Lets talk - (anything)

Two hours? Would love to have that😃

I wouldn’t even be surprised if the one Yellow Gym I couldn’t get it in is still Yellow.


I’ve read that the Sylveon is evolvable from 10 a.m. local time at 25 of may.
Anybody in Europe has tried out? Or is it, as usual, at 11 a.m.?
Because when I look at Eevee, there’s no hint of the 70 hearts rule.

Yep. It is working. At least the name does

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What a strange effect…
In one phone I received the Sylveon named Kira…

But in the alter account on another phone the result is:

I t was necessary to restart the app before using the name-trick, and it works without having it as buddy.


I just finished following that approach… restarted game after 10:00 a.m., verified that I had named my chosen Eevee “Kira”, and evolved. It worked like a charm, pun not intended…


A post was merged into an existing topic: Post your hatched pokemon

Slowly this one is going to get to level 50


Something I’ve wondered, but never systematically tested, nor asked (and am wondering again) …

We have some eevolutions that can be coerced through special procedures (like umbreon, espeon, leafeon, glaceon, and now sylveon). Is it ever possible for one of those to result from the RANDOM evolution? Or does random eevolution ONLY produce flareon, jolteon, or vaporeon?

And what happens if we evolve an eevee that has more than one of the coercive factors present? (Like if I walk a buddy eevee 10 km, earn 70 hearts with it, then pop in a glacial lure at night and evolve? Could that get either a glaceon or a sylveon or an umbreon?)

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Very interesting, no, more curious. This are the typical border-effects which the informatic hate.
As a programmer you thought everything is completelyt arranged, until a user comes by there and do something you never have thought would be happen. :flushed:


Oh, yeahhhhhhh; the “accidental features” that stop working when we did an upgrade or a functional port (from one system to another) were probably the majority of my least pleasant times as a developer and maintainer. Finish a shiny new version, and get panicked phone calls from customers who are livid that something stopped working that you never intended your product to do.

(Sort of like a kitchenware manufacturer getting complaints that their new tablespoons aren’t as good at turning screws as their old ones…)


Hahaha, exactly what I wanted to say. I’m shure nobody in Niantic has thought about these double, or triple completions of factors. Would be funny to try out, but maybe too much work for poor results. Because not even , if you receive all time the same result, you can be shure it doesn’t change in the next try…

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That is a very interesting scenario that for all but the tedious 70 hearts requirement I could’ve put to the test easily.
I’m curious if it becomes Random, 3 Choices visible or defaults to the last possible introduction of Sylveon.
I forgot the 4th option of crashing the game :rofl:.

What are your predictions on the next potential mega evolution?

Garchomp. On community day

Got a draw in the go battle league…


First time witnessing this.

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That happened to me once last year. I thought it was a normal occurrence.

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Yeah, I’ve had it too once.


finals are over. Now I have time to play again


How did they go?