Routes feature discussion and discoverings

From two days ago it has grown to 27 cells

One interesting thing: I was walking along a route and I saw dissapearing a cell 20m behind. Walking back it doesn’t come up again. But closing the game, and entering again the cell appeared again and I caught it.

How far from the end point were you?

About 200m before the end… I saw it a moment before disappearing behind me.
Today happened the same again, and it worked again. Going some meters reverse is not enough, it doesn’t come up again. But throwing the active window to the trash and start the app again, yes, then in the same place appears the cell again.

(33 cells today, 6 days more to have the necesary 50 cells)

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Did some more testing on Sunday.
Went to a spot just on the outside of the City Center where someone had created 2 Routes.
These were 1/2 the length of the one I had been testing before.
Both of these started from point close to each other but went in alternative directions.
No tight loops/bends, they were well done making for a relatively trouble free experience.
All up between these 2 I walked 7 Routes using 3 Trainners:
Here’s some findings Data:
When/if the Cell appeared it was always at the 150m from the end mark.
Closing down and restarting the Game App made a Cell appear 1/2 of the time.
Having Zygrade as my Buddy did not give me extra Cells.
Having Zygrade walking with me did not give me extra Cells.
I only got a Cell walking the Route the first time. No repeat walking the Route in either direction gave me a Cell, none.

I then left that location to do CD where I had been testing the other Route.
I did the Route at the same time as playing the CD. The whole experience was like chalk and cheese in comparison. Game was glitchy/slow. Pausing was more an issue. Wondering off the path also more an issue. Worst part was closing the App and restarting hoping for a Cell only to be locked out of the game for 20mins as it wouldn’t restart due to authentication error.
I ended up doing the Route 2 times for no Cells.

Two weeks ago I created a Route from my home to the local harbor. It got accepted recently and today was the first day I’d go to the harbor since the Route has been accepted, so even though I dislike the Route system I figured I wouldn’t lose anything if I did this one, so I followed the Route.

First try: no increase in spawns was noticed, but I used the Daily Adventure Incense instead of a regular one so that could be why. One Route spawn was seen, a Mr. Mime (nothing special here). At the end - I almost missed it - I finally found my first Zygarde Cell!

I didn’t get a screen with completion rewards, but I could’ve gotten them.

On the way back, I followed the same Route, but in the opposite direction and was awarded with a Big Shroom. No Zygarde Cell or Pokémon Spawn was seen near the end of the Route, not even after restarting the game.

Completion Rewards were utter garbage.

Still can’t say I think the Routes feature is worth it, but if I’m heading the exact same way then I might as well just try it.

If anyone does a Route for the completion Rewards they will be disappointed. What you get is no incentive to do them.
At it stands now the only incentive is to get Zygarde Cells which you only get one shot at per Route and to complete research quests which can be walked multiple times.

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How long did you make your Route @Jormdeworm ?
Hope you didn’t make it very long and missed the opportunity to make 2-3 Routes instead.

Sadly my main or the family accts don’t have the ability to create at Route.
What I know now if I do get the opportunity I’ll make them as short as it allows and avoid tight curves that double back on direction

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I figured this too, it’s about 1.2km but I plan on increasing it with more small segments. I can easily add another three but I’m waiting for the rest of my Routes to get accepted first. Then whenever I go to the harbor I have five Routes I can do.

Sounds like a good plan.

Cap for creation is 5 and 30 day wait to be able to create again according to local Discord.

Locally we’ve had issues with 2 created and active for a couple of day then they disappeared from the game. Creators got no notification of the deletions or why. Both not happy.
I’m guessing people reviewing them after the first time walked have marked them down poorly and done a Wafarer review random nonsense reason. With all the bugs upon release being the games fault disgruntled Players have blamed the Route through frustration.
I could have done similar with my first experience but as nothing in the selections fit me issues I left it and vented on the internet instead.


The rewards are no argument to do them, the spawns are not better than the normal ones… I really walk them only for the cells, and indirectly for kilometers walked. And today the limit are three cells per day, so I walk as much routes necesary to get this three cells.


A moment ago I finished the last route for today, now I have 39 cells.

But the worst, it was a 20-kilometer route… during the walking you have the sensation it never finish. If you see one like this, don’t try it.

20km Route wtf. Sorry but the person that created that is a complete idiot. That one deserves crap bogus ratings to get deleted from the game.


All L48-L50 Trainers can now submit Routes.
I’ll be tempted to do one tonight on way home from work.
Actually scratch that. Two of the places that would be great I can instantly think of will get bombed I’m sure. Real surprised there aren’t any there already tbh.
My third option is not an obvious target but would work well. Only issue is the gates are locked at 5pm. By the time I finish work and get there, walk the Route and have to walk it back to my car will be past 5pm.
Might have to not stay back past 2pm tomorrow so I can fit it in.

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Bringing the feature which removes majority of player base is what I expect from Niantic.

This again shows how bad the route feature is, let alone the procedure of creation…

:rage: :triumph:

In Gen-VIII, Glastrier and Ice-Rider Calyrex exist, and both of these are bulky Ice type Pokemon. So whenever they will be released, Zygarde will get his counters which can not only defeat him, but also tank few attacks.

Count your days, Zygarde…

If I cannot get you, then I will make sure that I will make the battle tough for people who will use you against me in battles !!
:sunglasses: :skull_and_crossbones:

48 Zygarde cells, tomorrow I can show you the evolution…

And here it is:
Zygarde before

… and Zygarde after


Walked 3 different Routes yesterday for a total of 1 Cell. Fair amount of time taken to walk the Routes and drive 20min between 1 and the other 2.

Submitted 4 Routes of my own yesterday as well. The first one was accepted immediately and I mean hit submit button, go back to game screen checking if any Routes were in the area at my finish point only to find the 1 that showed was the one I just submitted :rofl:.
The other 3 are all under review.
My own Route was not the 1 of 3 that gave me a cell.

Did the Route to our local fortress twice again and definitely noticed a change in Route spawns. Had three spawns both times, whereas previously I got a maximum of one spawn per Route. Looks like they might have improved on that since then. Even got an XXL Skorupi as a Route spawn, and happened to get a Route spawn the minute I started it as well. No Zygarde Cells were discovered though.

Did the same Route again - twice - and again, both times I got no Cell. At least I finished the Special Research now…

Also I found this piece of information:

if the restart trick don’t trigger a spawn at the last 60m, pause the route (to avoid automatic closure) and explore around the arrival pokestop, sometimes it spawn on the other side of the route.

if a route don’t get at least one pokemon route spawn (with route icon like weather boost icon), your route is most probably broken and you won’t get cell spawn as well (except for very short route under 600m that can have a cell spawn without pokemon route spawn). So try other routes.

I guess that may explain why I keep not finding Cells. I will try the first method, seems Cells can spawn while the Route is paused so it’s worth a go.