The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Thanks. Will keep an eye out for those.

I’ve been of the opinion that “Big” is one of Tom Hanks’s better movie performances. One of the characters proposed a new idea for a new Transformer toy – a building that morphed into a robot. Classic lame idea for somebody who had plumb run out of ideas.

Welcome Stakataka – a wall pokemon… Good grief. I had thought MACHINE mons (Porygon, Nosepass, et al) were the epitome of stupid. I sit correctied.

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Seems there is a investigation which gives Druddigon, but it is…

Win 3 Raids :joy: :joy: :joy:

Why not raiding directly the Druddigon?

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So if I don’t want to spend a raid pass to get Druddigon, I’ll just do a field task… and raid three times. That’s either satire or stupidity from Niantic.



:face_with_monocle: :thinking: :no_mouth:

Well… You can pick your nose. And you can pick your a–. But you can’t pick your nosepass. (or something like that)

Instead of calling 'em stupid, let me just observe that they’re my least favorite.

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11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lets talk - (anything)

“Send 15 Gifts to friends” just got me an encounter with Nidoran(female). World of Wonders (5/5) has that task…

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Well, hehe, will write something more adecuate for this thread.

Today I was playing the special event with Incense to get some Shiny Ferroseed, as Niantic had promised.

The result after two hours running around with the Incense: ONE, yes, one shiny Ferroseed.

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After an hour and a half using incense I finally found a shiny. Tried to re-show its sparkles for posting here, and my game crashed. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Still have ZERO shiny Ferroseed.

Doggone thing happened again. If I encounter another shiny Ferroseed, I am NOT going to take a sparkly screen shot, lest I lose ANOTHER.

Finished the event. Encountered no more shiny Ferroseed. Waste of a beautiful afternoon.

At least you got a shiny. It rarely showed up on my screen. My incense gave me…ekans and koffings.

3 excellent curve throws. Not a single one caught Skatakata. Berries don’t help you at all. They really need to fix this.

I lost count weeks ago but I’m on another long annoying streak of no 100% from Trading.

Why does it feel like they nerfed curve balls, and why is the hit detection for Yveltal and flying Pokémon so bad?

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In the Let’s talk - thread you find a link to a video which could explain…

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Had to fire up a couple of Trainers not normally required for use to get Mega Ray done after my usual 4 failed on the first one with Outrage.
One of those accounts got a 100% on the first successful one then a 98% on the next.
Main got a junk Shiny and the rest were all Trade junk. Still no 100% for the main.
These raids smashed the health items.

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It’s not the first time, and it will happen again. …and not only to you. I’m tired to mourne…

I had 0/13 Mega Rayquaza raid invites completed.

Raid hosts left every single time.

Bots clearing the 300 people in q for sold raid spots.

Cleared like 250 people waiting in less than 5 minutes multiple times today

They need to maintain their game and people abusing the game need to be perma banned instead of getting a 30 day time out.

Should have tried remote hosting; the only rays I saw here were elite (in-person only) raids. I never got more than 3 in a lobby, so none of the raids even started.

Was remote hosting an option?
Thought these were in person only?


That was kind of my point, but I realize I had such a rushed 20 minutes to play during the event that I hadn’t even looked for remote raid hosting options. So I could easily have missed the boat on that.

I have no idea what @jgcole83 means by “raid hosts left every single time”. Local-only raids don’t permit remote raiding; which means there are no hosts, only locals.

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I’m confused as well. Thought they were local only?

Not that I would’ve cared either way, though.