I call all of my 100% Pokémon 100⑮⑮⑮,and the 98% like 98⑭⑮⑮ and 96% 96⑭⑮⑭.Very Simple.
How to do those emojis?
Inside the names of the mon’s?
I use Calcy IV for calculate the IV’s, and you can configure the app in several ways, and then it let a name in the clipboard which you paste after as a Nickname to your mon.
I cant even use emojis in mons names…
These things are not emoijs.I forgot how i did it but maybe you can find it on Youtube.
And btw i have iphone sp i cant get calcyiv
I prefer not to put a moveset in the name of a pokemon. That would only make it easier for attackers to pick their counters, and it’s already too easy to take down a gym.
I think gyms should no longer show what defenders are present, except for the last one added.
I just do Gyarados100 or whatever the IV is. Only with 80+.
Btw 100 = 100IV
I used calcy IV for it.
Only you can see the name of your mon. It appears to others as the correct Pokémon name (e.g. Dragonite, Tyranitar) it won’t show your nickname for it.
I use overall iv attack stat Defense stat Ho stat moveset
Dragonite is 98151514DTDM
I named my 98 tyranitar Bite Stonedge lvl 40:
98 B/SE 40 (if it was a 100 iv : #100B/SE 40 so i can search on # to see all my 100 iv pokemon)
I name my Pokemon with about as much originality as Ash does.