seems Niantic don’t like me… :joy:

This morning in the middle of the city and no rearby route, where yesterday the counter showed 20 and more…

With my sore ankle I haven’t been able to walk my 2 walking Routes after work this week. I’ve only been able to do my Driven one on the way to work.
First 3 days this week that Route gave me 0 Cells. Finally got one today. That’s 2 Cells in 16 days now. Progress is a little slow :rofl:

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Still without routes on my account, but after 4 days it was not only this, but has growm to a shadow ban… well, later on I will go on. :smile:

Shadow bans are 14 days?