The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

They really need to add an option to disable the ‘Heal All’ button. Since it has the exact same size and color as the usual ‘Continue’ buttons in Raids and Rocket Battles for example I keep accidentally clicking it when I’m not paying too much attention. I do not want to heal everything, I only want to heal my strong Pokémon because these resources are way too scarce and way too many fainted Pokémon are useless Gym fodder. It’s now the third time I wasted all my resources on those. First all my Max Revives, then all my Hyper Potions and now all regular Revives. It’s actually really frustrating since I can currently not revive any Pokémon I need to actually use for battles until I have gathered revives again.

What a terrible ‘QoL’ feature. I really hope they let us turn it off at some point. If it happens once more I’ll be sure to leave a complaint at their help desk.


That’s interesting! I personally heal all my Pokémon and don’t encounter any issues, but I don’t think I raid as much as you do. I wonder where other people stand on this.

No matter what though there should definitely be an option to disable it, I agree.


I heal them allways, so the cost is never so high. And I fight at least 3 or 4 times all days with grunts and I do the daily raid for not to loose the free pass.


I keep ‘em all fully healed (secret crush on Nurse Joy :shushing_face:)

My nephew and niece play on their mother’s phone :telephone_receiver: and she has forbidden them from spinning any stops or gyms (even though there is a gym right next to their house) - it’s some nonsense theory she has about data-tracking. :man_shrugging:t2:

Anyhoo, this means that every Pokémon they catch has to be used for battling, and then discarded when it feints.

They are definitely the type of trainer you don’t want to find yourself battling alongside when short-manning a Legendary Raid! :grin:


I never send somebody into battle without the commitment to patch them up afterwards. It’s kind of a categorical imperative…


They won’t fight as hard if they know you won’t take care of them afterward. :joy:

Not thinks much about the lack of things and issues anymore, believes it to be waste of time & calmness of the mind.

Comes to the point that changes are not controllable, so no point in looking into them. Looks for finding those moments which gives happiness. Not having certain in-game capabilities doesn’t impacts real life.


That’s a beautiful insight, @DeltaEmerald . Many gamers find refuge from the real world’s pain by identifying with their player in some role-playing game.

Niantic seems to be trying to leverage that identity dynamic by changing the player appearances to look more like themselves in real life, and less like cartoon characters, as a way of sustaining a long-term player base, especially when they evolve into a monthly subscription model to keep the game profitable…

That strategy seems likely to have mixed results, though; since some of their players like to escape from real-world hassles into the comicbook unreality of games.


I guess that that is when they give themselves different colored hair in-game to change things up :laughing:

But your entire post is a very good point.

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I find real women most appealing, having dimensions that go deeper than the surface appearance. I think imaginary women are more appealing with a slightly unrealistic cuteness, though. Sure wish N. would give us back the choice to be realistic or not.

Game: Take pictures of wild ground Pokémon
Me: Oh okay
(Ground Pokémon are suddenly a rarity)
Me: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Youtubers and websites: Registeel might be good for pvp. Try to catch him.
Me: Oh, okay (catches Registeel)
(You can’t use most of the meta in great league, and every league is still full of cheaters).
Me: (Insert raging pink Wojak meme here)

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Would you care to elaborate? Especially on the cheaters part? Because I haven’t encountered any of them.


I think the cheating part mostly refers to tanking (you purposely lose matches so that the game will match you against players who aren’t all that great in GBL) which in fact is a viable strategy, because it’s in the game. If it’s social is another question.

That said, the fact this keeps happening is to blame on Niantic for even allowing it. It should’ve long been fixed. And even worse, the best way to counter it, is to also start tanking. Might as well do it anyway.

I haven’t really encountered actual cheaters in GBL, but I’m also not really doing those so maybe that’s why and perhaps this assumption may be wrong (although I do not often see cheating reports in GBL in other communities either).

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Ah good point I hadn’t really thought of that as cheating because it’s not giving them an advantage beyond creating a skill gap, so thank you for clarifying.

It’s not necessarily cheating as it’s not at all against the ToS but I’ve been seeing people refer to it as cheating a lot. After all it’s quite damaging to other players, so it does have certain similarities.

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I tank a lot in GBL (by using my weakest 'mons, which “faint” with one quick attack) because I can’t stand pvp battling and want to finish mandated battles as quickly as possible. When we’re forced to win a certain number of battles, I tank about a third of them in hopes of making that common practice in the league. If everybody forfeits occasional battles then players who have no desire for pvp can hope to win 5 battles eventually (without having to TRAIN hours at pvp just to compete a little).


Feels what people think of cheating has more to do with server lags. Had experienced matches when opponents were able to fire multiple charged attacks despite having correct count of fast moves.

And also had played matches where the opponent’s were unable to attack against. Turned out to be easy victory. Feels unlikely that other scenario exists which makes the battle feel cheated…

Considers cheating differently; getting thrown into battles against Lv. 50 trainers just because playing good against players of +/- current level doesn’t makes much sense. Quotes the example of usage of Lickitung in GL, and Deoxys-D in UL which are doable for certain players only.

So thinks out whether the cheating is taking place by players, or by Niantic ?

Once you reach level 31 you can power up Pokémon to level 50 so it’s still fair; 31 doesn’t take all too long.

There’s a backstory for that explanation, and doesn’t wants to unravel it. Provides a simple calculation w.r.t. Deoxys-D :

At max mega level and silver pinap berry, one can get 9 candies at most. Requires 248 normal candies and 296 XL candies to push it near to UL threshold. One is needed to walk to walk 20km to get another Deoxys candy, so it roughly averages over 4000km just for getting 248 candies. Now include the walk to get XL candies.

Leaves the reasoning to you why this calculation was provided…

Believes XL candies and all those related stuffs as method to separate hardcore players from player base.

But again implies the feeling shared few days back; no longer considers oneself to get affected by Niantic’s tactics, hence not gets sad from any of the losses.

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