Remote raid friend invites

Guys… have you noticed any difference in remote raids v/s normal?
Friend of mine told me that she had 0/10 catch rate today (all remote friend invite) - while having multiple golden raz-curve-excelent throws within each raid…
I got 5/7 today - and telling the truth it could be that those two failed were remote ones - not sure 100%…

No. Did two raids yesterday, one remote one on location, caught both. (Dialga and Giratina origin)

Well… so it is just extreme bad luck… I would be super frustrated if this would happen to me…

Despite the time differences I’ll just invite who ever is in my Friends list.
I always have the numbers to get any Raid done so don’t worry about not knowing if there’s enough.

At 12:30 UTC (next :30), kyurem raid anyone?

Heyyy, no raidpass anymore… I’m very sad

But on my screen appeared a raid for an Omanyte???

I’m saving my raid passes for Rayquaza.

That was another one lol

Please invite me to Rayquaza raids. I don’t have a good one and no shiny one.

permalink to the same server.

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Could I get help with a Rayquaza raid? I’ve tried once but now I’m out of range and I still have yet to get the opportunity to actually attempt to capture it

I’m doing a rayquaza raid at August 2, 2020 9:55 AM (Europe: Paris), August 2, 2020 12:55 AM (America: Los Angeles) (7:55 utc). Anyone interested in helping out?

I am!

If anyone can help me with a Rayquaza Raid it will be much appreciated. :smiley:

In 5 minutes RayRay, anyone?

Count me in!

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Thanks for the invite, but unfortunately it’s not working😕

too bad… I did manage to invite @ARandomName and he joined the raid!

This was what it said when I clicked on ‘Battle’.

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That’s odd