The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Try rebooting and / or checking other apps that have camera permissions (to see if their permissions are similarly affected). You probably tried those things already, though…

Yep I tried everything but nothing worked.

However, the issue seems to have solved itself suddenly. The game is working again.

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Going to App’s permission and re-toggling it on/off might would have helped, as I had expected something similar in past and this was what I did back then.

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Yep I checked there but it changed nothing. Anyway, it works again at least…

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The game is refreshing my memory about what bugged me so dang much about these Legendary beasts, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou – even lower than usual shiny rate for Legendary, and absolute :poop: IV. Particularly the Raikou. I’m glad I had a periodical next to my desk, so that I could take my frustration out by throwing THAT instead of throwing my phone.

Again, and again, and again, and … and again – latest Raikou raid gave no shiny and absolute crap IV. Again.


Ten more Raikou in the 2 days since that comment. Every one below 1940 CP. Every. Single. One.

Feels deliberate. Feels almost personal. :unamused:

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Raikou is the only one that interests me but I can’t seem to find any Gyms with them.Gyms are 90% saturated with the most useless of the 3 Suicune, wtf Nianshit.
Managed to do 2 and one was a 98% 15atk. A handy addition to the Electric team but I already have 2x exactly the same and no 100% still.

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Just incase anyone is curious as to which way I went with this?
I started culling costume Electric Mouse the other day which means there is no going back now. All will gone apart from 100% and Shiny ones soon enough.

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My alt finally got a nice IV 96 (15-15-13) Raikou last night, while my main got an IV 69 (0-11-10) on the same raid. Proving my streak of awful Legendary Beast raids was still in force, this noon brought me a matching pair of CP 1920 / IV 82 (10-14-13, and 10-13-14, respectively). Transferring to make more of that legendary cat poop candy… :yum:

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It’s been hard work finding Raikou Raids to do in person. Saturday just been a typical case in point.
Drive 200+km to country town for a days play.
Town one - 25+ Gyms in town. 1 Suicune Raid, 0 non Shadow T5 Eggs. 3 Shadow T5 eggs.
Drive 15min to next Town.
Town Two - 25+ Gyms in town. 3 Suicune Raids, 1 Entie. 2 no Shadow T5 eggs. 1 Shadow T5 Egg.
Spend the next 60-90min walking a bush track to take 2 Gyms including 2x waiting for T5 Eggs to hatch that gave Suicune.
After that found 1 Raikou Raid and did 2 Shadow Moltress along with 1 Suicune and 1 Entie that weren’t Raided.
Drive back to town One for dinner.
2x Suicune Raids and 1 Raikou that hatched while having dinner. Could not get at Gym anyway as gates were locked for local Show. Normally open any other weekend.

That is pretty gross, indeed. Some places seem to need a local GO Fest just to have a good selection of raids and enough players concentrated in an area to raid the T5 ones.

Raids have become more and more infrequent in my village lately - in fact I hadn’t seen any this week… until Raid Hour when, of course, 2 useless ordinary ones pop up - as if to deliberately block my chance of getting a decent Legendary Beast… :angry: :triumph: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I have plenty of raids. I’ll invite you if you want.


Thanks @Branebs :grinning:

When I saw there were no Raids I decided to go food shopping instead. I did see a flash of orange appear in the box as I was driving… if that was you then I’m sorry I missed your invite.

I’ll be there next time for sure :+1:

Yes, it was me. Fortunately, Campfire works and I managed to do 2 raids. But, I will gladly invite you next time. Only, I didn’t see a green circle next to your name to notify me that you’re online. Therefore I don’t know when to invite you.

Once we pick a basic or premium rewards (before we even choose Great, Ultra, or Master), we are committed. I intended to go in for the Premium Rewards but somehow spazzed the picked Basic Rewards. And even though I hadn’t even picked which level of pokemon (let alone picked which team to use), I was already in for five battles.

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Niantic even nerfed this from previous season…

Earlier we used to get Pokemon encounter from first win, stardust from second, items from third, 6 rare candies from fourth and lots of stardusts from fifth.

But now it is exactly same to basic rewards, with guaranteed XL candy from second, which I don’t think is worth for a premium pass.

The best use case for premium battle pass is at Rank 15, where we get 3 rare candies per win, as opposed to 2 candies via normal path !!

Again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: being forced to evolve something before I want to use resources if I haven’t got a decent IV.


The way Niantic’s “Random” Number Generator does things, you’ll probably find that one with good IV to evolve, the day after you evolve a crappy-IV one just to betat the end of the timed research…

My biggest vent is the inability to delete the special research.

There are few pending special research, like that of Meltan, April Fool, etc… which I don’t want to finish, so rather than keeping that page cluttered, I feel better if I was able to remove those special research.

After all, deleting the special research from user’s side will not hurt Niantic’s ideology, as the end-user itself will bear the “loss” by deleting the special researches.

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Timburr CD tomorrow for me.
This week has been a struggle to get the other accounts cleaned enough of Pokémon and Berries in readiness to have a good crack at trying to get as many as possible for distance Trading.