Routes feature discussion and discoverings

So much negativity @DeltaEmerald but I think your spot on :rofl:

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What can I do, game made me to think like this !!

:rofl: :rofl:

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Pokemon GO developer Niantic responds to players that are frustrated by issues earning Zygarde Cells using the new Routes mechanic.

I donā€™t look down on them for having a profit motive ā€“ itā€™s a tragic necessity of survival in the corporate context, and PoGO isnā€™t a charity or public utility.

Itā€™s just annoying to me that they so frequently nuke features that are both popular with users and profitable to their bottom line (preferring, instead, to force users to play the way corporate wants, by making that a condition of playing. (like where it stops spawns if you donā€™t KEEP MOVING KEEP MOVINGā€¦ And like the way they wonā€™t permit users to raid remotely more than 5 times in a day, even if those users are willing to pay for the additional remotes. ā€“ like theyā€™re telling us, ā€œscrew the users who are sick or have weather that makes it unsafe outside and want to play all day from bed! only healthy people who can KEEP WALKING KEEP WALKINGā€¦ WALK, YOU LAZY PUNKS ā€¦ can play our gameā€)

Itā€™s just too perfect to be able to queue up a remote raid from my desk while waiting for a build to finish. But no. Must leave the office and walk around. Play our way, on our schedule, or go away. (and now, even walk our particular path and donā€™t stray even two feet from it, or - God forbid! - stop walking to catch a PokĆ©mon)

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I tried reporting bugs to them, they acknowledged it was a bug and shouldnā€™t happen but never added it to their bug list so I already gave up bothering to help them. Not sure if Niantic will actually care to fix the Route issues.

Letā€™s say goodbye to Zygarde-Complete together, as I know that I will not be able to get him ever in this gameā€¦

:wave: :wave:


I will play Pokemon Ultra Sun and get him and use him in Island challenges and champion battles there.

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Iā€™ll just make do with Zygarde-Incomplete. No big deal.


I will, at least, go on using it to get the first 50 cells. Iā€™m now in 11, so itā€™s not so far away.
And Iā€™m still hoping that on the way the feature will get better.

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Canā€™t believe Iā€™ve tried the Route thing again so soon but here I am with more ramblings on what happened today.
Must say things went slightly better than last weekend. I only reason for trying again was the location is a great place to farm any PokƩmon but todays purpose was to farm Cacnea for todays Show Case.

I walked the Same Route 3 times. First 2x in the forward direction and the last time reversed.
Same 4 devices and accts as last weekend.
Device #1 iPhone 6s - Hotspot Host and running a GoPlus.
Had an issue getting it to start on the path the first time but after that the trainer managed to stay on the path
This one went to pause mode fairly quickly whenever I stopped walking
The game crashed multiple times and froze once.
Never got Zygrade Cell on any of the 3 times walked.

Device #2 IPhone 8 running Gotcha
No problems staying on the track.
Went to pause mode quickly when stopped walking.
Only got a Cell the first time

Device #3 iPhone 8 running Gotcha
No issue staying on the track.
Went to pause mode quickly when stopped walking.
Only got a Cell the first time but had to shut down / restart game to get it to appear.

Device 4# iPhone 8 manual catch
First 2x stated on track. Last it had issues getting way off track 20m from end. I had to walk 10m wide of the actual path to get trainer on path in gameā€¦
Only got a Cell the first time but had to shut down / restart game to get it to appear.

In summary the effort for reward or should I say lack of reward is not worth it. Especially all the stuffing around remembering to unpause when it decides to constantly go into pause mode.

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This happened 2x when restarting the game.
Usual thin blue Route line was replaced by a thicker black one.

Had this error message come up. Walked approximately 10m beyond the Route finish point to get the completed Route badge come up.

Donā€™t have this problems with routes, I up to now could start and finish any route without interruption.
My biggest problem are the cells, which or not appear never or appear in the same moment when the finishing screen opens, so you canā€™t get it.

Butā€¦ I work with GPS manipulation, so maybe this has influence about the output. This black line as a route Iā€™ve never seen.

Apart of all this, I have now 16 cells, anyone else near to compete?

The Complete Forme is now confirmed to indeed cost 250 Zygarde Cells total. 50 to evolve into 50% Forme and another 200 to evolve into Complete Forme Zygarde.

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If getting a Cell is RNG at the completion of walking a Route having those numbers of 50 and 200 is a massive fail mechanic imho.
That is a massive incentive to not bother with the feature of the game.

