Lets talk - (anything)

Seems like XXL Pumpkaboos are taking over this event!

Agreed. @celery must have cheated somehow using Nosepass powers :nose: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Congrats, @celery !

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Must be me, but Iā€™m not seeing any Pumpkaboos for this Adventure Weekā€¦

Judging by their nickname and a very random comment, they must be a troll.

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Itā€™s a response to a message from October 2023

I was assuming as much, my comment was more of a test whether they would reply or not. I suppose you are indeed right, though.


:serbia: :tennis: :1st_place_medal: :muscle:

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:uk: :golf: :2nd_place_medal: :confounded:

And Iā€™m back again. Norge er et vakre land.

Next Adventure starts in a week though :joy:


Ooh, whatā€™s the next adventure @Brobraam ?

Venice, Split and Athens are three notable cities that are going to be visited.


Safe travels and an enjoyable trip to ya, @Brobraam !

In case anybody missed the announcement or forgot about it, this weekend we can TM our shadows away from Frustration. Time to turn all those saved shadows into productive members of our battle / raid teams.


Doing some Power Ups on Shadows it very poor design how the end x is right near the Purify button.
If youā€™re not fully alert it would be so easy to miss the x and tap the Purify button. Iā€™ve done it once and never want to repeat it as I was numb with rage for weeks of all the dust and candy wasted.


The same thing worries me with how close the Power Up button is to the Separate Button on a merged Necrozma.

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I really need to look at this Necrozma thing more as I have no idea how it all works or if itā€™s even useful. My lack of getting a 100% from the Raids is most likely responsible for my apathy.

Ok, so Iā€™ve had a very brief look at Necrozma and Iā€™m still confused.
When I use the fuse option does it stay in that form forever or is it like a Mega Evolve and is only in the changed form for xx period of time?

Sadly, this will be the last time I post on this forum.

So long chums, and best of luck in your future endeavours. :grinning::wave:

Hey, take care!

ā€œWe hope to see you againā€
-Nurse Joy

Shame, you were a really appreciated user here. Take care, and know youā€™re always welcome here if you ever decide to return!