The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

Yesterday, I took over a gym in the center of my town and before I could do anything in less than a minute the guy who held the gym took it back. How is that possible? What happened with a 10-minute cooldown? Today, it happened again. Have you experienced this?

The 10min cool down only applies to the same team colour going back in.
You could do exactly the same taking it back immediately.
I would be all for there being a time limit of either 30 or 60mins before a Gym could be battled again once occupied.

Some players are overly possessive about Gyms and tend to get nasty if you play them at their own game (immediately taking back). I’ve been on the the receiving end of a unbalanced player thinking Gyms were their personal possession. I’m not a fighter but I don’t bow down to bullies, I will stand my ground and told said nut job he could do it the easy way and have me in the area for less time or the hard way having me around longer. I had fun Golding 6 Gyms (only did 3 at a time not white anting all) in said nut jobs area. I deliberately mixed it up with what times days I would hit the Gyms and planned some of those times during new releases or events as I knew that would would mess with their game play as they were alway hell bent on having to take it back ASAP. Their regular playing area was not the same as the Gym area they claimed as theirs. He had someone that used to join him in the same Gyms but they had a falling out during my time I was working the area over. Herd from a second party that knew them both they had a disagreement over taking back Gyms immediately. He stopped joining the nut job in the possessive nature.

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I shared my woes to Niantic Support yesterday regarding the Master Ball Masterwork research and how tough it is for player like me who don’t have accessible gyms/pokestops, and asked them why did they not kept the option between raids and winning battles.

And to my surprise, they removed that thread entirely from there side, and only my previously asked supports are only visible there.
:roll_eyes: :skull_and_crossbones: :scream_cat:

This is first time that I had experienced this !!

Think that just shows the level of disrespect they have for their player base.
Don’t like the question, just delete it like it’s never been asked.

This is the first time when I saw this. I had asked them several times over couple of years, and they had always responded with useless-botlike-responses. But this was on another level.

And I came to know this luckily. Because I had asked them this question on the same day when we obtained the Timed Masterwork Research. So I was waiting for them to respond. But 10 days were gone, and still I didn’t got the response, so I thought to ping them again by adding a matching statement to my question.

Then only I came to know this deed. And what’s more, they even removed the Remy Bot dialogues as well, along with the question which I had asked.

I’ve already given up on that Research. I nearly finished everything but I just have no time to raid.

I suspect a lot have thrown the towel in early and won’t bother to try to do the required amount.
Raiding is such a restrictive part of the Game.
You need the time.
You needs Gyms and be able to get to them.
You need Raids to be on at that time your available.
Raids are only available in person between times X and Y.
Unless Tier 1or2 a lot of players may need help.
Higher levels need more help.
There is Remote Raiding but that is now restricted to 5 and Passes are more expensive than normal ones.
Nianshit will come back with players had 80 days to complete so only need to do 1 per day.
Even so I struggle to find 1 available that I’d like to do in my small window on way home from work. This event has me Raiding rubbish I would normally give a miss just to stay in front of the 1 per day curve. It’s not enjoyable doing that and the game should be enjoyable.

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I really hate these research tasks. Being forced to change my Buddy to something that gives Candy quicker to complete some time this decade really grinds my gears. I like having Legendaries as my Buddy to get the XL’s as I’m not a Raid Whale. It’s not practical to complete such a task with my usual Buddy choices.
Why not just have it as a distance so Buddy distance is irrelevant.


Exactly. And that first task is really Explore 40 km, at least, since we’ll need that much for the Buddy Candy. It’s Niantic’s obsession now, walk and gather, walk and gather. Trying to squeeze us back into the original mindset pre-pandemic.

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Why Niantic has given Oinkologne female lesser CP than the male???
Boyh have level 40, both are Hundo

The reason behind it is as same as why Giratina-O has more CP than Giratina-A…

i.e Oinkologne(F) has more bulk than Oinkologne(M).

:wink: :wink:

okay, this is pretty small compared to the other problems in the game right now but i just wanna say…
i have caught over 100 sprigatitos (you have to understand that i love cats) searching for a perfect one.
i haven’t gotten one yet, which i usually wouldn’t be too upset about since they’re hard to find.
but of course i’ve gotten a perfect quaxly, buizel and nymble instead of my perfect sprigatito… in the span of like a week. why


Hi there !!

:wave: :wave:

Getting Shinies, perfect IVs, XXL/XXS, etc… are all RNG based. I not even got a single 3* of any of those species.

But I don’t think we should be bothered by it. As you also know that all starters have their Community Days, therefore somewhere in future we will get CD for these Paldean starters as well. And that should be the best possible scenario to get them.

If they are included as reward for special research, field research, GBL, etc… then also we can hope to get better IVs, rather than dwelling to find the perfect ones in the wild !!
:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not sure if this is strictly a whinge/vent but here goes.
I loath costume Pokémon and apart from Pikachu and usable size Chancey/Blissey for Gyms I send them all to the Professor.
I’ve now reached the stage where I’m on the cusp of no longer wanting to keep the Pickachu line either. I was renaming Cost(insert number) in order they were released for easy tracking/trading.
I’ve been slack with the last few releases and it’s time I don’t have to categorise them so trashing the whole lot including 100% seems like the logical choice for me atm. It will make managing them so much easier.
I’ll stew on it for a few more days and decide if I keep 100% and Shiny or just hand them all over for the Professor to make Pickachu Smoothies.




You already transfer any imperfect one, though; do I remember that rightly?

My main reason for doing Mega raids is the Mega Energy (plus for the Rare Candy, which is my main reason for ANY raid). But it’s also the main way we can get more Silver Pinaps, which is why it irritates me whenever winning and catching a Mega Raid Boss gets me none of them.

This sort of unfulfilled expectation has become so commonplace throughout the game since 2022, though, that my sense of righteous outrage has faded into a dull disappointment. Oy.

At least for CDs, Niantic should lift the specific requirements for evolving Pokemon. It really hurts if there are no accessible Pokestop from home, and in recent case of Vikavolt, it was severe thunderstorm here because of which the city got flooded. I luckily managed to evolve them this time…

How did this just happen? I randomly opened my game and it tells me I need to give camera access for everything I do. I always had it allowed and there’s no way to turn it back on. Did this same thing just happen to anyone else?

I already de-installed the game and redownloaded it, and it changed nothing. I’m just unable to play the game now because of this.

Never seen this… :man_shrugging: