The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

I’m not sure…

I’m about 10 miles away east or west of where the raids were taking place, but I was able to get in.

I do know there are a lot of people who use gps spoofers which allow them to do this kind of thing.

That’s why there’s a market for people who bot up accounts and sell them.

Whole lot of effort to cheat and turn a profit.

It’s like that with a lot of popular and or competitive games

Wow boosters sell Glad and glad mounts for several thousand dollars.

I really like the game and wish the company would be more vigilant about perma banning cheaters.

As far as I know you have to be in person at Go Fest for Necrozma but maybe I’m wrong about that one.

Several bundles in the shop now. One called “great storage box” has one each: item storage, pokemon storage, remote raid pass, and premium battle pass, for 550 coins. Normal price is 695 coins. Shop says it’s 20% savings. PokeStealOrDeal says it’s 16%. My hand calculation says a shave under 21%.

So much for computers making everything else more accurate!

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Hi vorgriff3, creator of pokestealordeal here. The breakdown of the calculation is:

Bag upgrades - 400
Green raid pass - 83 (250/3)
Remote raid pass - 175 (525/3)
Total value - 658

You’re getting items worth 658 coins for 550, so the discount percentage is 108/658*100 so approximately 16%. Lmk if that makes sense.

I have a to-do to add an explanation of how we do the calculation, need to get around to that sometime…


Not so clear, because using the third part of bundle price is for me incorrect.
Introduce 100 for the green and 195 for the remote, then your calculation is not correct.

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It seems more accurate to compare apples to apples. If I buy a remote raid pass, I’m not comparing to the cost of 1/3 of a 3-pass pack, but to the cost of one remote pass.

In everyday life we get marketers arguing over numbers in similar ways. If charging 80 instead of 100 is looked at in comparison to the normal price, it’s 20 less than 100, or 20% savings. But if compared to the end price, the normal price is 20 over 80, or 25% higher than the sale price. So is it a 20% savings, or really a 25% savings?

What @vonmixer presents is not dishonest, so much as it is a result of differing perspectives on the way numbers work. But professional number crunchers are paid handsomely to find ways to distort deltas, trends, and what not, to make others see things differently. (just word to the wise for our younger members, some of whom might not have encountered this sort of devious truth-twisting, yet)


:confounded: sick to death of the screen lock triggering every three X&@($* minutes. About once every month or so, I feel like screaming about it again. :fu: Samsung.

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  1. The reason why we pick the bundled price for calculations: we could pick the single item price, but this will result in higher discounts being displayed than is useful for most folks, e.g. consider a box that is selling 2 green raid passes for 200 coins. If we consider the price of a single green pass to be 100 this box would look like a fair deal. In reality it’s not a good deal for most players as you can instead buy 3 with 250. Can we make it configurable so you can pick your price? Yes but its probably not worth the UI clutter. At the end of the day the goal is to help folks not get tricked by bundles that are not actually good deals, and I’d rather err on the side of showing a lower discount vs a higher one.
  2. To the point of being dishonest/distorting data etc. that is not relevant here. We are actually showing a lower discount for the box by picking the lowest price that an item is available at. If there was some kind of conflict of interest (which I felt was implied - maybe I’m misreading it) - we would have gone the other way and shown a higher 20-21% discount for this box like Niantic shows. Finally, we have zero incentive to show an inaccurate or misleading value, this is simply a side project we made for fun and we don’t make any money from whether folks buy a box or not.

To reinforce my comment - I stated that you were not being dishonest. But it is a great opportunity to teach people about the different ways that numbers can be presented, how the same numbers can be used in different ways to impart very different impressions, and how marketers (both marketers of products and marketers of politics) use these tricks with the intent of misleading their target audience.

The age-old wisdom that there are three kind of numbers, lies, damned lies, and statistics, might warrant an update. (Add POLLS to that list…)

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Oh, great. Some genius at Niantic thought it was a good idea to make event exclusive 7km eggs, but not to make them actually obtainable. I opened… what? 20ish gifts? There goes all my Incubators for no reason. And another set of Incubators at that, because of course my inventory already filled up with 10km eggs again. At least that’s one lesson learnt, I’m not stinking into this scam again.


Love the way the game has mon spawns overlapping in space, such that trying to select one REPEATEDLY selects the other, instead, making the one you want impossible to get (when throwing at one makes the other de-spawn, there is no escape to the impossible-selection screw).

