The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

I got the XL’s for the Trade but got that terrible return when trashing them. I would normally expect at least around 20 for that many.

Distance and time is recorded, but apart from that :


So you keep walking, if Niantic likes few of them, then they will be selected !
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Or did they entered displacement instead of distance, because of which you obtain null output ?
:slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

It’s funny because while I was tracking the route it was close to 2km yet now it tells me it’s just 1.1km (which I honestly doubt, also there is no way I walked 1.1km in 22 minutes). So even that is wrong too

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Something same happened with me yesterday.

I was in city yesterday, but the shop where I was intended to go was yet to start after lunch time. So in mean time I decided to walk around and empty all the Red and Yellow Gyms nearby. I succeeded in removing couple of Gyms where people had put their Pokemon just 10-15 minutes ago :joy: .

Along the way I first time won a in-person raid in my small journey of Pokemon GO, that too was 1* Raid.

But to my surprise, my 30 minutes of walking only counted 0.8 km, whereas I traversed between two checkpoints which were 2km apart according to signboard…

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Has getting a 100% from Trading been nerfed?
I’m now on +600 since my last 100% which was also a big number from the previous.

The last hundo I got from trading was on the 29th June -19 days ago.

I do 100 trades almost every day - so it’s looks like I ain’t go one for just under 1900 trades! Welp! :pleading_face:

Cat got one going the other way on 11th July - that’s about 700 trades ago.

Nerfed?!? Maybe :man_shrugging:t2:

I wouldn’t notice a nerf – I have only one hundo from trading, ever.

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I also got only one lucky from trading, ever.

Me, too, has only ever gotten one Hundo off a trade and that was years ago so I too can’t provide valuable information regarding a Hundo nerf :grimacing:

And this thread inspired me to push that lucky hundo to the max. :star_struck:


Many times I wonder :

  • Why we have to catch a Pokemon of same species( or base species ) in order to power them up and evolve ?
  • Why we need Mega Energies in order to mega evolve an eligible Pokemon, and even if we need them, then why we need to walk to collect them again ?
  • Why signature moves like Shadow Force are made awfully worst, despite the fact that those moves are actually very strong ?
  • Why XL candy system exists, and if they want them to exist, then why not those XL-powered Pokemon battle in a different league, rather than them participating in Open Format ? This always gives high level trainers a bad advantage over 90% players. Considering Pokemon like Medicham, Bastiodon, Carbink, Sableye, etc…

All these baseless ideas doesn’t exists, but still Niantic had introduced, or rather made their ideology around these…
:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I heard that the max number of trainers to enter the same PokeStop showcase is 200, but each trainer can only enter 3 different showcases, that number is very low in my opinion.

Also once you put your eligible Pokemon to all 3 showcases, you no longer can be able to switch Pokemon to improve your ranking in each showcase, it’s a weird design in my opinion.


It’s more than weird…
If you have the chance to go to a countryside Pokéstop the probability that others will enter is very low, So, getting a first place is much higher (as my first in the badge).


I can vouch for that. I get Top 3 every time from the Showcases in my village. The only one I entered in a town I came 73rd! :laughing:


That’s a bug I believe.

With the Snorlax one i went to place my Snorlax in a showcase but it was the one I had already placed in the previous showcase. From memory it asked if I wanted to remove it from the previous one.

Yeah, I know what you meant, when you have 2 Snorlax in 2 showcases, the game would still ask and allow you to switch those Snorlax in the showcases with either the one from other showcase or the one in your inventory.

But once you put 3 Snorlax in 3 showcases, which is the max number of showcases you can join at one time, the game no longer ask or allow you to switch out your Snorlax, the switch pokemon option is gray out if I remember correctly.

What the … ? How… Huh?

No field research tasks in my queue, yet (still room for 3 more).
Spin stop.
Get 3-day spin streak bonus… (first spin of the day for ANY stop)
But got no new Field Research task?!?

I’m not exactly mad, so this isn’t really a vent. But my brain’s gagging on that, because it seems to make no sense! Anybody seen that happen before or know a possible reason for it?

Was there 4 already, and you somehow claimed all four of them today only ?

None. I used all the slots for “catch 3 squirtle” tasks yesterday. I had finished all those tasks by last evening, and the only thing in my field research was the scan-a-stop task.

The next time I spun the same stop, it gave a task. “walk 1 km” - woo hoo. And since I’ve already wasted more time on this than it deserved, I’ll drop the matter.