Routes feature discussion and discoverings

Did 2 Routes Wednesday for 1 Cell.
Route 1 can be done by Car :rofl:. Second time Iā€™ve done this one now. Got a Cell first time but not this time.
Route 2 (the one I created) had issues walking.
50m into walking it I got the death circle coming and going on 2 Trainers. Blue line was forming while walking so I kept going. Caught PokƩmon and spun stops along the way ok. Got 2/3 the way to the end and death circle finally goes away. My filled in blue line progress disappeared at that same time. All I had on my screen was the 50m section filled at the start before the death circle appeared. Had 2 choices at that stage. Go back and resume Route or go to end and restart in reverse direction knowing I would not be getting a Cell. I went back and ended up getting a Cell from that Route thankfully.

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Thatā€™s interesting about the Cell appearing near/after the Route end point @Jormdeworm.
It falls inline with something Iā€™ve seen happen for the first time this morning with the Route I can do by car.
I drove the Route with multiple accts running. Stopped at the point I can park 80m from the finish. 2 had the Cell appear a little bit after I stopped. Restarted the 2 that did not appear. 1 appeared while the other didnā€™t. Conceded that Trainer wasnā€™t getting a Cell so proceeded to the end point and saw the Cell appear next to the end Pokestop. Managed to click on it before the completed Route animation kicked in (got lucky).
With all the Routes Iā€™ve done with multiple accts running that is the first time Iā€™ve seen a Cell appear at the end point and not between 150-80m from the end point.
Looks like more time will be wasted now in hope a Cell will appear.
2 step process is now a 3 step process.
Step1_Walk Route and stop 100m before end. If lucky Route will appear. If not wait a few seconds. No Route go to step 2.
Step2_Shutdown/Restart game. Hopefully Cell will appear. If not go to step 3.
Step3_Pause Route. Walk to end point looking to see if Cell appears around or past end point. If not go back and resume Route an unhappy player.
Try another Route or do again tomorrow.

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This is my 3rd post in a row so going to need someone to add to the discussion.

This has been posted on our local Discord.
Interesting that it mentions you can be credited multiple Cells when finding one on the Route.
Iā€™ve yet to notice this as Iā€™m not looking at the drop down info when I click on one as Iā€™m quickly looking at the other screens so I donā€™t miss the chance on the other accts.
@bagguille mentioned in much earlier posts he thought he got multiple Cells because he was walking Zygarde at the time. I was able to debunk the walking Zygarde influence walking Zygarde on multiple accts when they had next to no Cells so it was easy to check numbers. He may have just got lucky with the multiple Cells as mentioned in this graphic.

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That is a thing indeed. I donā€™t think it happens too often, though.

Up to now it has happened three times to me. I think the info onscreen doesnā€™t show it.
But happens that the three times I finished my third route of the day and got no cell. And looking my Zygarde he had allready his third cell.

Maybe I should look at my Cell count at the start of the day to be more aware of exactly how many I have.

On another note. I can confirm the pause Route and walk to the End Point thing is real.
Last night I walked my Home Route after work with 4 accts. Stopped at the 100m from end Point. 2 had the Cell appear. 1 had the Cell appear on shutdown/restart. The 4th one was Paused and walked to the end and the Cell appeared shortly after getting to the End Point.
Iā€™m happy this has been confirmed quickly as I know I wonā€™t be wasting time for no possible gain.


I have now 18/200 for the second evolution of Zygarde. Hard work and two month of work before me with this limitation of three cells per day.
But really, this feature of pausing the route 200m before the end, going on walking, and getting the cell, is the best way to fulfill the 200.

Honestly, I feel routes are kinda just and lazy way to get more players to come back to the game. Niantic most likely thought if they introduced a new feature in game, then players would be happy and want to test it out, therefore making more players come back. Not only are Routes basically just walking around, but itā€™s just a way to make more money. The more people playing, the more money they get.

Lots of players want 100% Zygarde, which is understandable to complete the PokƩdex and such, but the fact that you need 250 Cells to do this is just insane. There is a cap of about 3 Zygarde Cells per day. It would take 83.3 days to compete Zygarde, but VERY few players have enough time to find enough routes to do this. If Niantic really wanted to make collecting cells/routes more of a game instead of a chore, they should just allow all players to create a route. This is also a problem of PokƩstop and Gyms. I understand this game is meant to get you outside and walking, but some people, including myself, live MILES from the nearest Pokestop/Gym. I sometimes just want to do a few raids while sitting on my couch. I have a soulution to both with of these issues.