(understanding that every non-trivial software will have some combination of features that will interfere with each other… just not enjoying some of the unfortunate side-effects of those unintended interactions)

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I’ve lost numerous great incense spawns because of this. For some reason Incense and Route spawns spawn on spawn points as much as possible, have both of them on simultaneously and you’ll have one big cluster of things inside one spawn point. Even worse, if a route spawn and an Incense spawn spawn on the same spawn point the Incense spawn is a guaranteed loss because you cannot quick catch route spawns to make them disappear. This has been a thing for ages though, at this point I doubt Niantic is even considering doing something about it anymore.


Mega Lucario Raid Day was a disaster for me. I was really looking forward to this event, but at the time I was in Greece so my possibilities for playing were limited. I couldn’t play right at the beginning of the event at 11 a.m. but I thought “it’s a popular Pokemon, people can use more remote raid passes, I’ll be able to find a group later”. When I tried to do it later, I was at a gym in the center of the town. There are other players around because gyms get taken over regularly. I saw an icon above the gym that two players were waiting for the raid. I joined them, but their level was low and I wasn’t sure that we could make it so I invited more players, but no one accepted. After that, I left the raid and went to my accommodation to get another phone with my alt account. When I returned, I tried to invite more people and after some time I managed to get 2 more players to join. I successfully finished the raid and caught Lucario with decent IVs.

Of course, I wanted to do more raids. I tried and tried, but no one answered. I tried Campfire and Discord and nothing. One player from Discord promised he’d help me, but every time I invited him he was never available. I was very disappointed. I didn’t want to spend money to buy remote raid passes and I had enough coins to buy only 1. Luckily, I was invited to a raid, but unfortunately Lucario that I caught wasn’t shiny and didn’t have good IVs. And that’s how my Mega Lucario Raid Day finished. I hope Mega Lucario will be back in the raids soon.

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That sucked real bad.
That’s why I don’t feel guilty playing multiple accts that allows me to Raid anything anytime.
Luc will be back at some stage. That is a given in this game.


Didn’t care for it. Knowing my usual track record for Raid Days I figured it wasn’t worth it. Eventually figured out it lasted six hours instead of 3, but still don’t regret not playing. Like @NotanotherKangaskhan said it will come back eventually, seems like a good GO Fest attendee too, so I feel like I missed out on absolutely nothing.

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I almost always invite Hub friends, which usually includes @NotanotherKangaskhan , @celery , @MrHeineken88 , @bagguille , @HLAJR, and @Branebs. I’m in PST-8 zone, though, which is out of sync with everybody.

Since Mega Lucario could be raided remotely, we had the option of using a remote-raid-hosting service to tap into a larger pool of players (and raids in other time zones). I usually use Poke Genie; but there are others. If I can’t get friends to join MY raids, I go onto that app and join THEIR raids. Usually easier to get 5 or 6 trainers for a raid than trying to invite from my existing friends.

Rocket Leaders have changed with the start of this event. This group of 3 suck big time. Not one useful/desirable one out of the 3.
At least previously there was at least 1 useful one.
Looks like I’ll be turning the Radar off until the next change.

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It’s more a change for the collectors.
One step more to fulfill my collections of all Pokemon in the shadow and purified form.

Shiny shadows pft. I did a lot of Dratini and recently Machop across all the accounts as these Shadows are top level for Raids or Gym busting. For all my encounters the Shiny count for both on all accounts was a big fat 0.
Good luck to those chasing all 3 each rotation.

Every time Kyogre has a raid season I expect to be frustrated often. The stinkin’ space whale endlessly shifts left and right between its charge moves and seems to avoid the center (which is the only easy place to hit with a throw), and its escape rate is ridiculous. One of the only Legendaries that I still struggle to hit with throws. Just whiffed on another one. :rage:

At least the raid-win swag still comes, capture or not, as long as we beat the boss.

Maybe having a water type mon with big electric type attack is a hint that this will cross you up, no matter what. Blah.


Oh my god, how is drowning the quality of the players… never seen a worse couple of them.
We were 6 players for a Groudon Raid, at least 3 of them above level 40.
In the last 4 seconds 3 of them jump out. Well, with three it’s hard work, but it can done.
But on the road 2 of the others left the battle, and at the end I was in the last 20 seconds alone, near to complete. But what has to happen, comes around the corner, and I have finished without the premium… :face_vomiting:

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