I label mine with the first 3 letters, followed by the IV’s:
S-gya-24% (for shiny)
Moveset IV, exclamation point if it has maxed attack. For example Dragonite with perfect attack stat at 95.6 IV and dragon breath / dragon claw will look like this: DB/DC 95.6!
I use UniChar (so Unicode symbols) to show me the attack type at the end of the pokemons name. I favorite everything over 80%
Can you give an example? or a screenshot?
I just give them regular nicknames like I would in the main series games.
Sure! There you can see some of my strongest mons some weeks ago.
Gyarados has 2 Dragon type attacks so i gave it that Vulcano looking symbol. 八
ℓ (litre) is the unit for liquids so i use it for water attacks.
Exeggutors first attack is psycho type and his second is a grass type.
I don’t need to know which IVs my Pomemon have unless i want to evolve or power them up but then I’m gonna check them in Pokegenie.
I copied that from Nick of trainer tips (Youtube).
But i had to find symbols from the UniChar Keyboard which i could use ingame. Not all of them work.
Just realised i already posted 2 times in this thread
I use the system like this AB-abc-XY. In which:
A for Charge Move (1 for best DPS and 2
for the second ect)
B for Fast Move (the same model above)
abc for type skill. Example: elt for electric, gro for ground etc
XY for the IV and if it has perfect IV, it will be @@
Example: Jolteon has Volt Switch/Thunder with 98 IV, I name it like this 11-let-98
This system has a problem that i have to remember all the DPS of PKM but I did
I use somewhat of a strange system I usually have 2 of the same pokemon, one meant for D (Defense), one meant for A (Attack), if I only have one, then I choose A or D based off of if theya re higher ranked defenders or attackers. then I use / to seperate info, then proceed to put TMF (Fast TM), TMC (Charged TM), or TMB (Both TMs), depending on which attack they have that I wish to change (which TM they need, fast, charged, or both), so right now the setup for example, on a Charizard I have
Then, I add the IV, on a base of 1-4, 1 means breathtaking, 2 means it caught my attention, 3 means above average, and 4 means not likely to make headway, so like…
Pokemon I have yet to evolve simply have E (evolve) instead of A or D, and then their IV, for example
E/2, or E/3
Raid Bosses I am adding RAID (and whcih # raid) at the end INSTEAD of their IVs so like
SOOOOO, when I fight a Gym, I go to the search bar, type in A/, and choose to place them by CP, same thing when i choose a gym defender, I type D/, place them by CP, and then choose my top Pokemon available. I am still in the process of organizing because I just started it in this system because of the gym rework, but right now my top attacker is Machamp with 2252 CP, and my top defender is Blissey with 2311 CP (take into consideration that I sitll have a lot more pokemon to organize, so that will likely change, but well, that is my long and complicated system for organizing pokemon.
As shown I go caps for the base type. Then lower for attacks base type+damage then list hp.
So Rhydon there.
GR ground rock
fi Fighting 15
b Bug 90
Hp 165
WI water ice
I ice 10
d dragon 90
Hp 203
Need more space for names at least three more characters but what can ya do.
Naming? Sometimes I base it on a location… I named Snorlax that I found randomly spawned on my block, SnorBlock, lol.
But in general I do this…
for example I have a 95IV Dragonite that is male I would write it as Drag95M… I used the gender since I want to know right away if I have one of each Pokemon for the (eventual) breeding portion of our game.
As most of us I guess I am focussing on raiding lately and so I have changed my naming strategy.
I see a lot of people struggling what Pokemon to use against a Raidboss.
For me most important at the moment is being able to see the typing of attacks a Pokémon has.
During the 2 minutes of preparationtime I have to change the Bisseys, the game for some reason always puts in my default squad (), I want to be able to see the typing of attacks my Pokémon have.
Plus I use the Go Hub Pokedex for attackpercentages.
So I have called my Golem for example like this:
87A92 rocroc
87 = IV
A92 means that the attack moveset damage is 92% of the best offensive moveset
rocroc means both quick and charged move are a rock type attack (Rock Throw/Rock Blast in this case)
I find it personally very usefull
I’m using a appraisal-based naming system
First I’m using the first 3 letters of a pokemon’s name. Then I’m naming them after the 4 categories
"+" = best
"=" = good
"-" = bad
"/" = worst
then I write down the best stat(s)
KP (or HP bc it’s german)
A (Attack)
V (or D for Defense)
and then +, =, - or / for the stat
And since the Gym Rework I put a
OM (Offesive Moveset)
DM (Defensive Moveset)
ODM (Best in both categories)
behind that all
if the moveset is the best in either of the categories
So to put it in an example:
A machamp above 82 % and focus on attack (stat =15) with counter and dynamic punch would be
With perfect IV’s it would be
For offensive purposes, the name a Pokemon has should convey the information you cannot get from the “select Pokemon” screen when lining up an attacking team. At a minimum, I would put the move TYPE for the fast and charge in the name so as to tell two of the same species apart.
For raiding, I would go so far as to name them your raid target (i.e. Moltres, Zapdos) for an easy find in your Pokedex.
I like to name them Fast Move/Charge Move IV
The ones you see in the pic with 1- in front is so I can find my #1 preference battles quickly through the search function as I have other lower CP Tyranitars with Bite/Stone Edge.
My Vaporeons with Gun/Hydro are named 2-
I use a system that works for me mainly because I’m a level 36 whose top CP Pokemon are all useable with good IV’s and optimal movesets for their purpose.
When naming each of them, I’ll put their IV’s, and their purpose. For example, my Blissey is called ‘93% // D’, signifying she is 93% IV and used for defending only. Another example would be my Golem, which is 98% // A, implying the IV and that it is used for attacking only. Some Pokemon can be interchanged, for example my Dragonite ‘96% // AD’.
https://pokemongo.gamepress.gg/ ~~~~ This website is helpful at checking your Pokemons movesets to see if they are optimal for gym defense or offence.
(Move 1)/(Move 2)(IV)(Best IV Stat)(level)
So they can range from ZH/HS89DHA25.5 TO L/E8H4 lol
Actually this would be the longest name then:
: Edit - since the search criterion have been updated & expanded I no longer use the star or 1st letter of the mons name (no need to now). Just quick then charge move & IV, but with 900 mons it is taking some time to update them all…
I have my box in 1000, imagine if I decide to change, lol
AttIV/DefIV/HPIV/ChargedAtt/AvIV, or just 100/Charged Attack:
Kyogre, 87IV, Thunder: CP2407, 13/14/12T87
Lugia, 100IV, Future Sight: CP2570, 100F