The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Yeah I feel like they should have had a better way to focus on a specific form somehow. Like you were saying, it’s virtually impossible for some people to get a Snowy Castform.

Figured out how to get excellent throws on Kyogre. But what good is that, when 10 for 10 excellent throws, all golden-razzed, all escaped? No way to do better than 100% excellent golden-razzed.

Nothing more I can do? So I won’t. Simple as that. No more Kyogre.

I absolutely didn’t care for this Raid Day. We’ve gotten way too many Raid Days the past few months - which didn’t help my liking for them at all - and thankfully I already had a Shiny Kyogre so I was absolutely unbothered to even try them. Groudon next week is an easy skip too.

The difference between the reported task on the Euro Map and the one you found could be due to holding/not holding an AR mapping field research task in your today tab.
I’m not familiar with Euro Map, however the one mapping site that I use to use defaulted to reporting field research with the player holding an AR mapping task.
Hopefully your Discord group will find and report a snowy form. Good luck

That’s interesting.
I would have thought that Catch 10 on the Map would always be Catch 10 regardless of what’s on my account.
All 4 accounts were coming up with exactly the same task. All 4 accounts do have an AR Mapping task but not for the same Pokestop.

Well, the only reason I’ve done Kyogre-Raids was to get the Primalenergy.
6 raids, five won and caught, 400 energy.
Here the two best, imagine how poor were the rest.

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Nianshit can GGF
Spent 3.5 hours after work spinning stops in a last ditch effort to find that Snowy Castform.
Out of around 150 Pokestops spun I was able to only find 2 Pokestops that had the catch 10 task and the second was with 2min to go before the timer ran out. Seriously WTF Nianshit.
6.5 hours spent in 2 attempts to come up empty shows how poorly implemented the whole event was.

Each pokestop holds 2 field research tasks, depending if the trainer is holding an AR mapping task or not - that AR mapping doesn’t have to be for that POI, it can be for any POI.
For example, if the trainer is holding an AR mapping task, that stop will give catch 7 pokemon, awarding a magikarp encounter. It will be the same task and encounter for all accounts. However, if the trainer is not holding an AR mapping task, that pokestop will give the other field research, which could be something like make 3 great throws awarding 1 pinapp berry or it could give an AR mapping task for a nearby POI.
What you’re getting for the pokestop is how it is meant to operate.
If I’m looking for a particular field research, what I do is hold an AR mapping task and spin the 20 stops in my nearby park until I find the research I want. I don’t complete any research, except what I want. Then I delete the AR mapping and spin the same unticked pokestops to see what the other field research task is. That way, I’m doubling my encounters without leaving the same area. Just food for thought.

Couldn’t have scripted this nightmare any better . That catch 10 Task I got 2min before the event finished did give Snowy Castform for the reward .
FU Nianshit.

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Thanks for that @SpYkers29
What pain to manage Spining twice toggling between AR Task and No AR Task
Can’t help think it was done to disrupt mapping services.
Guess it helps those that have limited stops being able to get 2x Tasks from each Stop.
On the flip side. How does your average or newbie player even know about this?

Well, I’m glad you did manage to get the :snowflake: Castform in the end, but man, that entire experience sounds miserable :confounded: :weary:

Seems like Groudon Raid day was capped to rubbish only.

4 accounts and nothing better than 93% from 17 Raids.
Main - best IV 91% and 3 Shiny
Acct 1 - best IV 91% and 2 Shiny
Acct 2 - best IV 93% and 0 Shiny
Acct 3 - best IV 93% and 0 Shiny

Tried to do some remote raiding through Poke Genie after the local 3 hours was up. What frustrating mess that was. Repeated trainers leaving lobbies of 5-6 resulting in the remaining having to abort. I lost 1 pass not picking it up early enough. Hosts leaving many times as well. I gave up as it was too frustrating.

I’m finding strange that Health item drops are so poor on Primals and some Megas which use up a few battle teams (shout out to Solar Beam Groudon) when Raiding in small groups.

Where I played yesterday was a Park in a built up area with 6 Gyms all fairly close by. Out of 17 Raids not once did I have random(s) join in on a Raid. The only ones that joined were from my invites. Only 2-3 times did I have more than 6 in the Raid. While able to defeat Groudon with my 4 easily enough with 60-80 sec spare I repeatedly saw invites leave if there were 5-6 in the lobby.

With only 4 Trainers one hit KO Solar Beam was using up to 15 Pokémon. This had a massive drain on one particular account that for the last 2 weeks is seeing a significant lack of health item drops and is now getting to critical low levels. Looks like my entire day will now be spent driving around spinning Stops/Gyms with the Gotcha trying to top back up.

This account usually runs around these numbers:
20-50 Hyper Potions
250-300 Max Potions
150-160 Revives (these are trashed above 160
200 Max Revives

I toggle between using Max Revives, Max Potions and often trashing excess Hyper Potions when using those. All other lower lever Potions were regularly trashed. Now I’m having to use them plus the others watching the massive decrease over the last 6 weeks.

In bigger a shock this is all got from 17 in person and 6 Remote Groudon Raids.
1 Fn Rare XL seriously WTF Nianshit.

In the last 12 hours I am unable to login to any of my accounts.
I was desperate enough to create a PTC account to try this way, but nothing.

I give them time, if it’s necesary to propagate the information. But it seems that my playing time here is finishing… nothing more than trouble in the last times.

I have 3 PTC accounts that have been running most of the day in last 7 hrs without issue, touch wood.

Hopefully, you’re suffering from one of the multitude of bugs that were introduced in the game with the latest update - and the next version will sort it out.

Since the update that brought long hair, anaemic skin tones, and fat avatars (coupled with dynamic backgrounds) we have had constant problems.

The state of the game is the worst since I started playing in 2017.

Me: game crashes when I… spin a stop, look at a gym, look at friends list, interact with buddy,try to collect a research reward, sometimes just walking along for no reason. Overall - at least one crash every three minutes.

Mrs. celery: as above plus gets error message when trying to interact with buddy

Cat: can no longer participate in raids (instant crash).

Our Phones are not that old. All data is refreshed and all asserts are downloaded.

Really shocked how something so bad can be released to the general public.

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Really, that’s the problem. The testers are WE. No other company would work this way. INstead of testing BEFORE release, they’re looking our coments to see if it’s necesary to change things.

Now, after some hours more, and three intents to login I’m back in the game.

But who will give me back the two raid-hours I’ve lost? By luck I’ve got a 93 Groudon, a shiny and enough primal energy to push up.

But that’s not the base reason… I would like to have fun with the game, not to suffer.

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Is this a lifestyle or a commercial product? Are we transacting with them, or joining a club?

That’s the problem. In a commercial product (and they ask for money, so…) I can ask for a better quality of the product. In a lifestyle it’s my problem to act in a honourable way…