Lets talk - (anything)

I agree that shiny rates for spotlight hour should be somewhat boosted. As it is right now there is no point in going out. Most spotlight pokemon are crappy to begin with, every month we have one that even can’t be shiny.

If we choose to play a spotlight my GF and I can roughly check over a 500 pokemon in that 1 hour. Many times we’ve come home empty handed, sometimes we got one shiny. That is not worth it. Even worse, the times we do get a shiny it’s one we don’t need, but never one actually we need. This month we’ll only play the last one, for Skitty, and i’ll predict in advance, we’ll get nothing.

Niantic needs to do some tuning with spotlight, otherwise it’ll die out…

Should I Purify it? I know it will be a Hundo, but Shadows are stronger if I’m not mistaken and Swampert has been one of my favorite picks to battling.

It will be maxed out anyways.


hi guys


Hi @Pokemon! Where are you? Why don’t you visit us more often?


If you leave it as shadow, you would need an Elite charge TM to get Hydro Cannon on Swampert when the Team Rocket event allows you to and not sure if shadow could be mega evolved or not.

You don’t need Elite charge TM to get Hydro Cannon on Swampert if you purify it.

Of course shadow needs more dust and candy to max versus purify.

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Heeeeey there.

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In that case I think I’ll add it to the Hundo collection and hopefully find another Mudkip that doesn’t become Hundo when Purified. Although… that makes five Maxed Out Swampert😅. Well, they are useful anyways.


Where’s the break-even point for leaving it shadow vs purifying it, though? How many levels do they typically get from purification? Could it be worth investing the extra candy / dust to get those levels while keeping the shadow damage bonus?

Or you may leave it as shadow and add 2nd charge move, then you need regular charge TM to remove return when Team Rocket event allows you to and Elite Charge TM to get Hydro Cannon on Swampert.

But for me, I would purify it and get hundo out of it because Elite charge TM is much much more rare and valuable than regular charge TM and save tons of dust and candy while maxing it.

And yes, Hydro Cannon Swampert is useful against Arlo and Cliff

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The answer to your 2nd question is level 25, would leave the rest questions to professor willow

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Thanks for your opinion, it’s very appreciated. I have decided I’ll Purify it and wait for Hydro Cannon to come back probably this December, and maybe search for another Shadow Mudkip that will turn out like 98% or something close when Purified so I can keep that as a Shadow Swampert, but on the other side that makes five maxed out Swampert so I am not yet sure if I am going to follow the Shadow Plan.

Also, if I struggle to battle something I always use a Swampert next time and rarely ever fail. As long as no Grass-types are used, Mud Shot Hydro Cannon Swampert perform really well. For anything you need to PvP-battle at least. I also have a Swampert in my team for Sierra, although it is only used to get rid of the Shields as fast as possible.

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I got a field research task to catch a dragon type. Does mega evolving a Mega-Charizard-X count by gaining dragon type? :laughing:

No, but you can catch Alolan Exeggutor which is in raids. That’s how I finished that task.

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I’ll give it a couple of days to see if I can make a wild catch of something. I don’t want to get into the habit of spending a buck on a remote raid just to complete a task if I can avoid it. Maybe I can snag a Bagon somewhere…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Community CP Increase Challenge

Clarification: moved the post here to move it back over there again to have that post at the bottom (cp has to be in order, and there was no easier way to do that)

On pokemongolive.com’s announcement for September 1, there is this update (sections highlighted with bold face font by me):

UPDATE: September 15, 2020: In addition to the Remote Raid Pass bundle made available on September 1, 2020, we’re adding two additional limited-time bundles featuring three Remote Raid Passes you can pick up for 1 PokéCoin and in the shop! One bundle has already been made available and will remain available until September 19, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7). The second Remote Raid Pass bundle will be available from September 21, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT to September 29, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7). Learn more about Mega September and its featured events here!

That bundle said to remain available until Sept 19 is not in my shop, even after I restart the game. Has anybody here seen it in their shop, yet? I went to Google apps store to see if a new version of PoGo was there, and it said my version was up to date…

I got the ones that came out on the first and the tenth.

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This is the first one

This is the second one

This is the third one

The second one is already in the game shop