Lets talk - (anything)

I have not seen any other way to know how Many MP you collected in a single day, no. Hope Niantic adds a counter for this, would make it much easier.

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Many thanks for putting up with my questions. (I do try to search the web for answers before asking. most of the time, anyway)

Most of my questions, that is, not most of the q’s I ask you…

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After dabbling a little with the max battle stuff, it feels like a weird cross between raids and gyms, between mega and ultra beasts, and sometimes better rewards but strangely less satisfying. Unnecessary complication with somewhat better special effects. And nothing remote. Mmmmmm, nah…


I like the potential of it, and the battles being very chill, but so far what I’ve really enjoyed is the fact we can leave pokemon after winning the battle. I’m seeing it as daycare, they get to stay there and I get some candies without having to change my buddy. That is the plus side for me right now, as it’s useful.

The bad side of it: I find it’s very expensive to upgrade the moves of a dynamax pokemon, as it takes energy + candies. I’ll never have that many candy for a single pokemon to keep upgrading and investing in a way that makes sense. I’d rather keep them and invest them in the “normal” side of the game. Also if I don’t have enough to upgrade the moves, I can’t spend the energy I accumulate so it just gets stuck there… (I like the fact you can harvest while walking, but again, it’s stuck).

This, of course, comes from a player that doesn’t have that many candies for pokemon and I’d rather invest in evolving/levelling up (unless I see that one quite often, the ones available right now are not the case).

I’m curious about how players with more resources feel about this?

I think this will become a thing I won’t be joining in much, as I have no real way to keep up with upgrading and what not, and will only participate in level 1 battles if I want that specific pokemon + to gain some candies by leaving pokemon there!

You’ve summed it up fairly good there.
It has no Meta relevance currently and is overly complicated tracking what’s needed, how many you have and restrictive on how many times you can engage with the system.
The Rare Candy and Graz rewards are better than what you get from any other part of the game. Can’t see that lasting for too long before you get same old stuff from spinning Stops and Gyms. Once that research is completed I don’t see a need to interact with that aspect and it will be just like Friends/Gifts, PvP, Routes and Party.
I’ve never engaged with the Friends/Party side.
I’m on/off with Gifting
I only PvP when I have to for quests/research outside of a Boss having a Meta relevant Pokémon.
I don’t bother with Routes as my Zyguard IV is absolute crap so trying to get the Cells for evolution is a waste of time as I have no way to get a better Zyguard.

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@NotanotherKangaskhan this one needed approval due to the “c-word” cheat

I’ve found where I can change the watched words, so in theory this should not happen again with this one.
@Jormdeworm @bagguille

That was already the case for me this morning – no rare candy or rare candy xl for 3 straight battles.

Haven’t tried the bonus-upgrading function, yet. I think the only aim I would have for upgrading a bonus is to get it to give a rare candy or two when it gave zero after I won the battle. (And what I’ve seen so far seems to indicate no chance for that sort of result.)

Agreed! It will be something definitely on the side for me and I’m not even clear on if it’s something that will go away when Max Out season is over or if it will stay, as it seems something than can be actually developed further.

I’d also like the option to turn the energy towers off, for example, as sometimes it can visually clutter the map and if I don’t plan on engaging much with it, maybe it could be temporarily turned off.

I actually like routes, not because of zygarde cells exactly (I’m forever keeping mine as is as I prefer it that way, personal preference, really, I won’t be using for fights or anything…) but I love trading gifts with another player at the end.

I love the possibility of receiving a postcard (with a sticker, preferably!*) from different parts of the world, seeing new random scenery/statues/etc., which also progresses my vivillon collection.

*that is also something I care for in the game, even if it’s badly managed as it is. A sticker album would be great, for example, and having the possibility of keeping the ones I get stamped on the postcard would be a great way to complete the collection.

That might be nice, like equipping rocket radars or not, to enable us to see the Leaders or not…

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So, are dynamax Pokémon useful for anything outside of dynamax raids?

Right at this point in time No.
That may change some time down the track.


Another excellent bonus of Max Battles is that it’s much, much easier to get an excellent throw. Once I got the timing right, I got 3 or 4 out of a Bulbasaur!

