Yeahhh, that’s the way they think…
Niantic is now starting to drop in quality even more. Their infographics have become worse, their blog pages have become worse, their events have become worse. And to top it all of they planned two more of my absolutely favorite (not ) events in March. At least I don’t need Shiny Kyogre and Shiny Groudon, so these Raid Days are an easy skip. Just like their ‘Zarude Ticketed event’.
I’m actually looking forward to a return of Groudon. It’s another chance to fail at getting a 100% one again. Hopefully nothing gets in the way of being able to raid a heap as the last 2 times life was in the way.
I’d like a 100% Space Whale to but I hate Raiding them. The moving side to side makes the catching so frustrating and time consuming. If it’s crap IV I just want to catch it as quick as possible and move on to do another.
Hilariously snarky. I wouldn’t be surprised if things actually are that way there now. I finally made out what was that, but would love to see it better; do you have a version of that image that isn’t quite so reduced in size? (My eyes have been pretending to be about 90 years old for the past 2 months)
I will try to make one with better res.
I could see that much better, thanks!
If the game survives to see the next Pokemon Day, maybe they could give us Party Hat Black Kyurem? I might actually stay with the game until then, just to see that.
Raid hour was strange last night.
15min before 6 the 3 Gyms I always start on all had Raids start with 30min timers. No eggs appeared before the feature Raid Pokémon appearing early. Did all 3 and was expecting to have to move on to the next 2 around 1km away. Too my surprise all three instantly had the feature Pokémon appear with 30min timers again.
I got 6 Raids in and called it a night early as while I want the gold badge points using Premium Passes to catch useless Pokémon is a waste
What I forgot to add to ^ was of the 6 I only got 1 Rare XL too.
If they’re going to serve up useless Pokémon at least we could get decent rewards to offset that.
Just completed its third in-person mega raid this morning.
Main got zero rare candy xl. and zero rare candy. and zero pinaps. that’s total. Alt and new got a couple of pinaps and a couple of rare candy, each. total…
KMA,N. They increased rewards for in-person raids last year, in effort to reduce remote raids. Those who predicted that the increased incentive bonuses would be rolled back as the remote raids get further limited were exactly right.
I agree that that’s true, but also in my experience mega raid rewards usually kind of stink.
I suppose. I thought the compensatory bonus (to offset the crappy cost-benefit curve) of Megas was the Mega Energy. I look for Rare Candy from every raid, and when they give ZERO of those for even one raid I feel gypped a bit. It seems reasonable / moderate to have a minimum of one Rare Candy for any raid, and one Rare Candy XL for any in-person raid over Tier 3.
It’s almost more profitable to transfer a junk Pokémon to the Professor, than to raid a T3.
HONESTLY that’s an awesome idea for the Rare Candy. A set minimum reward would make me do SO MANY MORE raids, especially tier 3 and higher.
It’s been raining all day where I live
…but at least that means I should have a chance at catching one of the rarer types of Castform…
…but not according to Niantic
Did you report the weather as inaccurate?
Actually, today I didn’t - but I have done many times in the past and it’s made fudge-all difference.
Ironically, it’s just stopped raining here… so…

There’s a postscript to this story…
I just went out for a stroll to celebrate the rain stopping and to gather a few gifts and the first thing I clicked on was…
…drum roll …

It’s time to vent about the stupidity of The Castform Event.
After the disappointment of Litten CD I thought I would subject myself to more game play frustration at trying to complete the Castform Challenge on mine and the family accts.
I’d already caught Normal and Sunny forms in the wild as they’ve been everywhere. I’d manage to fluke as I came to learn a Snowy one from the catch 10 weather boosted reward.
All I needed was to get now was a Rainy one.
Saw some early local Discord discussion suggesting the reward was a random chance of which Castform you get…….groan. My game nemesis RNG again I thought.
No problem I’ll use the Euro Map to show all the catch 10 weather boosted tasks. Pulled the Map up and adjusted the settings to reveal where I needed to go. I find a Snowy icon and headed off. Get there to find it’s not a catch 10 but a catch 7 for dust reward. Tried a few other forms close by only to find there is no alignment of task and Castform. They could be any of the catch 5,7 or 10.
Oh well, I’ll have to go old school of see stop, spin stop to check them all.
Spent the next 3hrs spinning and trashing tasks to get the catch 10 ones required. I let the GoPlus and Gotcha take care of the catches required while I plotted my way from stop to stop.
What I found quickly playing more than one acct was there was no RNG with which form you got. They were form locked and the massive % being normal form. In that 3hrs I managed to find 18 catch 10 tasks. Not one of those gave up a Snowy Castform. I got my Rainy one and completed the collection challenge on my main but still need Snowy for the others. It’s likely they will not complete it.
Now for my vent and anger over the lack of thought yet again by the game designers/programmers. They are totally out of touch with how their game is played.
How the F can a one account player on foot get to enough stops to complete this challenge without an element of Lottery odds luck. Let’s not even mention how the F does anyone that doesn’t live in a Pokestop saturated city / town / area even get to spin enough stops to even find those catch 10 tasks.
No surprise Nianshit you’ve cocked it up again.