Lets talk - (anything)

Something different… in the last three days I caught 8 Dittos. Was there anything special in this direction or am I falling from one hole to the next?


Ditto on the Dittos … you aren’t the only one seeing more of them this week. Not sure what it means, but all they are to me is something that takes more throws to catch, anyway.

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I think the Dittos started with the Home event.

@celery I have the death sentence on 12 systems.


With raid invitations and remote passes, theoretically raiding regionals should be possible. I plan to invite my overseas friends from the Hub to Azelf raids next week. I’d love to get invited to some Uxie and Mesprit raids, having made several Best Friends with trainers in those regions. @Coldinu, @Christiger, @BertUtrecht, @Bernr1, @AuntyJanBoylan, @ajaxsterdam, @Princess987321 are all lucky friends already – some cross-regional raids could make us even luckier. (Funny how NONE of them has the same name in the Hub, though…) I’ve got 10 more to look up; but I’ll try to connect with some of you who were my first game friends.

We also have a sort of unofficial discord some of us post on that will be good in setting up those Lake Trio raids.


I’ve been busy hacking switches and playing modded pokemon games. I think it’s my time to return to Go


Welcome back @5GodLink!


It is taking logner than i anticipated; mainly because of the redo of one of my exams this week. We’ll share the article in the #lounge category (only accessible for people with trust level 3 (regular) and up)

I can work on it this Friday if it is still needed by then.

Today or yesterday was my 1 000 days visited anniversary on the forum!


Wouldn’t it be civilized for the game to include raid invitations in our in-game notifications record? That way we could learn who invited us to raids (along with the ‘so-and-so sent you a gift’ notices) while we were busy clearing out space in our items bag or watching our own ‘nearby’ raids screen.

Whatever. There are plenty of existing features that are buggy as hell; non-existent features are pretty unlikely to work.

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Both of my trainers went through a seemingly-endless series of CONGRATULATIONS screens, for each of the medals they had (catch 2500 bug type, win 1,000 raids with a friend, that sort of thing). Anybody else see that, too? Anybody know what that’s all about? I had most of the medals, already; but hadn’t been congratulated for many of them in this fashion.

Being that it ended with the medal for reaching level 40 before December 31, 2020, I’m guessing all of it was associated with the raising of the level cap in Beyond. But I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s something totally unrelated…


Yeah, I just sat through my medal ceremony too. No hurries to get to Level 41, because it will take me a while to complete 30 raids.


Same for me. powered up my shiny raikou though, but catching 200 pokemon in a day is something i probably wont be able to do until community day

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1 raid down. 29 to go. I should be able to catch 200 Pokémon on my next day off work.

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Well, the transition time has arrived; so long, lake trio, hello again, kyu-bleah.

Did you notice that no matter how many berries you feed your buddy, it will never get past half-full now? Of course, that means we only have to feed it one golden razz when it gets hungry; but on the other hand, we have to feed it twice as often now.

Not happy at all about that…

(Additionally puzzling – the Niantic news said Lake Trio raids would continue until today at 1pm Pacific Time; it’s 2 1/2 hours later, and we still have Azelf raids locally. Either I missed a revised schedule announcement, or I must be hallucinating…)

:thinking: I just fed my buddy 3 berries and he got full.

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Weird. I did the same for my alt, and it worked fine (like yours). Did it on my main and the berry that reached halfway around the circle in the buddy screen filled him all the way and put that goofy smile on his mood indicator. Back on the main screen, though, it showed only three segments (indicating half-full).

So I fed him three golden razzes (over-fed him) and it still only goes halfway, as such:

Screenshot_20201130-150456_Pokmon GO

Will try to do some fault isolation and get back to you all. I hadn’t noticed that my alt was behaving differently, though, until you posted the pic of yours, @bobbyjack8. Thanks.

A quick look turned up nothing obvious to me. Both are running the same version of the game, both on Samsung phone running Android. Both level 40, both buddies were begun simultaneously (or within a minute of each other), I feed both the same diet on the same approximate schedule, and both have roughly the same buddy stats. I’ll keep an eye out for clues as I play; but I can’t think of anything else to look at.

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It gets weirder. I just fed it three more regular berries (only a few minutes after the last time, so it wasn’t at all hungry – and the buddy feeding screen still showed the full mood circle with big smiles). Yet it has less than half-full on the main screen’s buddy icon:

Screenshot_20201130-152925_Pokmon GO

And the weirdness increases beyond the point of creepiness; but this isn’t a Niantic bug-report forum, and I’ve already spammed too much about it, unless others are encountering this sort of stuff on their accounts. My bad.

“As you were,” I reckon…

Got my 200 Catch’s in 6 hrs.
1pm to 2pm at home I set off an incense while I had some lunch.
Between 2pm and 3pm I caught more at home in between getting ready for work.
3pm to 4pm on the way to work I caught a few more things while stopping at a few Gyms that have good clusters.
4pm-6pm I caught things in my office at work.
6pm I set off another incense, set the Go Plus and walked around the Factory and grounds for the hour to finish it off.
1-6pm 151 manual catches
6-7pm last 50 plus extras in Spotlight Hour.

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