The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Just wonderful, another T5 raid win getting ZERO rare candy reward, and yet another low-80s IV. Thanks alot, ya buncha richards. Between the regularity of those letdowns and Niantic’s obdurate refusal to give paid raids even the slightest edge in shiny odds, it seems almost like there’s a penalty for raiding. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :unamused: :no_mouth:

Not expecting answers or changes, just needed to vent.

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I’m hearing ya.
Was sort of looking forward to Raiding some Reshiram in hope of getting a 100% but would settle for 96-98% 15atk. After the 8th 84% or below IV in a row on Monday all my enthusiasm disappeared down the drain. Was left thinking wtf am I doing, thinking this is not fun? I called it quits and went home.
Questioning if I’ll even bother with Zekrom even though I would really like a 100% one. They’ve completely killed my will to Invest time on Raids as Trading them has not netted me a single 100% either while the Family accts all have at least 2 100% from Trades on 1/2 as many Trades. Those accts do way better for IV from Raids consistently too. My Trainer is a dud.

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At this point anything the game has to offer it always shows the same pattern: the more you play the game, the less you get rewarded. The amount of cases when I’ve seen people literally downloading the game and get a shiny within the first 10 clicks and the amount of first check shinies they’re getting is crazy. Same for Hundos really. It’s driving me crazy. And it’s always us on the forum correctly complaining about not getting rewarded. There have been so many theories about this, that’s it likely is just that way. Still though, I cannot complain nearly as much as you @NotanotherKangaskhan, you still seem to be the unluckiest I’ve met so far. it appears you may played too much and now you’ve reached the state where Niantic doesn’t care about you or your account anymore as you’ll play anyway, in Niantic’s eyes. It’s sad reality, really. Hope this ever changes, but knowing Niantic they really are this cooked out.

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Playing too much early on might just be the thing that marked my acct for lack of enticements to keep me engaged in their evil FoMo cycle game.
I was one of very few who reached L40 in my area back when Ex Raids first came out. Despite my Trainer meeting every single criteria Niantic advertised that gave you the best chance of receiving an Ex Pass I missed out month after month after month.
While I got nothing Raiding multiple Ex eligible Gyms numerous times in the cycle nubes and low level players would do 1 Ex eligible Raid and get an Ex Pass every cycle. You think that made me a little :rage:.
Then the 3500 Trades before getting a 100% from a trade really sort of drove it home the crap luck my Trainer is subjected to. There’s others not a bad as those examples confirms it time and time again.
If it wasn’t for getting enjoyment from Golding Gyms I think I would have walked away a long time ago.


Not only has it been over half a year since I captured my last Shiny Legendary, but the IV’s I’ve been getting lately also aren’t very tempting. :expressionless:

And then I always wonder why I still bother. And yes two of those came from Remote Raids too, so these worthless IV’s even cost me 200 coins (probably more because I’ve done quite some remote raids for nothing…).

If I don’t get at least a Zekrom, Regice or Tapu Koko Hundo or Shiny this month maybe I’ll just stop raiding them entirely for a while.

Disheartening, isn’t it! Although it’s almost consoling to know the recent flood of crud I’ve gotten wasn’t totally personal. About 9 out of 10 Reshi and Zek raids this time have had IV in the 70s or low 80s. (And only about 1 in 10 of the better ones have had higher than 91…)

Last time Zekrom came around, it seemed to have far higher-quality bosses. (smh)

What’s even more disheartening is I’ve checked around 700 stops already for two miserable Kecleon that both never spawned because my account is blocked for Kecleon spawns thanks to a bug. It’s ridiculous! Do they even know how to program at all? Can they do literally ANYTHING right? I doubt it.

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I had the Kecleon drop from the stop and no where to be found bug yesterday.
It all seems like a frustrating waste of time driving around for 60min, stopping in a spot checking every Pokestop within range before moving on only to have that happen once one is found.


I honestly already had forgotten about Kecleon again. I’ll give it a go at Hoenn Tour, not sooner unless I happen to randomly find it while I’m at its stop but I doubt it’ll spawn anyway for the time being.

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About this bug, it happened to me three times now. But when touching the same stop again, the Kecleon was still inside. Touching him, he goes out, and nothing. Again touching the stop, again the Kecleon was still inside. And third time pushing him out, I found him in the wild.

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I did re-enter the stop both times the bug happened to me and both times it was just gone. It’s unfortunate…

Another strange thing. I have now seven Kecleon. The first two were genderless (from 9th and 11th january), all others ( from 12 and 13) are female.

I’m only 1 for 2 with Kecleon. Both jumped out of the Pokéstop after being tapped a few times. The first one visibly spawned just beside the stop (kind of like the photobomb spawns), where I caught it (I think on the 3rd throw). The other wound up nowhere to be found, in or out of any of the nearby stops. (I’m pretty sure I checked all the nearby stops, including the one from which the Kecleon jumped).

Can’t say if I re-checked the disc of the one that didn’t appear. Will make it a point to check in future.

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So I thought after seeing that my Hundo luck from Legendary Raids isn’t that great I should check the shiny rate too. Excluding Raid Days I even was lucky enough to catch a shiny from, I have a boomin’ shiny rate of 1/35.8 rather than the standard 1/19 everybody claims it is. :man_facepalming: and that is even including the Zekrom I got yesterday after half a year of nothing, so if I calculated this yesterday it would’ve been even worse! And keep in mind I also included all failed raid days, so the standard Shiny rate should even be lower than 1/19. And I have 1/35.8! That’s more than halved odds… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

If I include the successful Raid Days it’s 1/27.8 which is still horrible.

Yesterday it would’ve been 1/43.6. It’s ridiculous… And then I also took a higher number of Raids off my total count for Raid Days than I probably actually did, so in fact it is even worse than that too.

Same for those Shiny Shadows, I’ve just declared them non-existent 1.5 years ago and I’ve also never had one in the meanwhile either.

Despite actually having gotten a Shiny Zekrom - I genuinely thought I wouldn’t - I might still stop raiding for a while. I can use my time better. Especially after seeing how ridiculous my rates even are. No wonder I wanted to stop because I felt like I genuinely got nothing, it’s apparently true. I prefer going back to wild shiny hunting for a while I think because this is absurd. I’ll raid them whenever they pop at my home Gym but I’m not going for them anymore I think, not even during one of my shiny hunting walks maybe.

Just to compare @Jormdeworm
My Shiny Legendary/Raids rate is 1/32.1. That’s included all Shiny Legendary in my collection. I’m not sure if I’ve sent any to the Professor or if any have come from the 7 Day Rewards.
If I take the stat from when it started counting them it’s 1/58.1

Shiny Shadow stat is too hard to work out as from memory the only Shiny that was available outside of Boss battles was Lapras.
Taking the only numbers available my Shiny Shadow ratio is 1/360.4

Comparing that to the “average” rates,

Shiny legendary is 1/19
Shiny Shadow is 1/64

It’s crazy how the more you play the less you get rewarded. Without a doubt it’s the low level players increasing those rates by a lot as it’s always them getting anything and not the hard workers. For us they may as well be 1/35 and 1/250. Probably even worse for you considering you play more than I do. Who knows :man_shrugging:

Looks like your shiny rate is slightly better than mine, but considering the fact you’ve done at least 1500 raids more than I have your rate is still worse I would say.

Edit: on another note you’ve done quite a lot of Legendary Raids so one would think your rate should’ve been evened out more at some point, but apparently that didn’t happen, which again is evidence that there is no “base rate” but an individual shiny rate.

~ 1/39.8, you too have have been gifted the bad fortune it seems…

Yes, but it’s slowly getting better.