My personal goals for the game were simply to play with my friends and enjoy it. Unfortunately they all stopped playing when I got into the game in mid-August.
My ultimate goals were two very simple things:
To obtain one Million stardust (done, then spent within 24 hours0
To hit Level 38 (so I can max out those Pokémon)
To continue to play (at least) until my boy Rayquaza came out.
Hmm…other than setting goals for Pokemon GO, I expect new features and systems in Pokemon GO. Given the structure of Pokemon GO, it is unlikely to last for 10+ years.
However I don’t think Pokemon GO will be the lucky one. Players quit Pokemon GO so often and those systems are released in slow motion compared to other moblie game.
I couldn’t care about regionals so filling the Pokedex with every thing is not a goal for me. My opinion of that will change if they make them freely available everywhere or possible from an Egg Hatch (I’d like to see a 20 or 50k egg for these, whole separate discussion)
So on to the real goals.
Get to Level 40 (should do before year end)
Catch any 100%er I don’t, to have at least 1 of each (Dreaming)
Complete all the Medals (26 Unknown and 1000 Raids will be a massive challenge)
Get Gym Gold Medals on all the ones in my main playing area (doable but will be a challenge)
Power all my fully evolved 100%ers up to Maximum CP (Dreaming)
To catch a shiny magikrap, it’s ridiculous how many I’ve caught to no avail. Also to reach level 40 and complete the dex, all I have are the remaining legendaries to hit the US, including mewtoo because I don’t have any sponsored gyms in my town, region-locked, and unknown.