Routes feature discussion and discoverings

Yeah that is possible. Probably very rarely occurs, though.

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Have herd it rumoured that 3 was possible but yet to actually see. I had a brief period where I was getting 2 semi regularly. Since the update I haven’t seen my main get 2.

Also other things noticed since that last update:

  • the Cells don’t appear until I’m within 50-60m from the end point.
  • if I don’t get a Cell. Shutdown/restart is not resulting in a Cell appearing.
  • I’m seeing more Route done without getting a Cell.

First Route submitted on every family account along with mine was basically instantly approved.
I wonder if they’ve exploited that.
I submitted 3 others a week after my first one over 3 weeks ago and only one has be accepted. Others are in the que.

I submitted my first route 12 days ago and it’s still under review.

The system includes data calculated.
Only the first route of the day can have three cells, because of the limit of three per day.
Only the first and second can have two…
And if you have done two routes with one cell, the only thing you can pray for is that the next has a cell.

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Today I’ve caught cell number 150!! Only 100 on the way…

Unless it’s just a bad patch I’m going through over the last week I’ve noticed the Cell drop rate has decreased. This has happened across four accts not just one.
Previous to the update that saw the Route completion button I would regularly get 3 Cells from 3 Routes. Now I’m only getting 1 or 2 Cells mostly from 3 Routes walked. I’m no longer seeing regular 2 Cell pickups from 1 Route.
I can’t confirm if it’s completely gone from the reward pool but I’m not seeing Elite Fast TM’s anymore either.
The cynic in me says this is a ploy to try make me do more Routes than just the 3 convenient ones near home.

I’m a long way off getting the 250 required and collection has slowed to a crawl with the recent drop reduction. Not that it really matters as my Dog’s IV is trash which for the way I play means I won’t use the resources until I get a much better one. The next question is how/when will we get a chance to get better IV dogs or the introduction of a mechanic to make crap IV better?

I think this bi… will be treated as Mew or Mewtwo. Maybe one day a new (payed) investigation will come with a new dog, but I’m quite shure it will be again only a singular catch without garanty of good IV.

Ah, and I still need only three routes to get my cells.

Your most likely correct with the Dog being like all of of the other once every no and then appearance Pokemon.
Guess I’ll never get the final evolution.

Wasn’t there a James Bond Film: Never say never again…? :joy:

I don’t get hung up on having to fill the Dex so it’s a bit of a non issue for me.

At this rate I can probably say never :grinning:

A question for those who have a bit more experience with routes than me…

What are these (circled in red) numbers/sections meant to display?
I’ve done this route 4 times (I think) certainly not 24 times or 0 times. Does your game show anything different here? :man_shrugging:t2:

Yes mine do show different but I also have been puzzled as to what the numbers actually align with.
None of the numbers match up with the one that shows on the Route badge when completing a Route either.
The numbers aren’t live either. Apparently they are on a 7 day update cycle.
Sorry no I’m of no real help.

This was my first one created and the first Route in the area.

This was my second one that became live 2 weeks after my first one. Other Route went live in the area between my 2. They are rubbish and poorly thought out.

This is my third one that hasn’t been in long. This one makes a return trip on the opposite side of the creek to number 1.

From rough memory the Badges for all three are around as follows:
Route #1 80/100
Route #2 25/100
Route #3 10/100

There are 7 Routes all up in the area. I haven’t bothered with any of them as none were made with much thought.

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Still not getting 3 Cells a day from my 3 most convenient Routes on any acct.
So in the interest of some r&d I decided to have a much closer look at 2 of the other 5 in the area.
The one I did, well 2 as there is another for the return trip 30m shorter.
Very small sample but made me laugh when all accts got a Cell. Best thing from it was this area is currently a Togetic nest. Didn’t know these were a nesting Pokémon. The only reason to walk these again is for the Togetic atm. Once they are gone there’s no reason to do them again.
There’s 2 issues making them poor Routes:

  1. They are both named exactly the same. This is annoying when you have a list of 7 Routes and trying to select the one you want. (Remember 1 Cell per per Route per day)
  2. The only Poi’s to spin and collect Balls along the way are the start and end points.
    Gave both a 1 star rating and I can’t help fix the lack of Poi issue as there is nothing valid along the track through the park to nominate.

There are now rumors going this might get you banned so I suggest avoiding segmenting Routes until more is known.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

I haven’t done any routes and intend to have nothing to do with the “feature”. I was content to have the Zydog without any cells. But I might just get rid of the dog. [But, of course, we’re not allowed to do that. Good grief.]

You should be safe following Routes, submitting them however is a risk. Same with submission with PokéStops. Best part is, we’re doing Niantic’s work for free, and they reward us with bans. :man_facepalming:

Oh, how far have they gone downhill…