Lets talk - (anything)

It sounds like you’re one of the honorable ones, then. The town where I play on my day off has several dishonorable interlopers, who knock local players out of their gyms 5 minutes after the locals leave their mons for the night.

There used to be a bot that swept every rural gym within a 10-mile radius of me at around 11:45 pm each night.

It was lightning quick - it would move from gym to gym and wipe them all clean within the space of 2 minutes - despite the large distances between them.

Oddly most of the gyms remained completely empty until re-populated the next day.

But occasionally around 1:30am a single trainer would appear. Mainly yellow team (but sometimes red or blue) - and almost always with a low level and nondescript name (like Bob3953z3, or Carol4qh376).

This lasted for around 2 months - drove all the local trainers apoplectic - and then stopped as suddenly as it had started. No-one ever did figure out exactly what was going on and what the purpose was.

Spoofers took most of the blame - but I think it was an automated way of levelling up (and accumulating coins for) random accounts to sell-on for profit later.

Always nice to have a GO Hub friend for a lucky trade, @MrHeineken88 . If I manage to cross the seas, maybe we can trade a Heineken for an Anchor Steam. :yum:

OR if Niantic ever gives us global trades! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Got the firehorse, but typical bad IV (75). Any chance they will one day give better odds?

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I can beat that for badness - 71% IVs - effectively 1/1/0 out of 5/5/5 :neutral_face:


We all know that for these Special-Day-Beasts we have only one chance to get it. In all others we can try and try and try until get a decent one, but here? Just one more slap in the face

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Another slap, I try to collect both genders of pokémon with different ones. Webs say that the Growlithe has 75% male and 25% female. And what happens in this moments? 5 out of 5 females with this Hisui-version… is it my bad/good luck or again something happening what not has to happen?

@bagguille I have an even spread of 3 male and 3 female Hisui Growlithe… I think you’re probably just having bad luck :grimacing:

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Apart of Growlithe seems to be a lucky day…
My first Galarian Bird


Which features do you miss the most?


I miss all of those; but I miss the “pandemic incense” most, by far. One that I miss almost as much, but isn’t on the graphic, is not having arbitrary limits to how many remote raids I can do.

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For me the Ex-Raids

I miss the big generation critter drops the most - and despite what the graphic says I think we still might get one last big wave of new content.

When Niantic announces the end of the game - which is probably only a couple of months away at the current rate of decline :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - they will hopefully :crossed_fingers: release all the currently unavailable new pokes and shinies all at once, leading to a last frenzy for players to complete their ‘dexes. Similar to what happened with Happy Potter Wizards Unite.

Of course, knowing Niantic they’ll probably try to monetise it by charging five bucks for an egg with a guaranteed shiny Paldean Wooper - and fifty bucks for an Arceus :roll_eyes:

They are just another costume Pokémon to me so it fits well with my trash all costumes apart from Pikachu.
No issues fuming at just another rubbish IV which is the norm for all these special tasks.

Do we have a problem???

It seems that our activity is going down every week a little bit more. Is it because of a process in all PokemonGo, or are we just tired? Is there any way to give it a turn, or have we to accept that our time is gone?
I love to chat with all of the rest of the crew, but anybody remembers a new contributor? There are, because I remember to add @BestBeast, @MizukiNiles or @HurocaNitride to my tables of records. But this has happened 3 times in the last year… Do we have to accept the path of life, or somebody has an idea to change this?


Yep… we have a problem :cry:

Not just here though - it seems all browser-based sites’ forums are on the way out.

It’s all about Apps and TikTok and the teens and the tweens and the kiddlywinks these days. The future is in good hands! :neutral_face:

When there were about a twenty to a dozen regular contributors on here it was a nice place. We all knew and liked each other - and were familiar and accepting of each other’s foibles. Now it’s less than half that amount it feels like we’re just screaming into the void…

Sorry, I don’t know what can be done. I’m happy to stay as long as this forum remains open - but realistically it would probably be best if the few of us that remain just moved on. :man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah, but I don’t like resignation as is… let’s see if others have an opinion.


Forums have been on the decline for the last 10yrs. I used to frequent a few Golf and Modified Car forums.
I’ve seen them all decline.
The decline started with Facebook taking off and the likes of Instagram, Twitter and recently TikTok have eroded forum participation more. I’m sure there’s other Apps taking their slice too. I don’t involve myself in any other social media other than forums.
I like this forum and my reduced participation is only because life has gotten very complicated at this point in time. This has greatly reduced my spare time as I need to focus on little Miss Kangas welfare as number 1 priority.


Let’s see how many of us are still here.

How often do you come to the forum?
  • Every day
  • Almost every day
  • Once or twice a week
  • Once in two weeks
  • Less than 10 times a month
  • Once in a month
  • I haven’t been here in a while

0 voters

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Hello everyone, I am new user here.

Presently at level 37.5, with no desires to level up quickly !

I prefer PvP a lot, with minimal like, love, faith and belief in raids, due to the fact that there is nothing to interact, and also no one plays this game here-around. Plus Niantic had not accepted my nomination, by labelling it as false image :rofl:

Looking forward for fun !

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