Lets talk - (anything)

That’s the neat part. You don’t.

If I remember well, the only way is that you have made a list by yourself and so you can complete without problem.

It is what it is, whatever… At an age where combination movements can throw off the balance, I’ll make sure not to smirk and roll eyes simultaneously. :laughing:

Can’t help noticing how Shadow Solosis can match Darkrai blow for blow in grunt battles. Yet it’s not even on the list of top 20 recommended counters for Darkrai. Good grief.


I really am just waiting for September 3rd to hit at this point, everything in the game feels a little bland when there’s so much that’s about to hit.

Pokemon theme songs from the anime dubbed in Serbian :serbia: seasons 1 and 2 (Kanto and Johto)

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Obviously I don’t understand your language. But in music I have never put many concentration in understanding the lyrics. Much more is the emotional sensation this music gives you.
And yes, it sounds very well.

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Some else,
what about a table for all of you in personal use?

We want badge tables summary, last one was in March.

There’s a big problem… Since nearly a year nobody publish his data, so the tables (except what you have given and the Gold Gyms) are still freezed in the same situation as in 2023. :man_shrugging:

We must tell people to post their achievements, maybe do it like me in a Word document. There can be a banner just like during Team Rocket Week to announce when the next summary will be.

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This can definitely be done, good idea!

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Yes I put my hand up to being guilty/slack in updating my progress. I found the whole remembering what badge is what and finding the relative threads to post in tedious and time consuming. Most of my interaction on this site is during my 2x 30min lunch breaks at work of which sometime is having a bite/drink. Other times it’s a 5-10min drop in read/post and on with life.
I use Google sheets a lot at work and love the access it gives to other users to add/edit. The only draw back is if we used a totally open sheet someone could either by accident or malice alter someone’s data.
You can’t isolate permissions to rows but what you can do is have the tables duplicated on the same sheet.
The top halve of rows can be locked by owner and bottom half open for edit access.
We don’t have a massive list of contributors so it would be manageable (I think)
The owner updates the top section as users update their row. If something gets messed up the top locked section has data preserved and the bottom section can fixed/updated again.

What I have loved is to actualize the tables and to publish them.
But what your talking about… I have no idea about Google sheets.
And, as an excuse, with my age I don’t see me learning them. :person_in_manual_wheelchair:

Google sheets are like a simpler more basic Microsoft XL
More user friendly for simple stuff.

That calculus there can get a little tricky. In many cases, learning a second, different tool can be more complicated than just using the same tool for both purposes.

Does anybody know how to find how many max particles my trainer has, and how many he’s gotten that day? I might have missed that in the guide; but I didn’t notice it (and I don’t see it in the pokemon detail screen or the item inventory.

You can find the amount of Max Particles you have stored of you click on the Nearby page with the three Pokémon, and then scroll to the left twice to reach the ‘Power Spot’ tab. The number you see there is how many MP you have stored compared to the maximum.

As for your second question, I don’t know either. I actually don’t think the game offers a counter for this at all.

Thanks, @Jormdeworm . And I just got my first dynamax wooloo. The catch graphics were pretty neat.

Okaaay, now for next obvious question for which I see no obvious answer…

PoGOlive says “Any Trainer with at least one Dynamax Pokémon in their battle party can take on Max Battles at select Power Spots.”

So how do we find those “select” spots? My Dubwool is dynamaxed to level 2 and ready to try the battle. But the first few spots I visited had nothing in them to battle.

Same to me