Lets talk - (anything)

My bag is not even big enough to take your Razz Berries… :flushed: :flushed:


I found a spot halfway across town where I can stand and reach 8 Pokéstops without moving, and after staying there for a few hours spinning all the stops, I managed to scrape together almost 60 Razzes. If I stop using them for awhile, they’ll start to accujulate again…

This only became an issue when we got a few tasks that required us to use razzes when catching a ridiculous number of times. Before those, it was hard to keep my razz count below 100.

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I’m back home again in the country that brought us the steam engine :heavy_check_mark: , football hooliganism :x: , and the World Wide Web :interrobang:… and what did I learn from my two weeks of travel to subtropical climes… honestly, very little.

But really, what can you expect when you spend most of your time chasing tiny insects around with a camera

or slumped over a rum cocktail in tiki bar?

Not much, eh!..

Anyhoo, Pokemons were very much in the background and I barely registered a shiny, a hundo, or anything of note at all…

Most interesting for me was that my buddy brought me this useless souvenir…

…which may well be common in certain regions but it’s the first time I’ve ever had one :grin::+1:


5 posts were split to a new topic: 56. Expert Navigator

Only three more days left before the next User of the Month Badge is granted!

Who will it be this time? :eyes:

I must warn you not to diss the ‘pass - for it may bring down the CURSE OF TIKI upon you :skull_and_crossbones::cherry_blossom::tropical_drink::desert_island::moyai:

:scream: :wink: Is the Tiki faster than Nosepass? 'cause a crippled sloth with indigestion could outrun a Nosepass…

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Well… you can’t say I didn’t warn you… :anchor::squid::pouting_cat:


Duely warned, thanks. Two shinies and one hundo, so far, since the curse…

Bartender, refresh whatever Tiki’s having – I owe him one. Maybe even a double. :partying_face:


Tiki’s having a ‘Rum Barrel’ please :hugs::yum:

(and make sure FedEx doesn’t spill a drop coming over the pond :wink:)

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I don’t want to offend you - I never did want that; but could I insult Tiki a little more, please? Ever since his ‘curse’, I’ve had terrific shiny luck (thanks!):

Unfortunately, no shiny noses. (Although I don’t like Nosepass, in general, I do love its shiny… Much as it is for Sableye – lousy mon, great shiny.)


I’m not offended in the slightest - and happy to be insulted, if you think it might bring you some more shiny luck :four_leaf_clover: :wink:

(mutters under breath…)


The 24 hours after Tiki’s blessing, walked around town with little sister. She got the best luck (on left), and my main got just over half as much (on right). Thanks, Tiki!


Apart of Tiki, more than once I have had the sensation, that after talking about some abd luck here in this forum, things for some days have changed.

This was a very interesting read knowing it’s the vent thread :sweat_smile:


Tiki had a blast. After a banner day on Sunday:

And a pretty good Monday:

he decided to rest on Tuesday. I’ll see if he wants to keep going this afternoon. He’s still @celery 's; though, so I’m grateful for his help this week. I tried to get the inventory screen shots around the same time each night; but there may still be some overlaps.

[since this iconversation s on what’s supposed to be the venting thread, I’ll just add how irritating it is for users to post things to the wrong topics here. so I’ll stop adding to this tiki conversation now…]


My current Raid Board and device layout when using 4.

My previous Raid Board was a little bigger. Large enough to fit all 8 devices in 2x4 pin wheel pattern.


Thanks for this @NotanotherKangaskhan :grinning: - fascinating stuff.

You should take up the piano :musical_keyboard: if you can get your digits wrapped around that pinwheel set-up!

I would be crap at playing piano or any instrument that requires right side to be doing something different to left side.
A few years ago at a work training course we did a module on training others. Aspects were about clear instructions and breaking something into steps/tasks. The task was to teach someone how to juggle. Through that I found I just could not get my left and right sides to sequence what was required. Part of that was also learning how the left and right brain work.
After several hours each day over the 5 days I was not able to learn the skill. It was very frustrating.
What I did learn out of that was why I was only able to reach a certain ability at Golf. To go from as good as I was to the next level required the left and right brain to work differently to mine firing certain muscles in sequence to get to better than just being good at it.



So that’s why I can’t juggle, play golf or the piano - I only have half a brain! :crazy_face:

Now I think about it, my left buttock never seems to do what my right buttock wants - and that’s why all my efforts are entirely half-arsed too! :rofl: