The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

There are ways to see your opponent’s team before the match starts. I’ve had a battle where someone just spammed charge moves without even doing anything (yes, I know there are faster moves for raids and pvp, but the opponent I had didn’t even use fast attacks). The cheating is there.

Expects it to be partial claim of Discord Bot who does that. Was in headlines last year when Shadow Alolan Sandslash used to be best safe switch. But nothing can be guaranteed regarding it. Don’t expects most opponents using this even if it is true.


This is due to server lag most probably. Had faced many matches like this, and also had been into the match where opponents were not able to attack this writer. That’s what was explained earlier :

This is one of the prominent issue in GBL which Niantic is not acknowledging, but is busy in doing other things…

But nowadays, don’t regrets any of losses due to Niantic, and reminds the brain that this is just a game, not a real life. Hence doesn’t sees taking a ditch, which was done in the past by this writer.

What a shame…

Today I got a research “Power up 15 times”

And what I have received as reward? A Stunfisk!!!

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I tried to nerf my 5 forced GBL battles with a team of major cupcakes. But I was out-nerfed by someone whose whole team was beaten by my weak Wiglett. :rofl:

5 stages of Glitz and Glam have me thinking the principal intention behind it is to make us overspend as much stardust and candy as possible.

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And Rediscover Kanto does that with Pokeballs stock to get Gen-I starters…

The last I’ve expected… you have to catch 1400 Pokémon to get 1 Masterball???

And Zeroghan says: “This Masterwork Research is quite difficult, and requires you to catch 1400 Pokémon, but the rewards are generally worth it. Good luck!”

The rewards are generally worth it… in Spain we would say “Por Favor!!!”

It’s more like a joke

I’m just glad I don’t have to have 10 best buddies :man_shrugging:

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The “Daily PokéCoin Field Research Ticket” costs 300 coins, for a potential daily payoff of 20 coins for 2 weeks. It might have been a little bit tempting if it were for a whole month, where 300 in could get 600 or 620 out. But with only half the month remaining, it should be removed from the shop. (Or just relabeled “donate coins to us”.)

As @bagguille put it, POR FAVOR!!


Your so right… I’m german, but when I started to live in Spain, one of the best phrases I learned was this: Por Favor!!

Only translated it would be : Please!! or in german: Bitte!!

But none of this two really shows what the spanish people want to say.
Maybe: Oh, my goodness!!, but with more angriness.

I recall a distinctly more vulgar retort from groing up American in the '70s and '80s. Something like, “At least kiss me, first.”

These days, though, I prefer, “I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night…”

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Hihi, I love the last one…

I’m getting tired of doing raids and I can’t get a boss because for some reason, it’s impossible to catch even when you land an excellent curve throw. What’s the point of berries if they don’t help you?! The 5 remote raid limit doesn’t help things.

It’s almost impossible to catch a decent regirock, and the kicker is he isn’t even worth the aggravation. For the love of god, they need to fix this and raiding, but I know they won’t.

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I feel your lack of excitement for Raids atm.
The last few weeks of T5’s have just be garbage. I only get to do Raid Wednesday every second week. I missed my last last 2 week rotation one as I was on holiday and travelling to get to my motel booking by xx time.
This week I was keen to but that enthusiasm quickly faded when I realised it was Tapu Rubbish still. I a I could think was why haven’t these useless rubbish gone already. I did 2 T3’s on the non Gold target gyms before 6pm and didn’t bother to partake in Raid night.
Then much to my loathing I find that Tapu Rubbish is replaced by Regi Rubbish again (did we have these crap things not long ago).
Has to be something worthy of Raiding soon?

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One of the more understated things of the day. The arbitrarily low remote raid limit just plain stinks. And the huge increase in cost per-raid totally blows. If they doubled the raid limit, they could reduce the remote-pass inflation without loss of revenue.

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I haven’t bought a remote pass since they upped the price; it just doesn’t make sense for me to buy them anymore.

The worst part about Regirubbish was the raid just felt bugged. No matter how many times I threw an excellent curve throw, he would run away, making me waste resources. I spent more time on Gyarados because I needed to wrap up the Mew quest. Gyarados felt buggy depending on its moves. Another kicker is raid rewards are just bad half of the time. Can we at least get more rare candies?

I just don’t get the point of having berries when they don’t even work out of regular Pokémon. Once I get a decent Rayquaza I’m tapping out.

Been walking all over the place in pursuit of the 3 collection challenges for the current event. Haven’t seen any of the dragon types for that, nor the female Nidoran, since the event started. Lots of Skrelp and Tentacool.

Is there a field task that rewards a Drudd? Or will it be possible to find in the wild? Requiring a raid-only mon screws many rural players, with the scarcity of gyms in some places.

Catch 10 Pokémon gives both, the male and the female, depending on your luck.

The Drudd, no idea

Thanks. Will keep an eye out for those.

I’ve been of the opinion that “Big” is one of Tom Hanks’s better movie performances. One of the characters proposed a new idea for a new Transformer toy – a building that morphed into a robot. Classic lame idea for somebody who had plumb run out of ideas.

Welcome Stakataka – a wall pokemon… Good grief. I had thought MACHINE mons (Porygon, Nosepass, et al) were the epitome of stupid. I sit correctied.

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Seems there is a investigation which gives Druddigon, but it is…

Win 3 Raids :joy: :joy: :joy:

Why not raiding directly the Druddigon?

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