Lets talk - (anything)

I’m kind of relieved they didn’t. I could sleep for once this time. :joy:

I honestly didn’t watch either, and probably also would not have if they reached the finals :sweat_smile:

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I hate :soccer: now :sob:

You guys I have not been following the Euro, what’s been happening?

All-round best squad of players and Pre-Tournament Bookies’ Favourites England :england: made it all the way to the Final - thanks to a series of late goals and dodgy penalty decisions in their favour - leading to victories over @BranebsSerbia :serbia: and @Brobraam’s and @Jormdeworm’s Netherlands :netherlands: on the way.

Only to lose the final 2-1 to @bagguille’s adopted Spain :es: - a team seemingly composed of half a dozen school children and half a dozen violent sweary old men.

Leading to heartbreak (again!) for @celery who thinks he could have done a better job managing the England team than the nice-person but tactically inept Gareth Southgate.



Thank you very much, @celery ! That summary was fantastic and hilarious.


God bless you guys.

The USA men wished they could have had a coach as seasoned and effective as England’s. Our national soccer has been such a global disgrace that we still tend to deny we even have a team when the topic comes up. I only remember two guys during my 60+ year lifetime who were exemplary enough to remember their names – Landon Donovan, and Tim Howard.


Anyhow, I’m back. For now. Until I go to Norway on Monday :joy:


Greetings from Greece :beach_umbrella: :greece:




So after reading the Zygarde article, I wanted to share my experience with it. It’s not the general grind that’s the problem. It’s the random rng involved with the grind. Sometimes they just don’t show up, and you can have a streak where you don’t get any cells even if you have routes. I had a 3 day-streak of not getting a single cell, and it stinks.

The one good thing about the grind iis that it can motivate you to get out and lose a pound or two if you like Pokémon and play Pokémon Go. I agree that if you don’t have a route, you’re screwed unless you can make something decent at 30+.


What strange is this world of rng.
I “allways” get or one or two cells, every route I walk. I don’t remember a route without this, well, once, but because I had before fulfilled the three per day.

I don’t know if this is the right place for this kind of thing, as I’m not very good at using forums in English, I’m Brazilian and my language is Portuguese. I don’t think everyone knows my story, as I never talked about it, but I spent seven years without being able to play Pokémon Go and I’ve loved Pokémon since I was a child. And when I started playing, in June 2023, there were no Pokestop or gyms where I live, it’s been like that since the game was released. I needed to play several months to reach the recommended level to be able to make suggestions, now there are two gyms and some stops. But that’s not what I want to talk about, as a rural player, it’s very difficult to get the experience points needed to level up, currently, I’m at 42, very close to 43, But I’m already thinking about the next levels, that’s what I want to talk about. I need 20 players to send me gifts every day for 3 months, for a total of almost 7 million XP with lucky egg activated. I know it’s a lot to ask, but if anyone can, I promise to open presents every day.


That’s one of the evil things in this game, the fault of equilibriance between players in cities and the rural players. But it’s something where Niantic couldn’t do much. It’s like in life, when your living in the rural area, the posibilities of work are lesser, and much people go to the cities.
I don’t want to evaluate if this is good or bad, it’s just real.

Don’t remember if you have published your friend-code in the correct thread. If yes, I will find you, no problem to help.

No,don’t find you, something wrong between username and playername?


Hi, brother. Here it is:

If you could give me your name, so I can put it in a document on Google docs with the other 19 coaches I hope to get, I would be grateful. Unfortunately I have ADHD and it would be very easy who are the friends to open gifts daily.

I’m back home from my vacation in Greece! :beach_umbrella: :greece: I will be posting about my Pokemon GO adventures soon.


@celery has become User of the Month again! Who’s gonna top @celery in August? :eyes:

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Not me I know that much.


#fake news
It must be rigged! I can’t think of a single informative or entertaining thing @celery has posted in months! :rage:


It’s nice to be the user of the month (Congratulations, @celery ), but the most important is to have fun. Here, in the game, and in real life.

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