I use the Route Iā€™ve tried in question.
The game says itā€™s 1.6km long and takes 30min. That would be 30mins if you just walk start to finish and donā€™t stop to catch stuff. Add in the unpausing and time doubling back to rejoin the Route if your Trainer strays off the path or you forget to unpause.
Iā€™ve now walked 5 times over 2 occasions. 2x first time and 3x times second time and have nothing to show for it on my main and only 1 Cell on the others. This is very de motivating honestly.
I think the creator of this Route has stuffed up and made it to long. It should have been made as 2 seperate Routes imho. There is a broken section around or a bit past the half way point about 20m long in real life and on the game screen when walking it. Not sure if that was an issue during creation or an indicator the Route should have been ended but was allowed to be continued on with making a super long Route see pic.


So till 50% Forme, each cell is made up of 1%, but after that each cell value diminishes to 0.25% onlyā€¦

But as told by Niantic, all the cells are same without any differentiating factor between them.

So, Niantic contradicting with themselves ?
:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Welcome to the same train, @NotanotherKangaskhan !!
:joy: :upside_down_face:

Two new discoveries:

Now the routes show with little arrows in which direction you have to go. Not during the walking, but before you choose one.

When you walk the first time a route with Zygarde as Buddy, and you catch a cell, it counts as three cells, and the reward at the end is about 14000 XP.

(I have now 22 cells)


Hard to know if thatā€™s intentional or a bug :rofl:

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I found this article about Zygarde Cells from someone who actively follows Routes. It provides some interesting information, sure worth a share on here.


Important Information

Similar to my previous post the facts for how Zygarde cells appear is the same. I have not made any new noticeable differences than what I found in that post. Let me clarify some questionable things mentioned in the comments:

  • Zygarde Cells CAN be found on any route of any size. I have found multiple cells on routes of <600m, but whether or not longer routes have higher probability of spawning a cell is something I still disagree with.


  • It is only one cell per route.


  • You can only find 3 cells a day. Every day I have only been able to find three.


  • Longer routes do not guarantee Zygarde Cells


  • Route spawns do NOT correlate with Zygarde cells spawnability. Iā€™ve found cells after 3 spawns, before 3 spawns, and even finding the cell before any route spawns showed up.


  • Cells can provide more than 1 value per clicked cell. For example, you click the green swirl and now your Zygarde has +2 cells.


  • Route spawns DO replace the spawn availability for Zygarde cells, but they CAN spawn after the route spawn shortly after theyā€™ve appeared.


  • Zygarde cells have a 1/5 (~) chance of spawning on your first run through that unique route that day. Reruns of the same route DO NOT spawn any cells.


With this information in mind here is how I go about walking routes. Iā€™ve found this strategy works best:


  • Walk the route as normal, but pay attention to the game intensely. Keep in mind, if you walk too far from the cell it may despawn, but we have a way to respawn the cell mentioned further in the post. The cells are very hard to see, especially green on green background, with the sun above youā€¦ while it spawns under a poliwagā€¦ ugh.
  • Once Iā€™ve walked 70% of the route (700/1000 meters for ex) Iā€™m watching for route spawns (tauros, illumise, the water monkey, etc.) because if one spawns the availability for cells is lessened.
  • When you become within <100 meters from the end point, if you have not seen a cell yet that does not mean you will not see one.

Respawning/Force spawning the Cell

Thanks to other posts documenting their findings, there is a way to force spawn the cell if the route was programmed to give one that you either missed, havenā€™t seen yet, or despawned somehow.

Hereā€™s how:

  • Pause the route within <100m of the end
  • Shut down the game. What I mean is close it so the game must reload and shows the ā€œloading screenā€ that youā€™ll see when you open the game.
  • Once you reopen the game, if the cell was supposed to spawn the cell will be right next to your character. This Iā€™ve done at least 15 times on my own and a friends account, it works incredibly well but Iā€™ve found it only works the first time. Repeating this bears no cells in my trials.


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Wow, this is information much more detailed then what I found up today.

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Some good information there.
Hats off to them for taking the time to stuff around with what is currently a very frustrating and bugged feature.
Obviously have way more free time than I do.

1 in 5 chance of getting a cell. Not great considering the investment of time. Even worse in that you only get 1 chance for your 1/5 chance on that Route for the day.
Thatā€™s really :poop: for the casual player that canā€™t get to where a Route is or god forbid have work/life commitments that donā€™t allow participation in the Routes feature every day.

It seems like they are only aiming at the hardcore players that spend countless hours on the game. Their goal is to try slow them down from getting to the end goal in a matter of days.
Casuals are made to suffer the handbrake mechanism with an end result most likely being non participation in the feature. Real smart NianšŸ’© you clueless morons.