How was Your Community day

198 Bulbasaur (including a total of 3 shinies) captured… No shinies at all in the first hour. Of all the Community Days that I could join for more than 10 minutes, this had the poorest results for me.

Hopefully that will be ‘fertilizer’ for some more-fruitful event in the future.

Had the hundo from back during a separate Kanto event back in 2020, and I participated in the first time Bulbasaur had a Community Day so I didn’t need the Shiny. What I did need was the Candy XL to get my Venusaur up to Level 50. That was accomplished.


I was in such a hurry to catch as many as possible on Sunday that I only managed to finish stage 1 of the Special Research before having to quit playing and start my work shift. How long do you suppose it’ll take me to encounter another dozen Bulbasaur, to reach stage 3?

??? No special research seen here…

My CD was not bad, but not great either. I got only two shinies (the same number as on the original Bulbasaur CD). I evolved 5-6 Venusaur with Frenzy Plant. I did the special research and that’s where I got most of the good-IV Bulbasaur. I used an incense, but I didn’t play the whole 3 hours. In the future, I would like to see Larvitar CD remake because I couldn’t play that day for more than 20 minutes so I didn’t get any shinies (I did get 1 shiny Larvitar later in an event).


May the odds be ever in your favour.

Let’s hope I catch some in the 45 minutes of time I have

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And may the shiny force be with you! :fist: :sparkles:

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Took 90min to get my first one. 17 all up in the end with nothing better than 2 stars.
Got a 100% so that’s good. Get one from trades and I’ll have the whole family.
I let the GoPlus do everything and loaded up on Gyms a long way from home.

The CD was great! I got 7 shinies, many Hoppip with good IVs and even one hundo! :star_struck: :100: I went to a park to take AR photos and there were plenty of Skiploom. I used an incense and star piece. I evolved 8 Jumpluff with Acrobatics and got one from the special research which had good IVs. There weren’t many raids at the time I was playing so I couldn’t use the free raid passes that were given during the CD.

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Having 4 days of 3x transfer candy was the highlight of my week.

Then came Community Day, which was kind of like having two separate events, back-to-back: Twenty shinies in the first half (though none over 300 CP). Zero after that. None. Nada. Zilch. Period.

Just f’n dandy. But not all that big a deal, since Hiphop is one of my less-favorite mons. I mean Hopip. Whatever…

As for screenshots, I’ll post all my good ones from today (i.e. none). Besides, @bobbyjack8 posted enough for both of us. (Congrats for the nice collection!)

It was raining cats and dogs here in the UK.

So I spent much of the time sheltering from the storm, whilst leeching Wi-fi from the various coffee shops around my local town.

Hoppip? I got enough - who really cares?

Community Days are a busted flush - time to jazz-‘em-up a little please Niantic…

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5 shiny caught during CD, but in terms of bonus, this CD is the best, 3x catch dust + 3 free raid passes, and double catch candy + 3x transfer candy from Valentine event.

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I was going to try to walk around for the entire six hours again but I really had a hard time with that as I haven’t done a walk in weeks. Ended up getting 36 Shinies though, and hopefully Niantic finally comes up with some more interesting events so I can prepare for Johto Tour.

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Nothing special in my day, except one…

A SHUNDOOO Hoppip, which I evolved to Jumpluff


In the 45 minutes I was able to play - 15 more than I expected - I caught 0 shinies. Which kinda sucked. I do like Hoppip as a pokemon.

Did have a wonderful day, doing one of my favourite things: sit around a fire with people who I love.

Could’ve been better if I had that green animate helicopter though. Gotta grind that one a bit more in December I guess

It was okay. I played for two hours (from home). Got 4 or 5 shinies, one kantonian sandshrew and the rest alolan. Got 1 good IV shiny, rest was garbage. But that’s fine

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About the same. It was neither heinous nor huge; just sort of meh. (Kind of like my general impression of the featured Pokémon.)

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No idea how many caught. Let the GoPlus do all the work while I drove around sight seeing with little Miss Kanga.
No 100% of either region.
13 Shiny all up with a 7/6 split.
Only good thing was the mixed spawns the entire time not broken in into 1 region per hour on rotation.


Pretty much skipped out on it. Heavily nerfed incenses, already have a hundo Sandshrew and both Shinies, lackluster bonus led me to pretty much sit this one out. I caught what I saw for the Stardust, but that’s it.