How was your special raid day?

I worked most of it, but I got invited to a LOT of Moltres raids, more than any other.


Never got the Kangastahn I needed to complete the raid quest, but that was first collection challenge I missed. Got more Mewtwos then birds. Did all my raids by remote. Just wasn’t motivated to do another Legendary bird event because I already had shinies of each of them.

I got 2 shiny Zapdos! It was the only shiny bird I was missing!


I did 7 Deoxys raids: 1 remote and 6 in person. First, I was invited by @Jormdeworm to a Defense Deoxys raid. I caught it, but it wasn’t shiny. Then I did 2 Attack Deoxys, but I still didn’t get a shiny. Finally, I got my first shiny Deoxys - it was Normal forme! :star_struck: After that, I did Speed Deoxys raid and got another shiny! :partying_face: Then, I did a Defense Deoxys with 5 players in total (I almost did it with 4, but was 5 seconds short). And for the last raid, I did another Attack Deoxys (it’s the easiest one to raid). It was a great event! I never had so much luck with shinies from raids! :sparkles: :four_leaf_clover:


Got a shiny on my first try and one on my 8th or 9th. None after. I think I did about 15 in total however we failed the last one as we all joined at 16:59 but we were with four trying to do a Speed Forme Deoxys but one of us got errored out mid-Raid. One more Charged Attack and we would’ve had it. Unfornately couldn’t see who were all in the lobby so I didn’t know you raided with us @Branebs :joy:


Not bad, really. Got enough Candy XL for my hundo Normal-Forme Deoxys…only to get a hundo Attack-Forme just a little later! Two Shinies (Defense and Speed) as well; never got the Shiny before today, so I’m happy.

After the abject failure of her Braviary Raid Day - 0 shiny from 23 raids - Mrs celery wasn’t keen on another extended session for Deoxys.

Hence we did 8 raids in total and the only shiny came for me on the first raid - a normal forme - nothing again for the missus or the cat. So a bit disappointing over all.

Never mind… onward! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Didn’t play this one either. Had something else to do that was way more important.
I haven’t done a single Depoxy Raid since it’s return this time.

Did 8 raids. Got no shiny, but enjoyed the day nonetheless

Not playing this weekend Mega one most likely.

Local groups can’t play and I’m not going to try to find another one because I probably won’t find one anyway so I’m going to try it with Poke Genie Raid Hosting this time and hope I’m not number 48224th again because then I definitely won’t be bothered to raid. Will mainly chase the Swampert though. Don’t need the Shiny but as long as I can get all the Mega Energy I need for at least 1 Swampert Mega Evolution I will call it a great day.


So did your Poke Genie approach work out?

Weiß ich auch nicht. Maybe because of December 5th which is a national celebration day here but funnily enough it’s almost never celebrated on that day but in the weekend before it.

It did! Unfortunately, while hosting the second raid my game crashed and didn’t let me open my friend list but I managed to send the invites probably a second before I got timed out so I’m glad the game worked just in time. Eventually did all six free raids but it took a long while since there were a lot of open lobbes, but it does work out so if there‘s no other option I’d recommend using Poke Genie.

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Congratulations on the success.

I encountered hundreds of open lobbies late last night and early this morning; but an hour or two ago, that switched to having thousands of trainers on queue to join a raid. I guess I’ll have to wait for the event to cross the Atlantic for the available raids to increase again.

Poke Genie is great, except when the oversupply or undersupply of raids gets high enough. The odds increase that the raid may fall apart or never happen, or that an invite may wind up not going to the right trainer.

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It was the opposite way around when the event was live here five hours ago. Lots of trainers offering a Raid but hardly anybody wanting to Raid had me waiting at a Raid for at least fifteen minutes per raid. Wasn’t ideal, especially not because it was freezing outside (should’ve taken the car) but my results were nothing to complain about so I can live with it. Ah, it was better than nothing. I was waiting my whole Pokemon GO career to Mega Evolve my Swampert Squad and now I can finally do so.

Had to work from 1 to 3, but got to do some raiding from my office, afterward. It rained here most of the day, but the game weather alternated between rain and cloud, giving a weather boost to Swampert and then to Blaziken (and a few Virizion mixed in for good measure). Kept raiding to keep getting the post-game raid stardust bonus. So it bugs me that the bonus ended at 9:30, when it was supposed to last until 10. The “Today” task tab still shows 2x raid stardust, and the last 2 remote raids I did gave only 1x stardust.

Other than that I enjoyed the day, finishing 24 raids in all.

I worked most of it, but I was able to get what I needed from it and even got a nice crop of Candy XL to boot.

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I did 14 Hisuian Avalugg raids. All were in person. I also did 7 raids on my alt account and there was another player who also did 7 raids. No one got a shiny! :angry: But on the positive side, I got some good-IV H. Avalugg. Here are my 2 best.


I didn’t know it was a special day until the last 10min until I saw every Gym I can see from home had one.
I was 1 and done with remote pass from home.

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3 Shinies, 1 98%, not bad for someone who had to get called into work due to a pipe burst.