The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Just out of reach. That shows one of the main reasons I’ve always wanted a kind of “stretch” item, which could temporarily extend our reach (at least a minute, to make a catch, or up to five minutes, to join a raid). 10 to 20 meters is about the distance I had in mind, too. Over that distance should need a remote pass…

If I’m buying a research project, I want to be allowed to fit it into my real life commitments and obligations, not to conform my life to fit their arbitrary timers.

Not to be oblivious (nor insensitive) to Niantic’s urgent need to find a sustainable revenue model to handle the licensing costs they are to be almost immediately incurring… But charging for something that is soon taken back will alienate me, and maybe some other customers.

If Niantic is paying, they can decide the pace. If I’m paying, then I need to be able to decide the pace.

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Missed out on a 100% Female Coombe because someone wanted to chat/dribble for 15min when all I wanted to do was drop off and leave.
When I eventually got out and parked around the corner and opened the Map and saw it. I was 3min from location with only 2min left on the time :sob::sob::sob:

New Year’s event has another PAID TIMED RESEARCH. What a steaming pile of :poop:. Kilo Mike Alpha, Niantic.

The only time-limited thing I’ll buy is the ticket to go fest. Everything else I buy will be something that I have until I can use it - whether that’s today, next week, or next month, depending on when real life affords me time to play.

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I don’t do a large amount of Raids and what has just happened hardly incentivises me to do more.
I drop my time consuming collection of coins on Remote Passes only to have 3 fail to catch in a row despite 95% of my throws being excellent.
I’ve never experienced that many fails in a row previously. Normally if I miss one I will always get the next one. Can’t remember the last time I missed 2 in a row yet the 3 that has just happened.

That stinks. Was that for Regigaga? Or something more Xurkish?


I had only seen the live wire. The azzwole bugs the heck out of me, too. Raiding with best friends helps, getting four more throws.

This is without a single doubt the worst deal I’ve ever seen. :man_facepalming:

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Is there a standard unit price for purchasing a TM in the shop? I never noticed, probably because I never looked for one there.

No, there isn’t

There isn’t, but even if they were free I wouldn’t want them.

Being able to change a Pokémon’s moveset is too helpful at times for me to understand that…

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I’ve been chasing/trying for a great Shadow Dratini for a strong Dragonite since Drats were included in the Rocket pool.
Was a little excited when it became a Boss and have been doing Cliff battles only for either a great one and or the Shiny. Don’t have the Shiny and had been getting nothing but 0-2 star Drats until today.
Finally a 3 Star but why can’t it be 15atk :smiling_face_with_tear:
Faced with a dilemma of either Purify or Evolve/Power Up Shadow that I’m not excited about dumping the vast resources required.
I have plenty of 100% normal Drats/Dragonites.

I guess I’d just wait and keep grinding the drats, altho that’s not great…

I’d like to challenge your worst box with this one:

I never need the basic red Pokéballs.

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Yeah, I’ll just keep grinding Rockets and Cliff battles in hope of a 91% or better with 15atk until Cliff is no longer the Drat.

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Back again for another whinge, this is a continuation one. Must be I hate Nianshit day.
3 family accounts had a total of 1000-1050 Rowlet for trading.
I’ve got 45 left on one account and still no 100% Owl. I was already 5-600 Trades without a 100% before Trading only Rowlet. It’s times/things like this the game and Nianshit really annoy me.


A big FY to Nianshit.
Traded over 1000 Rowletts for 0 100%
Same crap happened with Grubbin from CD.
Taking a bit over an hour to Trade each 100 Pokémon that’s a lot of wasted time i could have done something more quality of life adding.

Out of all those trades not getting an 100 is terrible! :persevere: sorry to hear that.