The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

I have changed my mind. THIS is the worst box in existence.


Yep. I can imagine rural players (lacking Pokéstops) getting pretty desperate to find berries to feed their buddy, though. A tempting opportunity for some good, old-fashioned price gouging. :money_mouth_face:

It makes me angry every time I see this… :skull_and_crossbones:

A player in a big city needs 20 minutes running around to get these berry, and a rural player has to pay about 8 dollars to receive enough coins to buy them. It’s not fair.

I’m throwing away continouisly berries and balls, because I receive more than I need.

Make the game more social, so I can give these trash to other players who need them.


At least they can open gifts.

Alright I’m here now to complain about the shadow Ho-oh raid weekend. I know the event is not over yet, but I lost all motivation when I looked at all the gyms in my area and there was only one Shadow tier-5 raid—and it hatched in 30 minutes; it hadn’t even started yet.

I had been planning on doing a bunch of Shadow Ho-oh raids, but because there was not a boosted number of them, I couldn’t. I didn’t have time to drive across the county or wait around for hours waiting for raids to slowly appear and hatch. Alright, I’m done venting now.


Remember the time when we could buy 20+ Green raid passes and 10 (super) incubators for under 1500 coins?

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Those were the days.

Drained my whole green Raid Pass collection for 2 shiny in the last FOUR Raid Days. Got a Shiny Hisuian Samurott on Raid 7, which is acceptable, but then went 0/26 on Wyrdeer, 1/25 on Hisuian Typhlosion with the Shiny being #24, and 0/32 on Hisuian Decidueye.

Niantic strongly needs to reconsider these events. 3 hours is way too short for this. There is NO reason for them to not increase the duration of them. Unless they don’t make the shiny rates so terrible this is just not fun to play. I have always been terribly unlucky with shinies, but this is actually unacceptable because for all these events I maximized the full 3 hours and STILL ended up without anything for two of them. At least I could finally solo raid without waiting, but a lot of extra time was already lost because the game broke twice on a Raid today the moment I was going to win and had to restart wholly, instead of it bringing me back to the victory screen as it should’ve.

I won’t touch the game in a while. I really hope they just accidentally ban my account, won’t help me retrieve it back and then I finally don’t have to bother about this stupid game anymore. This is absolute madness.


That stinks. Right about when they seemed almost to be reconsidering the game’s downhill spiral in playability. It’s like they’re trying to get us to break up with them, instead of just breaking up with us by just ending the game.

But thanks, @Jormdeworm ; I had been regretting that my day was too busy to play any of the special raids. Ptui!


I had a similar experience to @Jormdeworm.

It didn’t help that Mrs. celery got the shiny on the first raid and continued to laugh at me, as my despair deepened, after every failed attempt. The cat got FOUR shinies and Mrs. c another… then at 4:50pm, on my final green raid pass (and with no coins left to buy any more) I got the shiny. But by then all possibility of joy had left me.

It was my 22nd Raid - and the IVs came in at 69%.

Niantic has scheduled too many of these type of pass-wasting, coin-sucking, shiny-paywalled events too close together. I will be very pleased if I never see another of these Hisuian ‘mons ever again… oh, here comes Enamorus… :pensive:

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I don’t like the way they’re giving less and less while they are charging more, even if I understand their need to change the game’s revenue model (to cover new licensing costs to them). Particularly stuff that still costs them nothing (like maybe boosting the shiny rate for event Pokémon)…

I recognize this, as it happened last time. I wasted a dozen green passes on brown Typhlosions and by the time I had given up and decided to call it a three hours (not a day) it FINALLY shined. The time was 4:43 pm I think, only 17 minutes to go. At that point I almost didn’t even care anymore, just like @celery said all possibly joy had long vanished. Especially after going unlucky for another 26 Raids on the previous Raid Day. Little did I know the next time would be even worse.

It is just so frustrating that these events are so short. Three hours is not enough to reliably get a Shiny, or Hundo, or anything worth something. The solo raid button did help, which was absent for the previous three Raid Hours that were crammed into this season, but still not enough, apparently.

Not to mention, 2-5pm is like the worst time window they could’ve given imo. Why isn’t it 10 am to 10 pm? Do they even want me to buy more Raid Passes?

I refuse to even try for Enamorus. Nobody is going to play on a random Wednesday and especially not Valentine’s Day, so I expect I’ll end with nothing either way. Not worth it.

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phone is sleeping, all apps closed, and phone gets a push notification from PoGO that there will be new music from some unfamiliar name in the upcoming sinnoh event. I am not going to that event. I have my phone on perpetual mute. and I turned off all the push notifications except raid invitations.

push another ad to my phone like that, and I will immediately uninstall all Niantic apps from every device of mine.

To be fair the shiny rates were boosted for this event, but I can still understand the frustration, grinding and getting nothing decent whatsoever for it is depressing.

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Might be an unpopular view here and not trying to have a go at fellow posters but just an observation of game players in general.
Many are so used to getting just about every Shiny upon release it’s now at the stage they just expect to get one and get one quickly as soon as it’s available.
I thought Shinnies were really rare in the other forms of Pokémon games but in PoGo they are far from rare.
I’m one who has much worse than average luck getting Shinnies. I got down/angry/frustrated in the early days. I got to a stage quickly where I didn’t give a flying f*** about Shinnies anymore and stopped trying/going the extra yard trying for one.
I refuse to let Niantic manipulate the way I want to play the game because this is what they are doing.
The simple solution to Shiny enjoyment is changing the mechanic from pure RNG bull crap to a more you do your % chance increases until it reaches either 50/50 chance or even 100% given at some point.
I’ve only done between 1-5 Raids on these special days as not using anything but the free passes and the time has never been suitable.
Sammy was the only one I fluked it on and I don’t care I didn’t get the others.

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Yeah as someone who also only uses the free passes for these raid days I can understand both views. Obviously, shinies are supposed to be rare, and if everyone easily gets one, it loses a lot of its value (I talk with friends about community day shinies losing worth). However, when it’s a raid day like this, and you start spending money (or at least hard-earned Pokécoins) on passes, and it’s supposed to be a 1-in-10 shiny rate but the RNG just won’t go your way, it can get very frustrating. While it is good to keep in mind that you won’t necessarily get everything in the game, once you start investing hours into it and you get no return, that really stinks.

Went to do my usual fortnight Wednesday spotlight hour last night targeting 4-5 non Gold Gyms in an area I was once 100% Gold.
Only 1 Gym had a Uxie Raid on it starting at 6pm.
1 had a Mega Garchomp at starting at 5:40 so did that.
1 had a Piplup started at 5:45 - pass
1 had a Uxie - did it but didn’t enjoy battling it
1 had a Shadow Scyther in progress - reluctantly did it just for the Gym Badge Points
1 other had a Piplup in progress - pass
With 40mins left I packed it in and went and had Wednesday night Steak special I always have on way home earlier than normal.

Why not?

It’s a nothing useless collection only Pokémon to me and just fails to excite.


Perhaps NAK has wearied of the regional after the Lake Trio has had several turns in the raid hour lineup. In 166 Azelf raids I’ve gotten 2 hundos and 3 shinies, and if I ever raid another Azelf it will be only for the 1000 stardust and the chance for rare candy. I’ll chase more Uxie and Mesprit in remote raids, though.

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