Lets talk - (anything)

Same here

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I only have 10 shiny legendaries

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Different people find worth in different things, including in this game. Even if you don’t think they’re special, it’s not nice to minimise what someone else might see as an achievement or a goal. It gives them a reason to keep playing.


Having 3 day get away.
Mrs Kanga did very well in get the accommodation right. Always wondered what it would be like to reach a Stop from home.


So not spending money to buy Raid Passes means you’re not somewhat good at the game? Or is it insane luck?

OMG, can’t you people read??!!

Almost every freaking good player IN MY CITY has a shiny of each legendary. Does that mean you guys suck? NO. It means standards IN MY CITY are higher and it’s not special to me to have a shiny of each legendary.
But apperantly it IS special, so i expect to worshipped like a god now please

Hahaha, praise you

Now in 5 days and 129 different species
 what a shutdown

IN MY VILLAGE the player with the third most amount of shiny legendaries has whiskers, four paws and likes his tummy tickling
 YES HE DOES! :cat2: :laughing::wink:


Ok now I get it

I also question if you can read since you completely missed my point. Whether it’s special or not is subjective, so it’s irrelevant. If someone chose to collect shiny legends and completes that as a goal, I know that demeaning what they did like you saying “what’s so special about that?” is a d**k response. I’m not bothering to collect all like that guy, but I can still show some appreciation from their trouble of obtaining them.
Lol, “standards IN MY CITY”? You should tell that to Niantic and get them to bar everyone in your city from catching shiny Mew because your city has “standards”. Maybe someone nearby will worship you then?

Just sent the last gift. Already got 32 different species from the Research Encounter Stack. Two Dragons. Ice might be the toughest, but I’ll see.

To conclude this quarrel, it is based on a misunderstanding of what @Punica wrote. There are some standards in every community, every single one can have its own unique standards. His community being a little bit more hardcore than ours.
Although the wording could have been a little more nuanced, he technically didn’t say anything wrong

Let’s continue with other things.

Happy catching everyone!

Got to 85, without effort actually.

Now 6 days and 133 different species.
Every day more difficult to find new ones. But still at least 24 days away of promoting to the next step.

I’m gonna try getting it finished tomorrow. Really need the Glacial Lure, too. It’s the last thing I need to become TL42, and I wasn’t going to buy it from PokeCoins. Glad the 151 different species gives it as a reward.

I should probably mention that I have never been part of any groups or communities, only been playing the game solo since its release. So this is the first time I’m hearing about community/city standards. I can’t say if he’s right or wrong, but I hope he doesn’t actually respond to anybody’s achievements that way. It would definitely make an individual feel like their achievements mean little to nothing according to a foreign community’s standards.

Anyway, I might go to the PoGo store later and find someone to trade with there for the research task.

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I haven’t posted anything for more than 2 weeks. I have so many things to tell you. I won’t post all at once, but you can expect something new every day until we catch up on everything that happened.

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Giving a glacial lure for achieving the 151 different species task seems ironic, when the glacial lure could help you get the 151 different species in the first place.

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Oh, I need it to be able to evolve an Eeevee into Glaceon. And for the Ice types.