How was your special raid day?

Main got 4 shinies in 18 Avalugg, and alt got the same.

Hey guys! I’m back! I had a great raid day. I did 10 raids. First Kleavor that I caught had great IVs and it was the best one of all. Great way to start! Then the fourth one also had great IVs. After that, a miracle happened. I got 2 shiny weather-boosted Kleavor in a row! :star_struck: :sparkles: Last time during Hisuian Avalugg raid day I did 14 raids and didn’t get a shiny. What’s more, both shinies that I caught today had good IVs (3 stars)! :partying_face: I also used my alt account and there was another player with me, but they didn’t get any shinies. So I was increadibly lucky this time! :four_leaf_clover:


I like this T3 raid “day” starting at 11am, because I can take down the boss relatively quick and it’s cooler at 11am than at 2pm. Did 6 in-person raids in an hour, got a hundo and shiny. I’m satisfied.

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It was meh for me, especially when I found out that Niantic essentially castrated Kleavor’s attack power right out of the gate with horrible movesets.

That being said, it was easy to do and I mainly solo’d the whole day by doing five gyms that are clustered nearby me. Not hurt about not getting a hundo or a Shiny as I have both a Shiny and a hundo Scyther in reserve for evolutions.

I’ve taken a look to my Scyther and Scizor, but none of them has a button for evolution to Kleavor? Am I thinking a wrong way? Strange enough when I hit the button for showing the evolution-line all three appear.

Ah, now I have read the article… no evulution during the event. So the button may appear later on.

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23 raids, 0 shinies

I knew the day was going to be bad for me when I got the lowest possible IVs of 10/10/10 on my first raid. It got worse from there.

Mrs. celery got 3 shinies from 17 raids. Eventually I gave up and just traded a shiny from her. It cost 40,000 dust and came across with 42% IVs.

I should’ve just stayed in bed.


I didn’t know there was a special Raid on.
Yes, I don’t read game pop up notifications.
A year ago I would be a bit annoyed with myself. Now I just drug the shoulders and don’t care.
Got some serious pressing issues with life to worry about atm.

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Normally I would have be working and missed Mega Chomp Day but rolling my ankle early in the week had me staying off my feet this weekend. Had something that used up most of the first hour but got 2hr 20min in.
Got 17 done all on non Gold Gyms and most on the same Gyms as they changed on the hour.
First one was Shiny and never saw another.
No IV better than 91% so all will be traded.
Got plenty of Mega Energy for each of my 2x L50 100’s with different move types.

Could play only the first hour of the raid day, with work shift beginning at 3pm. Had a few friends local and a few in a nearby town, which gave 2 raid pools to draw from, and managed to snag 8 garchomp raids in that hour. One was shiny and most were weather boosted. Thanks, Niantic, for nerfing the catch a little, allowing us to spend more time raiding than catching the defeated boss…

Yes, couldn’t agree more about boosted catch rate. This should be applied during Raid hours as a game QOL.
Nothing worse than wasting time throwing near on or the full ball count on junk IV when all you want is the Candy from Trashing or Trading and to move on to the next one before the time runs out.

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It was raining and the wind was blowing, but I decided to go out and do some weather-boosted Mega Garchomp raids. And it was great! I did 4 in-person raids and 2 remote raids. I got some good-IV Garchomp and the best one had 98% IV! :star_struck: Last raid that I did gave me a shiny with great IVs! :star_struck: :sparkles: There are 5 Garchomp in the screenshot because I traded one away.

Only did 7 mega garchomp raids on the day - 5 free raid passes during the 3 hour window, the raid pass on the day and used the pass from the day before - 2 shinies, over 1,300 mega energy earned and helped a few kids get their first garchomp. As the community day move wasn’t on offer, I thought that was enough raids for the day. Perhaps if Niantic offer the Galarian birds in raids, I’ll raid more, until then, I’ll still be in casual raid mode.