The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Eeeeh, sounds as if you want this CD for your eyes only… :joy: :joy:

I want him as well… it was allways very difficult to catch enough Timburrs in the wild for candies necessaries to evolve. So tomorrow I will be around as you searching Hundos and a lotttt of candies.

I managed to get the afternoon free, which is really rare for my Sundays, and I’m just hoping to get over to a CD-workable place in time to play the full CD (or most of it, anyway). I’ve chased Timburr ever since its debut and am glad it finally got a CD.

Either way, I’m eager to see how Brutal Swing Conkeldurr performs in fights and raids…

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No 100% Timburr for me.
Two of the family accts got a 100% in the first hour but my acct missed it.
Will have to hang my hopes on getting one from Trades now. My streak atm is around 5-600 without a 100% and I have a bit over 1K Timburr to Trade from the other accts.

I don’t like Pokestop and allied system.

They rejected my one-off nomination because they found that it is not “visually unique”, other than that everything’s fine. There are tons of Pokestops and Gyms around the world which are poor in terms of look, like that a slide, swing, bench, chair, metro station, etc… but they all are “visually unique”, but my nomination which is surrounded by the natural beauty, in middle of forest cover, is not “visually unique” for them.

I think they believe that Waterfall Graffiti or Mural looks much more visually pleasing than actual Waterfall…
:rage: :triumph:
Promoting the lowly concept(s) to make their money…
:rage: :rage:
Now the team behind Pokemon GO should visit Art Galleries and all other accepted nominations for their family vacation, rather than some “natural” tourist spots, National Parks, Lake, Rivers, Seas…
:rage: :rage:

This is the prominent reason why I don’t bother to do raids, Pokestop Spins, Routes, etc. and only remain content with GO Battle League.

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Natural features are not eligible under their rules.
However, a plaque, sign or information board about said natural feature is eligible.


Neither did I said that I am nominating natural feature(s)…

See below :

  • What’s not good in this bus stop, but others have that ?
  • What’s not “visually appealing” in this image ?
  • If this is regular bus stop, then what’s special in tons of other bus stops and metro stations ?

What can I nominate here, and these are the surrounding area to my home :

Bus stops are ineligible. You may, however, try to submit the “save energy” poster without the rest of the bus stop, but from your picture I cannot see whether it is attached to the bus stop or painted on it. In case of the latter, I believe it could be eligible as it should pass for art, and I would also suggest going deeper into detail about the “saving energy”. In the former case, not worth it. That is going to be rejected for temporarily available.

Thanks I will try like that.

It is painted drawing which framed inside the fibre glass.


And there are many others, like this.

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You never attached a picture in your op then you went out about natural features. I’ll just ignore all your chat on lack of Pokestops/Gyms in your area from now on.

There are plenty of Poi’s in the game that no longer fit what the rules are now. The rules of what’s accepted have changed a number of times now as well as the rules on Poi per Cells.
I’m glad they left the existing Poi in the game and not cleaned house after every rule change.

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The timed-research task currently telling us to take a pic of a ghost type mon is not working. I’ve taken several pics of multiple ghost types, and it still refuses to give me credit. Last I looked, Shuppet and Drifloon are both ghost types, and multiple pics of both (in the wild, no less) have gotten no credit for the task.

[I was pleasantly surprised to be able to report it in the game app – the last time I recall trying that, probably a couple of years ago, I was told to log in to their web site to report a bug, and I couldn’t. we’ll see if they fix it or even respond]

What was the task? Niantic is known for messing up Snapshot tasks so maybe this is one of them.

Wild pics don’t count.
You have to take pics of one already in your collection.
Nianshits finest work in action again.
Snapshot tasks have been a mess recently. Wording is always misleading.

I had tried both wild and stored, to no avail. This time the storage one worked. Thanks for getting me unstuck. :smiley:

I had 3 snapshot task at the same time and was wtf when it didn’t register for the timed research.
Then tried from collection thinking surely not and it worked. I just shake my head and wonder do these programmers do this stuff to annoy or are they just that clueless?

Maybe both?

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Being forced to be social when I hit social overload already that dey felt a real need for a little solitude and a PoGO fix. I was in a grouchy mood all evening.

Had map open on iPad half glancing at what 100’s were popping up while doing some trading before bed time. Noticed a 100% Frigibax with 23min remaining. Click on the navigation link and Google Maps tells me it’s 20min to get there. Grab everything and jump into car full of excitement.
Catch a Red light at one intersection that took forever to change to Green only to get another doing the same getting off that main Rd too.
Arrive at spawn point and it’s not there. Time had just beaten me due to two bad Red lights.
Hopefully there will be others.


Who let these atrocious submissions though? Seeing these as live stops is really infuriating given how much time I have spent resubmitting actually great and valuable PokéStops before they finally got accepted. Not to mention the titles are complete bull💩, couldn’t find any bridges on the locations at all let alone on the pictures. And there was I thinking the tree submission would be the worst one I had seen go through a couple months ago. Now we’re accepting literal footpaths and street signs, but still rejecting all art pieces I could find live on the streets?

And to think that these nominations are now why everyone is getting banned when a nomination gets rejected for whatever reason, regardless of whether it was deserved or not…


Finished Trading the last of 1100 Grubbin from its CD over the weekend for a total of 0 100%.
Yep, don’t feel guilty one little bit using a Mapping service to get 100% Pokémon when the game mechanics deliver that sort of rubbish experience.
Got one from the map last week. Won’t be long until Dec CD is everything that was dropped in the other Months and I can get the other 2 plus the others that need their family spots filled.

Have said it a number of times now the mechanics for getting Shiny should be a sliding scale that increases chance the more you catch without encountering one rather than pure RNG crap. The same should be for trading for 100%

I’ve been Trading for a 100% Stantler for what seems like ever. One came up on the Map after work yesterday so chased it down only to be done over by it being just out of reach in an industrial Heavy Vehicle Tyre business. Even drove into the customer car park in hope I’d be in range. Sadly I guess I was still about 10-20m from being able to get it to appear on the screen.