How was Your Community day

My CD was nice. Not great, just nice.

Work left me only half (3 hrs) of the CD. Everything had :poop: for IV, until the last one I encountered before having to stop (which was a hundo). Got half a dozen shinies in about 260 catches during those 3 hours.

Stardust was my main aim, and I collected about 170K… not too bad.

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Best community day yet so far for me. Played actively for about an hour and a half and caught a total of 9 shinies. In addition, I also caught the opposite of a 100% IV Tepig. (one of the Tepigs are named after me because I’m using it for a heavy shiny Tepig contest)


Had a bunch of activities yesterday, but still managed to pull 44 Shinies. One 3*.


44??? Something of the game has to go wrong… I give you a big applause, but… and what’s there for me? :shushing_face:


44 is actually much less than I usually have😅. Also, I’d be glad to give you a few. Issue is that I don’t live in Spain.


If you live here, you don’t have caught so much… :joy: :joy:


Shiny rates on CD vary widely between different users at the same location, and for same user at different locations. At least from my personal experience (not some systematic study or knowledge of the source code).

Low key because I got sick at work and was forced to go home, but somehow, I still managed to get enough Candy XL. Oh, and some Shinies too.

This CD was great. I played the first half of the CD at home. I used an incense and got some shinies early, so I was relaxed. I got 7 shinies in total. Later, I went outside. I did a Deoxys raid. Although the Tepig weren’t weather-boosted I found several with good IVs. I was also lucky this time with the special research. I got many good-IV Tepig and 1 Emboar and as a cherry on top I got a shiny with great IVs! I found one more shiny with great IVs! :star_struck: I evolved 11 Emboar with Blast Burn and got 1 from the special research.

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May the shiny odds be ever in your favour

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Day 1 was insane. Spent 75 minutes on Pokemon go during community day; got 21 shinies. And got Leafeon to level 48. Tomorrow I plan to get the rest of the XL candies to level up to 49,5 and have spare left for level 50

Had a lie-in. Nice lunch out. Stroll by the river. Watched a bit of cricket on the telly. Couple of drinks.

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Only 3 more hours before Day 2 starts for me.
Need to do a ball run to fill the bag ready for it.
Day 1 spent the first 4.5hrs riding around on the bike with the Go Plus going the whole time. Started with 1050 Red Balls and by the end of 4.5hrs I had just over 100 remaining. Last 1.5 hrs was manual cacting with Blue or Black balls only to run their counts down ready for today to do much the same today or until I run out of bag space. Need to do some more trades to get some more space back.
Day 1 summary
Total catches ?
27 Shiny, seems a bit low for # of balls I used
No 100%
No evolutions
5 Raids on non Gold Gyms

Got enough to max out Leafeon. My goal has been achieved

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It pretty much rained the entire weekend in Tokyo so I didn’t go out at all. All in all, I caught seven shinies playing for about 4 hours on Saturday and one on Sunday. On Sunday, I started getting a headache so I took a nap after about an hour of playing. Completed the special research and got no shinies with 3 star IVs.
Overall, this CD wasn’t bad, but wasn’t great either. I also tried spinning pokestops, but no additional field research tasks unfortunately.

Day 2.
Did the same as the day before. Just rode around on the Bike letting the GoPlus do its thing. This time I rode out much further chasing the Pokestops and Raids around town.
Got 40 Shiny this time (39 Eevee, 1x Palkia)
I maxed the Bag out 3min after the day had finished. I had close to 1500 empty spaces at the beginning of the event and Traded after day 1 and before day 2.
Now for the balance between catching more local stuff and trading each day to run that bag down ready for the next CD.

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29 shiny, 516 encounters for overall personal odds of 1 in 17,79. Insane

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Day 2:
Had another lie-in then watched the Test Match while Mrs c. did her run.
Cooked us some lunch. Later we met up with friends for coffee and cake.
Walked a few laps round the village to get my 10,000 steps for the day.
Got a second raspberry Palkia from a local raid. Couple of drinks.


Better late than never: All eight shiny Eevees were caught during this Community Day, and shiny Sylveon was caught before Community Day but evolved during the event so I could get its special move. In addition to these, I also evolved a Flareon to get Superpower.


I guess I never shared my results, or at least not here in this topic, but I decided to only do six hours of the event and ended up getting 64 Shinies.

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