The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Isn’t this a exactly what Microsoft did with Windows updates?


Same, the game crashes for pretty much any reason on my phone and it’s been like that since the Halloween event.
I wish Niantic would allow us to customise the components of the game that we have on our phone rather than the dump all lines of code on our device. For instance, if we don’t do party play, then don’t even have the lines of code download onto the phone. This should free up the phones memory, storage space and hopefully make the game crash less.


After a long series of shadow m2 having IV around 70, I beat a 98 IV and had 18 balls to throw at it. And I’ve had a knack for throwing at m2. Nice!

18 excellent curveball throws
escaped 'em all
and fled, in the end

Just more f.u.n. than anybody should be allowed to have… :roll_eyes:

That’s disgusting. I hate that that can still happen!

I still can’t get 5 excellent throws in a row

I can, now, against mewtwo and groudon.

I don’t raid enough to do that

But, good grief, 25 in a row?!? This “Excellent Opportunity” research looks like a meat grinder.

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Nanab berry is your friend.

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I think this guy belongs here at this point. I guess this was the real April Fools joke this year…


That really does suck.
I’m guessing you either didn’t get the 2x Master Balls or have used them on something else?

For my own whinge. I would have liked to have done some Shadow Mewtwo Raids as my main does not have a decent one but couldn’t. I had to give them a Miss as one of the family accounts had its pool of health items decimated over the last 4 weeks and despite spending a considerable amount of time just spinning Gyms and Stops only I’ve not been able to replenish it satisfactory levels. Doing a heap of T5 Shadows would have wiped that account out.
Only discovered very late that driving the same Route over and over has netted more Pink Potions in 30min than what 5-7hrs of driving around letting the Gotcha spin 100’s of Gyms and Stops ffs.

I turned my internal care factor off when I saw stage 2.
A more sensible option would have been to make it multi achievable for example:
“Make 25 excellent throws in a row or 100 excellent throws”
If you’re good/lucky you could do it in short time or grind it out.
My Nanabs are to useful for Gym Golding to use chasing a string of throws that only gives balls that I have in abundance.

That’s certainly not bad reasoning; but I’m saving my Master Balls for even rarer things (or something for which I have only one throw – like maybe a Galarian Moltres).

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I’m in the camp of not using/wasting my precious Master Balls on a poor not useful Galarian Bird.
I’m in no hurry and don’t care if a never get one tbh. My own belief is they will appear in a Raid day at some stage and I’ll get my junk IV Bird then or fluke it if I do a daily nonsense.
If the Raid day doesn’t happen I’m not fussed not getting them just like those regionals I’ll never get.

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That’s cool. The Master Ball really isn’t that big a deal, anyway. We had an odd raid day awhile back that had throw-once-and-catch balls in it. (Wasn’t Xurkitree one of the raid bosses?)

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Not aware of a Raid day like that. Maybe I missed it?

Yeah, this was back in 2022. The ball that appeared with that looked like this:

special ball

One hit with this ball, and the boss was captured, every time.

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Must have missed that one as I don’t recall throwing those balls.

Yeah we unlocked them with some thing or other and they helped catch ultra beasts (aptly christened “Beast Balls”

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Was it a pay to win/buy $ ticket thing?
If it was that would explain why I never saw it.
After the no ticket Shiny Gate event it’s FUN when it comes to paid stuff now.