How was Your Community day

Sounds like it wasn’t the best of community days for you. Better luck next time

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Well, I missed 30 minutes, played for 1 hour outside and spent the rest of the day inside with some incenses, and helped my parents to catch some. I got 22 shinies, my mother 8 and my father 5

Pretty dang good


2 shinies, got a 98% or so stat product Shiftry for Great League, wasnt as bad as I thought, barely felt like an above-average event though… And an even worse is coming with Gengar

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I didn’t get the notifications but went into see the gift waiting every 30 minutes. Was your buddy Great level or above, that was required this time.

It was a very slow start for me, no shiny for the first three hours, then got 7 in the last three hours. None great stats.


I played about 45 minutes outside (also to do a raid) and the rest was spent mostly with the GoPlus. Also had to go to work at 13:00 so couldnt do much myself anyways.
Still 10 shinys. Decent numbers there. No hundos or anything special for PvP but im not really heartbroken about that.


I enjoyed this one, was going to go out but needed up just chilling at home re watching the Office for the 3rd time or what not while shiny checking Seedot (called it good after my 4 one). Got 16 shinies in 3 hours. My Buddy brought me pokeballs every hour. And I’ve been spending the last two hour trading and battling on GBL

21 Shinies for me today! Whew!

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I got to play for 5-10min while the wife went for a toilet stop on the 4hr drive home from a Golf trip. Lucky there was 2 Stops and 8 spawns or it would have been 0 catches.
No Shiny of course.

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I played on and off during this Seedot CD, similar to last month’s Abra CD, got 4 shiny Seedot (one of them is level 35 weather boosted) and 1 shiny Chikorita.

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I lured up the stop closest to me, popped an incense, and then continually caught for about 3 hours. Shinies were plentiful, and I finally evolved my hundo Seedot (though I wish it would have gotten a better event move than Seed Bomb, after waiting a year to evolve it).

Buddy assisted frequently, and brought me 50 balls every half hour, it seemed. Maybe feeding it a Boffin made it more eager to please.

I decided halfway through to do the special research and rushed through that in an hour. All things considered, Seedot Community Day was pretty fun.

1231 shiny checks and got 50 shinies, a very good 1 in 25 ratio.
Still had long moments with no shinies at all and my girlfriend won our bet who could get the most; she had 56 including a 10cp shiny i hoped for, so i owe her a massage now…
Did get a 93 or 96% from a quest, so there’s that

I have caught ONE shiny, not so bad without leaving home…

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I played 2 hours during the event, used 1 incense and got 3 shinies and several good-IV Seedot. I did the special research. I could play outside this time. It was fun, I like this kind of events. It’s great that Niantic made incense much better than it was before and that we have more time to catch Pokemon.

Good luck everybody, hoarding those yellow weedles. And may the shiny odds be ever in tour favour!

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For those who couldn’t login due to the Android 5 & 6 bug, I made an article that hopefully saves your CD.

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Wasn’t keen for this community day… I mean it’s weedle :man_shrugging: But the shiny rate for me was insane. Played solid for four hours and then got pretty bored to be honest. According to my pokedex I saw 224 over those four hours.

Shiny catches
Hour 1 - 5
Hour 2 - 4
Hour 3 - 5
Hour 4 - 1

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First 40 seen got me 7 or 8 Shiny’s. Ended with 17 but did do much after number 12

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I spent the first three hours at home and had a 1/37 Shiny rate. After that I went to a big city nearby and even though I didn’t constantly walk I somehow managed to get a total of 36 Shiny Jormdeworms, which is my record along with Abra. Quite surprised I got that many! Haven’t calculated the final rate yet but I think it did go up to 1/25.

I also got two Shiny Nothing! :thinking:

Edit: my final rate is 1/23, which isn’t 100% accurate as I took a screenshot of the Pokédex a few minutes into the event. During the event, I encountered 811 Worms.

Absolutely loved Jormdeworm Community Day! I honestly hope we’ll get Caterpie and Wurmple Community Day, too. Especially since I can’t find their Shinies in the wild😕


For me first hour was ZERO… :dizzy_face:
More than 100 catches - and no shinies at all.
But I used two incenses and I was clicking my pokeball for all 6h (re-connecting it several times of course…).
And ended up with more than 20 in the end :cowboy_hat_face:

What’s more it was the very first Community Day when I got Hundo - in last 5 min! :rofl:

Here are two bees at the end

The second one just in case I will try using it in GL


Played a little over an hour before I had to go to a graduation ceremony with some friends. Got 7 shinies, but more than anything got reminded why I have so little desire to catch Weedles. The annoying little jumpy, jerky, fidget twits are way more trouble than they’re worth, once one is past the phase of mass-evolutions for leveling-up.

The only reason I played longer than 5 minutes was the triple stardust. For that I might do another hour after graduation’s over.

– Did the last hour and got 5 more shinies, the best being a 15-14-14, CP 412.
Got called away and missed evolving, so I’ll do that at the end of the year to get the Drill Run move. There were a few others worth evolving.

The best part was gaining over 120,000 Stardust from catching all those stupid Weedles.

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