I just use an abbreviated version of their movesets type. Grass/grass for example
I also favorite any Pokemon with IVs above 80%
I write 100 for ant 100% IV pokemon as well
I normally just use an IV percentage as I know the Pokemon names anyway for example 98% or 100% as I don’t like making them super long as it confuses me.
I have a spreadsheet with all Pokemon final evolutions and their various moves ranked from best to worse offensively and defensively with check boxes so I keep track of the best offensive and defensive ones I have.
My naming scheme involves tacking on ™ at the end to indicate the best moveset offensively followed by superscripts for the second best (™²) and third best (™³), that’s as far as I go.
For defensive moveset I use ™D for the best and so forth.
For movesets that benefit from STAB I add on “SB” at the end.
For movesets that are no longer available I tack on “LG” to indicate a legacy moveset (keeping these for when trading comes out).
I don’t put the IV’s in because I only keep Pokemon with above 85% which I favorite to differentiate. The only exception is 100% IV ones where I add 100 at the end of the name.
I do follow someone else’s scheme whereby the ones that are bad IV or bad moveset I use a different name so I can access them easily for gym battles and discard after.
I will start renaming the ones I put in gyms so I remember where I placed them.
I usually translate some words which are attributes of the Pokemon or describe it to Latin, French, Hindi and hope for a translation that could pass off as a name.
I used to put symbols to represent “IV brackets” of 10% starting from 70%, (eg - 80% to 89%would be one bracket represented by a symbol, 90%+ would be one symbol) but most of these disappeared when I changed my phone recently, so I’ll have to look up some other symbols soon.
Additionally I’ve named Lapras “Sirena” and Primape “Yoddha” (meaning fighter), Nidoqueen “Vasílissa” (named since I got her at level 4, my first ‘big’ catch), Vaporeon “Flumine” and so on…
I keep most of the original name but put the IV percentage and an O for better offensive movement (top 2) or D for better defensive move set (also top 2). If the move set it trash (third or below) it gets a X. Simple yet effective. Then when I first catch the Pokémon I use faces for simply amazing, strong or decent appraisals (team valor here) then I know by the face if I’m IV checking it or saving it for a double candy event or something.
A * for strong and % for above 80% followed by movesets, nothing just strong ability atk or def followed by the movesets for the cannon fodder. Not bothered about male-female as of now. IV in last part, but only for rare ones like Snorlax and Lapras.
It’s not really a keyboard, it’s kinda an app. It’s called UnicodePad. It has every symbol pretty much, you just need to choose decide what symbol is for what.
I dont use any, I just copy them on a whatsapp chat with myself and paste into pokemon names
This is only doable on Android, correct? Won’t let me use emojis on IOS, which is a bummer because it would help a lot haha
I use the 1st letter of their name & the same for move sets. I also put a star in front so they appear first when sorted by name, a dot for prestigers so they appear after the ones the *'s.
E.g Dragonite with dragon breath & dragon claw = *D DB DC
I go for something very simple. I mainly focus on knowing the exact moveset the pokemon has.
The IV of the Pokemon and a abbrev. of their moveset. That way I know which Gyarados is good against dragonites. Also helps with Exeggutor as well (Which one has ZenH or Confusion, for attacks against faster and slower defenders, respectively)
The IV of the
I do some thing similar too, but *** for the Pokemons I want to evolve. Just * for strong as said above, I used to add the short name but not anymore … Dr* *DB/DC. Low Kick=LK and Lick=Lk, Bug Bite=BB while Brave Bird=BrB, x in the end if want to trash after fainting.
Mine’s pretty simple
Attack IV - Defence IV - Stamina IV Move 1 Initials / Move 2 Initials
Tells me what I need to know at a glance and is much simpler than all this symbol systems
holy crap! I think i’m the only one who doesn’t do any naming system and just leaves them there omggg
I use Calcy IV (Android) for calculating IVs with an overlay that reads the stats with 1 click. This has working amazingly for me but today I realized there is a naming system in place through the app as well. When you scan a Pokemon there is an option to automatically generated a name for that Pokemon and put that name in your clipboard so you can just paste it right there. There are tons of customizable options for naming and choosing what info you want to see. If you’re on Android you need to try this app out.
*I am in no way affiliated with this app I just use it and have loved my experience.
i’ll check it out bro I’ll give it a try and start naming my pokemons better!
I’m pretty inconsistent. I keep some pokemon for special occassions, eg I found a ditto at Thomas Edison’s summer home, so I named him Edison. For normal guys, I try to keep total IV percentage for wonders. I also group my prestigers based on strength. Electric = 1, Water = 2, Ice = 3, etc. For example, 1Jolteon98_3 groups with electric move sets (Gyrados, Vaporean couners), has 98% IV’s and their charged move has three bars. For pokemon with a variety of charged moves I’ll just designate the type of the move, which is normally good enough. Let’s me sort quickly for prestiging.
I have naming convention based on:
- Fighting in gyms
- Waiting for evolution
- Pokemon that I keep (great IV, or rare, but not for battles)
So… it goes like this:
1. Fighting in gyms
- 3 letters of the main moveset
- Amount of damage produced by that moveset
- 3 letters of the second moveset (if different than the previous, if not, just skip this)
- Amount of damage produced by the special moveset
- A character for IV (+ for "call my attention, @ for above average, - “not likely to make much in battle” - based on Mystic team. If “Wonder”, then I favorite it)
2. Waiting for evolution
I change their names to “01, 02, 03…” so they are organized and to know when I have enough for a lucky egg to evolve them (usually I evolve when I reach 85.
3. Pokemon that I keep (great IV, or rare, but not for battles)
Usually keep their original name, add a “z” at the beginning so they move to the end when looking for a moveset, and add the IV XX% at the end.
In the past I named my Pokemons like “Pidgey/AD” which means it had the best value for attack and defense. I know it’s not that accurate but i didn’t needed more.
Now i only favorite them over 80% and use Unichar symbols for their attacks like “Pidgey⦿⁂” for Normal and Flying type attack.