I have a hard time getting excellent throws (with the exception of a few pokemon that are much easier for me) and I have a task that requires 50 excellent throws, which I thought was going to take forever.

Now I have a whole new motivation to pursue Max Battles! :grinning: :dart:


The week I got the task for 100 excellents, Groudon rotated in as tier 5 boss. Hard to find an easier way to accumulate lots of excellents. (And that was before the obnoxious 5-remote-raid limit was dropped onto us, so it took only a day to finish.)

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Well, now I sure hope the next task won’t be increased to 100 excellent throws, that would be annoying! But it does come in handy when the right pokemon appears for it.
I read ponyta was very good for excellent throws, so I’m hoping to accumulate some tomorrow as well (now I have max battles as a safeguard!).

Not sure how other long time members/posters see the Pokémon playing world?
I’m enjoying reading/seeing @Stridian excitement/enthusiasm catching stuff that myself as a long time playing just see as Candy and Star Dust. Brings back memories of the early playing days.


that’s so nice! Sometimes I think I’m almost sort of “spamming” pokedex entries but, as I have so many holes in my collection, a lot of what I find (when is not the same kanto ones, of course…) is new to me and, like I’ve said somewhere else, I did not keep up with the anime/games, so most of the pokemon I know is from the first few generations or some that I’ve seen online. I love discovering new ones just popping in the wild, some of them becoming favourites, and I want to share my joy in finding them.

And as I’ve no real way of raiding above tier 1 (I like playing solo and only recently started doing raids, all very casual), I don’t get all those legendaries and what not. So, when I do get my hands on one through special research or giovanni I’m extra happy! (even if the stats aren’t great…)

I’ve had the game since 2022 and didn’t play very consistently then and, as I’m really into it now (being the main walking motivator for me, too), I’m discovering a lot more stuff and learning about it through pokemon go hub and seeing everybody’s experience and findings here on the forum has been a treat! I’m progressing a lot more lately in my pokedex and improving the pokemon that work for my playing style/favourites and it does pay up being patient with it and playing more consistently!

*I’m complaining about kanto pokemon being so frequent, but most of my favourites are from that gen, I don’t think I’ll see pidgey or growlithe as “fodder” anytime soon as they’re one of my favourites (+ the evolutions).

but again, maybe it comes down to playing styles, really, I really like the collecting part, hatching and not so much the pvp/battling, although I do like gym taking (which is also a necessity for coins) and I’m often curious about what team will form.

When my collection becomes a lot more complete (won’t happen anytime soon!) I wonder how that will affect my interest in the game and if it will change how I play it.

Has it happened like that for you, maybe shifting priorities in what to find/do? For example, I don’t have much interest in gaining xp, that’s very secondary for me so I don’t go out of my way to get more of it, but maybe after a long time that will become a thing + higher tier raids, who knows!

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For me the main meta is “Catch’em all!”, and allways the IV more important than the XP. I’m a collector (books, stamps, Pokémon,…), and there still enough holes in the collection to go on.


agreed! I also love collecting and as I’m unable to keep any sort of collection right now (space reasons mostly), collecting virtual pokemon is scratching that itch. I’d love to collect pokemon cards one day (as a kid I was very proud of my complete pokemon collection - the cards that you could stick in an album, not the other ones - but it’s very much lost now), but until then pokemon go is all there is.

As a typical collector, I’m allways affraid what could happen.
My phone breaks, Niantic kills my account, or Niantic decides to stop Pokémon Go.

So I take a screenshot of all Pokémon caught, and copy them to a Laptop in a database. This way I can control better what is still to find, and they cannot got lost.

And this in paper to look easier for faults…


Wow, that is awesome and real dedication! I like the idea of a database, that’s handy and very useful, + the folder is always nice to browse. That reminds me of when I used to have one customised to fit sugar sachets that I was collecting, especially thematic ones.

I had thought about what would happen if I had to start over, should I lose access to my account, that has to be extremely demoralizing and potentially a reason to just stop playing altogether, but I’d not think about the possibility of niantic stopping pokemon go, that is awful!!