The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

What happens to a lot is, that one stop gives the first time a research, but no new until next day.

Not just a lot, that’s how I see it happen all the time. Which is why I was so surprised that the new task today didn’t come the first spin this morning, but the second one. Too weird to worry about. (I’d never seen that before, and I don’t anticipate seeing it again.)

It’s a new bug introduced with the latest update and happens at the first spin of the day and more if you spin them directly after. Thing is, you actually do get them they just don’t immediately show up. From my experience you will get both of them at the second spin if you spin two stops and can claim two Field Research but will get none if you can spin two Stops but only have place for one Field Research. I’m not sure if they will appear if you restart the game.

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When I was going to sleep yesterday, I thought to refill my Pokeballs stock by using 15 minute Incense. But to my surprise, this happened :

All the widgets got disappeared. And at 12:00 AM, the daily free box also not came in the shop. Now its 6:40 AM, and still no free box.

Had this happen as well, turns out you can no longer use the Daily Adventure Incense after 11.45pm. Not sure what happened to your free box though.

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Thanks for the information.

It looks like Niantic cannot afford single more minute of that incense to players. Plus, only few people in the world bother to click that incense widget at that time !!

I bet it’s the same reason they don’t have raids past 10 – being held liable for players getting mugged or hit by cars in the dark while playing their game. If they’d just let us play remotely at night, we could play without the risk.

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Third straight mega-ttar raid that gave NEITHER of my trainers any rare candy. I wonder if the third trainer got any. (it would mean none – there were only three of us in the raid)

Good bleepin’ grief. Golf Foxtrot Yankee, Niantic.



I also did three Mega Tyranitar raids on the first day, and had not got any rare candies.

And the last raid rewarded me with just 1 revive, 1 hyper potion, 1 max Potion…

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I wonder what their perception of ‘within 24 hours’ exactly is. So far I’ve been waiting for over 35 hours already. Nice keepin’ ya promise, Niantic…

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Well articulated and relevant. Looks like a slam dunk to me; but I’m not Niantic Support…


Took them only 40 hours to reply. Normally I wouldn’t really bother but the fact they specifically stated ‘within 24 hours’ is what makes it weird.

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They are showing us that they their response speed is faster than Deoxys-Speed !!
:mantelpiece_clock: :mantelpiece_clock:

I had also usually noticed that they respond slowly to our queries if we ask them on weekends…

Plus, don’t you think navigating through the new UI of Pokemon Go Support is quite confusing and unsatisfying, as opposed to their previous style ?

How many of you all had seen that by opening gifts, we are getting peculiar 3 Pokeballs instead of 5 ?

Niantic silently nerfing gifts too…

Can’t say I’ve noticed.

From my side, its yes.

Opened 4 gifts in last two days, and got those peculiar 3 balls.


If I didn’t know better, I’d suggest Niantic’s overarching goal is to prevent players from getting stardust and rare candy, given how many times one or the other or both are absent from raid rewards or gifts opened, or how much those rewards have been reduced for little or no apparent reason.

Oh, wait a second… I don’t know better. Often, it seems to be a game of arbitrary deprivation. Maybe because supply shortages give suppliers leverage.

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I don’t have hard data to back this up but running the Gotchas on the 2x Kids accts I’ve noticed the Red Ball count seems to get into low numbers more often over the last month.
This is indicating that Red Ball drop rates may have been given a nurf across the game.
I can see this as a ploy to make players play longer hours to get the resources required to play. I’m finding I turn the catch function off and spin only when driving to and from work while I do my Gym take down runs.

That was actually the case, however appears to be ‘fixed’. @apavlinovic has already made an article about it on GO Hub, too.
