The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

And if you look the Evolve-button, I’m collecting for a second evolving… hihi, just bragging.

I was shure you believed me, I was just happy to show off. :sunglasses:

No Zorua event for anyone outside of New Zealand then :disappointed:… useless Niantic :triumph:

I’m in Houston now, 11.20 a.m. So I will not see Zorua this afternoon?

And nearly more important… I have to change my Buddy, because it’s a Hundo I don’t want to loose, even if he changes to Zorua! Not that he is important for play, but difficult to get again.

Who is Niantic to change a Buddy for another Pokémon without my OK? And if I had not read the notification?

Niantic tweeted that the whole event is cancelled because of bugs… more news to follow presumably…

I’m useless at posting links - but the GoHub mainpage has an updated article on the chaos.

Thanks, I will try to be more alert…

From what I understand it’s the exact opposite way around. Zorua will change into your Buddy Pokemon on the map but when you catch it it’ll change back to Zorua. So no Buddies will be lost.

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Huh, thanks, seems I think badder about Niantic than they are…

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I had to find out, so I changed buddies. Apparently the counterfeit shiny buddy does not become a shiny Zorua. Nor do the CP’s translate (I had a shiny Unfezant buddy generate a shiny fake Unfezant with CP over 2400, which I caught and got a non-shiny Zorua with CP15. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:)

Yeah, meanwhile Ditto doesn’t change IV, Zorua recalculates his IV in the moment after catching.

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Of course I was hoping for a CP2400 Zorua… A CP750 one wouldn’t have been a surprise, or all that much of a disappointment. But from 2400 to 15? That seems downright obnoxious. But whatever…

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lets talk - (anything)

I got a field research task to win a level 3 or higher raid, and it is still waiting to be completed, even after I beat two Guzzlords. Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

I just won a THIRD Guzzlord raid after that and the task is STILL not finished. Screw that. I’m deleting it and moving on. Having stuff not work in the game is getting old, when it also includes stuff that has worked before not working any more.

Update: Tried a Mega-Gyarados raid, and that counted for the 3-star task. Maybe it’s just that Guzzlord is too easy to beat for it to count for more than 1 star…


That’s an old bug. It doesn’t count Ultra Beasts as a 3+ raid.


Opening Gifts and forgetting to Pin the Postcards. Done it on a couple that I only have 1 friend in that zone now :triumph:


Same to me, looking from which zone the gift came, I pushed the button to open instead of pinning. Too long time doing the same routines, and the fingers work before the brain can stop them…


I’ve lost count of the number of raids this week (of all tier levels) that yielded NO rare candy AND had lousy IV. Rather disappointing.

Tell me about it?
A 100% Lapras has been my white whale for a long time. Done a heap upon it return again and can’t get an IV above 87% or a Shiny for that matter.

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Last Shiny I’ve gotten from a Raid excluding Raid Days was caught back in June 2022. I might not be raiding as much as you two, which is why I think you both deserve what you want more than I do, but it’s still quite a bummer that it’s not getting me anything nonetheless. And that while I was already way under odds for Legendary Shinies, too.

Edit: the second last shiny I have gotten from a Raid was a Magikarp from the 2021 Community Day. :man_facepalming: so that makes for one single raid shiny throughout 2022.

Edit 2: as for the Raid Days we’ve had in 2022 at least two of them got me come back home with empty hands as well, and it might have been more too, but I must admit I didn’t even try the Mega Gyarados Raid Day because I quite simply couldn’t be bothered.

Would love to see an occasional trade turn shiny, the way an occasional one turns lucky. Or to have a shiny friend (whose next trade will turn shiny). Even better, to just have “awesome” trade or friend, which we could choose to be lucky or shiny when we do it.

Yeah, good ideas. Or a shiny incense, which not guarantize, but give strongly better probability.

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