How much Xp do you currently have

Why have multiple accounts if you dont even have 1 level 40 yet? Just curious about that.

Was gonna say same thing sounds weird but i have many friends who do this cause they want two lvl 3x

For raids all you really need is some level 30+ accounts, there’s no need to take them any higher than that because that extra CP increase on pokemon when compared with the effort it takes isn’t worth it. Also there’s something satisfying about starting fresh with nothing that i enjoy, adding Pidgey to the pokedex for the first time is a good feeling :blush:

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That is why you have caught the most out of all my friends :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Just under 1.2 million XP to go.


Like @Kevin260709