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It happened to me also. Don’t know why. It’s the same glitch that happened with rainbow Pikachu.

Trying to finish the timed research for this phase of the Halloween event, and needing 2 halloween league wins for my Alt and 3 for my Main. Just got promoted to level 6, even though I just lost 5 of 5 matches from level 5. Reminded me how much I hate doing pvp; and how much I appreciate having “battle N times” as the task rather than “win N battles” (or having “against another trainer” rather than “in the league”). I really don’t like this game-within-the-game, and I am not going to invest Stardust, Candy, or effort into building pvp-competitive teams for these.

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I’ve done the two parts of battle in the league, and on the way I won one. So I got three different Pokémon I needed for the other investigation. The rest will be without doing, the good is they are timed, so they will disappear.

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I expected to get frustrated having to get all the wins when I don’t care for PvP also.much to my surprise I won every battle making it as short as possible. No only did I win but I only lost half health on my second Pokémon 3x. No battle revealed my 3rd in line up :rofl:.
It still doesn’t change my position in I don’t like PvP.
I do look for the best/good IV and have a few in the stable ready to go when I have to engage. When the win is not needed I just throw my 100cp trash in the battle to end it quickly.


I was surprised I only lost once or twice in PvP. Then one time I beat my opponent with my first Pokemon only, and they weren’t using low CP ones. The Halloween league isn’t bad since only certain types of Pokemon are allowed. I once saw someone use a Hoopa I think, but no other legendaries. But honestly, I get anxious doing PvP now, so I only did one or two battles every few days.

Btw, do any iPhone users know why the background apps close and restart, either immediately or after a couple of minutes? I thought it was the background refresh thing so I disabled it for PoGo, but it was still restarting soon after I switched to another app. It’s annoying having to load up PoGo when I switch to chatting with a friend for less than a minute.

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I try to throw a few battles, now and then, to give to others an easy win or two (since I’d like to have a few of them, myself… golden rule and all), but I use ones with CP around 10… The other guy just LOOKS at mine, and it faints.

Funny how even going 0 for 5 in a set of battles seems to get my trainer a level-up. I got to level 9 with a total of 5 wins. That seems kind of lame.

Finally got my large pumpkaboo, just the super large one remaining.

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There has to be a problem in your area, I still catch them every few hours…
Does they not even appear in your radar?

I had that challenge done on first day. Plenty of pumpkinboos here

And he might see the XXL in the nearby radar, because the radar distinguish between the four and so it is still a black figure. I it doesn’t appear there, there’s really a problem in the area.

For if someone wants a code for shiny zacian in pokemon shield:

(One time use. I only used the shiny zamazenta code for sword because I have pokemon Sword, not Shield)

If my buddy Pokemon is out from feeding berries/poffins, would them walking around contribute to covering more distance and finding their candies faster?

From my experience it still records the distance even when not active on your adventure. He has to be your active buddy to count in battles though


My wife and I just watched Edward Scissorhands and there were lots of Karens in that movie.

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Anguish. After months of random trades of Pokémon with potential in search of reaching Lucky Friend with somebody close enough to make a trade (or just getting a useful Lucky Trade), I trade a Pumpkaboo for a Rain Castform to get the free evolution for the pumpkin, and the trade goes Lucky. :flushed:

Virtually without value… I’d call that a profoundly unlucky “Lucky Trade”. Now I’m starting the local Lucky Friend pursuit all over again. :sob:

That is a fact.

Oh my god it just fits
It fits perfectly

The Rogue Monkey with the friendly face :slightly_smiling_face:


That just seems beyond cursed

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