Who is actually going to use the pokestop reviewing thing? (Wayfarer) AND MORE

It came back 24 hours later. I haven’t seen it disappearing since. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hopefully my statue stop comes back

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Well, my second stop got approved, it’s the farthest I’ve done from home but I still will spin it a couple times. Hopefully it shows up in game (unlike first when I checked)

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I currently have 6/7 nominations in voting for 3 weeks now after I finally got around to making the submissions.
Patiently waiting and hoping they get accepted.
The other is still in the que.

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One of those 6 showed up in my Wayfarer acct as accepted the other day.
It went into the Game this morning as a Gym.
Can now see another Gym from home.

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So far I’ve been waiting for four weeks for four nominations to get accepted (or rejected…). Would love to finally get the results now. It doesn’t even matter whether they get accepted or rejected anymore, I just want to know if I need to renominate them now or, even better, that I can finally see them in the game. It is that I haven’t had the time to nominate more, otherwise there would have been fourteen more nominations waiting and those fourteen could not be those older nominations because nothing happens with them.

Edit: not that they should be rejected, but the Wayfarers don’t seem to like me, so I do expect that to happen.

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We could create a topic with all the stupid reasons that Wayfarers gave for rejecting legitimate nominations. Some people are dumb. Sometimes it’s funny, but sometimes it makes you think who can be so stupid or so mean to reject something that’s clearly according to Niantic’s rules.

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The worst thing even is that it is not just one person giving those stupid reasons. It’s a whole group clicking on random reasons, apparently. Probably the most (randomly) picked ones will receive a place in the rejection emails.

I see Discussions on Discord from time to time with small minded people talking how they vote things 1* because they personally don’t like submissions even though it’s clearly acceptable by the guidelines/rules in place.
Or the best one is being spiteful voting 1* for the same type of things they’ve had rejected recently.
I just want to punch them all in head for being selfish twats.
Some are so narrow minded if it’s not 5* it has to be 1*. I just don’t understand it.
Review honestly or don’t review at all.
Rant over


I’ve just had 3 more nominations get accepted after only 4 days in voting. All 3 will create new Gyms.
That will take my tally to 4 new Gyms added to the game.

Injustice from 2017 has finally been corrected! I nominated that monument again and it got accepted and became a Poke stop! :star_struck: :balance_scale: :trophy:


Another nomination got accepted which will create a Gym in the Cell.
Should have gone into the game today as I was in the town last night and it wasn’t live yet.

I was meant to be doing another heap of noms on Sunday but plans for that got squashed after having to abort our regular Gym take over session Saturday night and take Mrs Kanga to Hospital. Same problem she had in January. Due to Covid restrictions on number of visitors we could not be with her in the ED so had to drop her off and wait it out at home.

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2 more accepted today that will create Gyms in the Cells.

I’ve created 5 Gyms in the last 2 weeks.
Had 5 extra Pokestops added and still have a few more nominations in voting. Of all the ones in voting only 1 can create another Gym.

@NotanotherKangaskhan created gyms? is it just a random process?

Read this

I was talking about this haha

The spawn points got increased. It’s crazy. Now I have even more spawns in my house and in the town square like it’s some kind of event.

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I have created five Gyms so far.

Well im having a deja vu.

4 gyms is a myth. Its not true. You cant have 4 gyms in 1 level 14 cell under normal circumstances.
And also not the oldest turns into a gym but the portal in Ingress with the most pictures+likes on those pictures.

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Yes, I know. I just copied my old post. Back then it was possible to have 4 Gyms (it’s from an old article). And I don’t know how things work in Ingress, but why can’t we in Pokemon GO vote for photos? I submitted a photo of a mural to replace the old one which no longer exists several months ago and it’s still in the voting phase. I also changed the name, but it was rejected. Don’t players of Ingress see both the photo and the name? This system is bad and needs to change. I planned to change several photos, names and descriptions, but what’s the point? The only solution is to contact Niantic about that, but I don’t know how. There is a forum section on the Wayfarer web page, but it’s too complicated and I don’t know if it works.

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