Who is actually going to use the pokestop reviewing thing? (Wayfarer) AND MORE

It would be a bit of a random process without knowing how it works and not knowing where the cell boundaries are.

Did some nominations over the weekend.
If most accepted it will create 3 new Gyms. Still waiting for nominations in voting since July. 1 of those will create a Gym also.

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One of the new nominations from the weekend has been accepted. New Gym should be in game today.
Early April nomination near home also accepted. Could see the new stop on my screen from home.
Other nomination 2-300m from that one still in voting. Waiting for this one as it will create a new Gym in the Cell .

I’m kind of giving up on trying to create more Gyms now as a nomination either gets rejected immediately for no reason or they stay in the voting phase forever (I am still waiting for three I nominated on July 9th!).

Rural nominations go through the process much faster than Urban and City ones.

I can drive 15min in 1 direction and I’m in Rural. 8 of my 9 Gyms created are Rural.

One of the three I was waiting for since July 9th has finally been accepted today. It’s about time! Maybe Niantic is reading this forum… :thinking:

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One nomination from August 29th just got… rejected… YET again… even though I disproved the blatant reasons they kept giving…

Stupid Wayfarer. Got a reaction for five PokéStops I nominated on August 29th (why doesn’t ANYTHING happen with the nominations from the first half of July?) - two accepted, three rejected for the same bullshit reasons I as they had previously given and I even disproved it in the section where you have to give reasons why it should be a PokéStop, whatever. Apparently they are even too lazy to read that. But that is not the worst. So one of the Stops that is accepted is a big playground, and I wanted to place down the Stop at the end of it, because there is a PokéStop in the middle already (it’s not the playground). Well, some kind of funny dude DID move it to the middle, and now there’s now way of making that playground a PokéStop anymore! :rage: After so many rejections of it (WHY?!), this is even worse. So many hours have been spent trying to add PokéStops to the game, and many of those hours have been wasted for nothing. No wonder it took me 1,5 months to do another nomination round. This whole system sucks completely. But I’m unstoppable. If I have to, I can try anything. I can try moving the POKÉSTOP in the middle of the playground, and I’m definitely going to do that once the move bug is gone.

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Did that playground get accepted in Ingress though? Or is it just to close to the original one altogether. If thats the case theres not record of it exsisting so you can just try again.

As for the other ones who got rejected… Cant really comment without seeing what they were. You could upload them here so we could judge/advise on what could be improved.

Honestly, I haven’t checked that yet, but it is not that close to the other stop, so I bet it’s in Ingress.

I’ve had a heap of nominations accepted over the last 4-5 days.
Some rural and some of my local early July ones.
5 more Gyms created including another I can see from home.
I’ll do a full run down at work tomorrow.

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Got my spread sheet in order.
My nominations have created:
6 have become the Gym.
5 have become PokeStops causing another PokeStop in the Cell to become a Gym.
10 PokeStops in addition to the 5 above.

6 more nominations accepted in the last 2 days. Will check in a few days times to see their inclusion in the game. Only one may become a Gym if it stayed on the right side of the Cell boundary.

Another nomination accepted. Will find out on the weekend which Stop changes to a second Gym in the Cell.
Quick turn around on this one.
Nominated Sunday around 2pm. Went in voting the next day.
Accepted either late yesterday (Wednesday) or early today (Thursday). 5 days from nom to accept :grinning:.
It wasn’t an upgrade either.
Have other noms from same day in voting and in queue still.

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Went for a drive last night. The new second Gym in that Cell happens to be the one I nominated :grinning:

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7 more noms accepted over the last 5 days.
1 creates a new Gym.
2 others have POi in voting that will result in new Gyms if accepted.
4 new stops created.

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Those 2 POi that were in voting were accepted today.
2 new Gyms to appear soon.
I’ll post a full update tally when I confirm which ones are Gyms and Stops and I get them all into my spread sheet.

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Got one that is stuck…

I’ve still got 2 from July in voting.

I have one from the 9th of July I think. I’ll be waiting patiently but not for a rejection. Also nominated a Wayspot today that’s going to become a Gym if accepted.

Finally back at work to update info in my Spread Sheet.

Here’s my list of inclusions into the game.
9 Nominations became the Gym
6 Nominations turned an old Stop into a Gym
27 New Pokestops created including the 6 Stops above.

I have more nominations in voting that will create 3 Gyms and a list of nominations I need to do.