The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Yeah tbh I’m tired of the lake trio as well, they don’t have any PvP or PvE value whatsoever, so my interest has been somewhat deflated since the beginning.

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What I forgot to add it’s been the same one every time in the region your in.
Why haven’t they rotated them ffs to create interest.
The argument for not rotating to sell remote passes fall over when they capped the amount players could do in a day.


Pushing a good Legendary now to Level 50 will take ages, if at all. Sure am glad I got Rayquaza, Groudon, Landorus, Reshiram, and Mewtwo maxed before the caps crippled us.

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Last day of the event and it’s a very useful one in Gira and one I don’t have a 100% one.
Got off work early and get an early dinner. Go to the spot of Wednesdays fail and take 3 of the 5 Gyms. Get to do 1 Gira that’s already in progress.
I had 45min to spare before 6pm so do some trading and bag clean up. Come 5:50pm and there’s no Purple Eggs on any Gym. Start winding if Niantic have stuffed something up but I keep waiting. At 2 mins before 6 and still no Purple Eggs my phone rings. It’s Little Miss Kanga. She needs to be picked up from Ex Mrs Kangas urgently as the Ex is having a Psychosis episode (I won’t elaborate how we know that’s what it is as it’s ugly and personal).
Drop everything and take off for the 20-30min drive so no Raid hour of a wanted useful Pokémon for me by the time we get to where we stay.
Got to do a few Remotes this morning for no Shiny or keeper IV.

That’s horrible! I’m so sorry that entire scenario happened to you. Good for you for prioritizing family over Pokémon GO though, even though it was Giratina.

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Thanks @Liono1001. Little Miss Kangas well-being will always come first. There will be other day(s) at some point to raid Gira.


Well this is the most Niantic event ever. A total joke. There are so many things wrong with this event I don’t even know where to start. Glad I didn’t rearrange my plans today so I could play this event. This isn’t even enjoyable.

What has been the worst problem?

I’m seeing regionals from other places in the wild, including all 3 of the flake trio. interesting…

I had the strangest day ever in PoGo.
10 shinies: Sneasel (very nice), Hisui Quilfish (better), Stunky, Azelf (!!), Uxie (!!!), 2xCranidos (well), Duskull, Pikachu with white cloth, Krabby, Corpish, Chimchar

Apart got Hisui Decidueye, special Dialga and Palkia, shadow Articuno, the Lake-Trio in the wild,Palkia normal and a Shadow Regigigas.

I think I can’t ask for more.

Well, an hour later. And now I have 4 shinies more: a Spheal, a Pikachu with red cap, a Bronzor and a Hisui Voltorb.

Tomorrow I try to send the screenshots.

Why is this in the whinge/vent thread? :joy:


There should be a thread for Go Tour Sinnoh Global.

Made one:

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After I wrote my comment earlier I have it some time, eventually decided to try again and I must admit I judged them too harshly initially. It seemed my luck was absolutely doomed in the first two and a half hours, later throughout the day it seemed a bit better. The event is still incredibly flawed with lots of changes that should’ve been made, but I have to admit they did better than I expected and than what was shown to me in the first two and a half hours. I’ll give a full review on I think is going to be Monday.

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Maybe @bagguille hates shinies :joy::joy:


Got to play for a few hours yesterday after work and getting some stuff done.
Got 25 Raids done
No Shinies
No IV keepers and nothing above 91%
Flee rate of 4/25 was higher than normal for me. No good IV in those so no rage.
Let the GoPlus catch random Pokémon in between moving from Raid to Raid.
No Shiny from those either.
And wtf is up with the wild Lake Trio? Seriously what is the point of being in the game when every single one dusts off after one or two balls?
What a lame unrewarding time really.
It’s now well into day 2 of event and I don’t think I can be bothered playing tbh.

Only good thing out of this even for me is 6 special trades which should be a normal feature but that’s a whole different discussion.

And on a separate whinge topic. I’m now nearing 2500 Trades for no 100%

Did you take a picture of them for the timed research?

No I didn’t.
Didn’t find that was a thing to do until day 2 lol. When I saw those tasks it was a ffs moment and I’d had a gut full of rubbish IV raids and no Shiny. My view at that stage was Nianshit can GGF.

Oh no! Hopefully GO Fest goes better than GO Tour did for you. :crossed_fingers:

Are you kidding me? The one time I decide to play this game, they shove these up my face. Well, heading right back home already! :man_facepalming: Are they aware their events have grown so terrible they stopped announcing them so that people would keep playing? Because if I knew this would happen I wouldn’t have left home at all.