  1. Change the routes system so that everyone can create at least one route per account. Also reduce the amount of Zygarde cells needed to complete Zygarde. Not only that, but create more rewards so that players will get better rewards the further they travel, making players want to follow a few routes, furthing enforcing that your game ā€œmakes people want to go outside.ā€

  2. Allow players, no matter the level, to create one Pokestop/Gym for free. After that, make it scale certain amounts of stardust/Pokecoins to create each type of POI.

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Similar problem for me as well; I also donā€™t have any accessible Pokestop/Gym, and Niantic Wayfarer is garbage in its own terms. They are not accepting my nominations, whereas many similar POIs are there in cityā€¦

Why they expect that every places in the world has man-made interesting things ?

I live in area which is surrounded by forest cover, hence I donā€™t expect any man-made POIs hereā€¦

This is the biggest issue with Wayfarer. They want only interesting things, which are not natural. There are few places here where we can witness Peacocks, Hawks, Deers and of course snakes !!
These are much more satisfying and interesting than those Graffiti on walls, or some Beer shop.

And if one wants to make a route, then we need at least a Pokestop, and if its not, then those people are out of equation from trying these useless features.


Nobody publish his own data :thinking:
Today it has gone up to 21/200, anybody else on the way?

Not even close.
Only get 1-2 Cells a day from doing 2 Routes.
1 on way to work that can be done from the car. The other after work that I walk (one I have created). The second one I created starts not far from this one but is still in reviewing along with 2 others no way near home.

ā€¢ made a route in my village but itā€™s still under review
ā€¢ local town has 1 route - which can only be done from a bus
ā€¢ did 2 routes in a neighbouring town got 1 Zygarde cell
ā€¢ Iā€™ll check back in about 20 years when I get my 78% IVs completed Zygarde


Getting 1-2 Cells a day is going to take some time as well. Add to that my whole game playing time Iā€™ve not been one to evolve something just to say I have one. I tend wait until I have a good one. If they donā€™t release more ways to get Zygarde itā€™s unlikely Iā€™ll drop all the Cells on the ordinary one the game gave me.

I am just firing Origin Pulse to everyone, as I am still on Origin !!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Iā€™ve done 7 Routes now, and Iā€™ve still only been awarded with one Cell. Pausing didnā€™t work, going behind didnā€™t work, closing and reopening didnā€™t workā€¦

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One cell for you, and 71 cells for meā€¦ thatā€™s not fair. Something is going veeeery wrong

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Somethings not going right here for that. I had one of the other accts do 5 Routes before it got its first Cell.
It seems to be playing like the others now missing the odd one here and there.

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Some new annoyances encountered doing last nights home Route.
Walked and stopped at my usual 100m from end point. None out of the 4 accounts had Cell appear. Shut down / Restart all 4. Two have the Cell appear. Pause the other 2 and walk to end but neither get a Cell appear so I walk back to the Resume point. Unpause both and catch something that spawned and was about to start walking to the End when a Cell appeared on one of the 2 that didnā€™t get one the first time.

Finish the Route and set all 4 up to walk back in reverse direction. I walk the Route and get to the End Point but all accounts are saying they have 5-21m to go with that number flipping back a forth. Walked past the End point to see if that would complete the Route but no. Doubled back and repeat the last 50m but same thing happens. None of the accts would complete the Route. Restart all 4 and all progress was lost as though it was never done.

Had the same finish distance problem last night (Friday) preventing completion of a Route again. This has only started to happen for me since the latest App update 3 days ago. Hope it gets fixed soon as Iā€™m interested in Route Badge progress in relation to rewards.

On a more positive note: Was able to read the Found a Cell pop up last night and noticed 2 Zygarde Cells have be picked up rather than the usual A Zygarde Cell has been picked up.
Confirming that you can get more than one Cell from a Route.
Itā€™s a pity these donā€™t show in the Journal as the pop up comes and goes so quick but that might be more a me problem playing/watching multiple devices.

Again yesterday morning (Monday) and late afternoon I had the incomplete distance bug on random accts when I had reached the end point. Itā€™s very frustrating to walk all that way to be denied the Badge progress as well as the rewards.

Also again had the Cell appear back at the stop and pause point after Iā€™d walked to the end point (under pause mode) and doubled back to resume the Route to collect my rewards. Good thing I did as I got 2 Cells from that one.